Amend printed copy of HB 269/PHS 2

On page 2, line 1, by deleting "1,681,000" and inserting "1,931,000" in FY 2002-2003 and adjusting subsequent subtotals and totals accordingly;

On page 8, line 27, by deleting "19,464,900" in FY 2003-2004 and inserting "19,484,900";

On page 9, line 3, by deleting "25,168,700" in FY 2003-3004 and inserting "25,188,700" and by adjusting subtotals and totals accordingly;

On page 28, by deleting lines 19 through 21 in their entirety;

On page 54, line 10, by deleting "13,222,000" and inserting "14,972,000";

On page 64, line 7, by deleting "11,243,500" in FY 2002-2003 and "11,243,500" in FY 2003-2004 and inserting "11,527,900" in FY 2002-2003 and "11,752,100" in FY 2003-2004;

On page 64, line 10, by deleting "14,027,300" in FY 2002-2003 and "11,539,700" in FY 2003-2004 and inserting "14,311,700" in FY 2002-2003 and "12,048,300" in FY 2003-2004 and adjusting subtotals and totals accordingly;

On page 83, between lines 26 and 27 by inserting the following:

"c.New Economy High-Tech Investment/Construction Pool

Restricted Funds10,000,0005,000,000

The Commissioner of the Office for the New Economy shall determine the amounts to be apportioned between the High-Tech Investment Pool and the High Tech Construction Pool." and adjusting subsequent subtotals and totals accordingly;

On page 93, after line 19, insert the following:

"o.High Voltage Electrical Distribution System

Restricted Funds10,500,000" (FY 2002-03);

On page 94, line 21, by deleting "3,000,000" and inserting "3,800,000";

On page 96, line 20, by deleting "902,600" and inserting "920,600";

On page 102, line 19, after "Hall" by inserting "Renovation";

On page 102, line 20, by deleting "Agency Bonds" and inserting "Restricted Funds" and by deleting "1,750,000" and inserting "2,500,000";

On page 125, line 18, by deleting "kc." and inserting "kb.";

On page 125, line 20, by deleting "kd." and inserting '"kc.";

On page 132, line 21, by deleting "11,320,000" and inserting "7,000,000";

On page 132, after line 23, by inserting:

"m.Materials Characterization Center

Restricted Funds3,000,000

n.Student Parking Structure

Restricted Funds10,000,000" (FY 2002-03);

On page 164, after line 3, by inserting the following and renumbering accordingly:

"288.Owsley County Fiscal Court - Sewer Lines

Restricted 250,000" (FY 2002-2003);

On page 166, after line 26, by inserting:

"Rockcastle County

323.Reauthorize "Match for Appalachia

Community Initiative" and Redirect

to Rockcastle County Industrial Authority

for Land Acquisition and Job Creation or


(Restricted Funds - $245,000)"

and renumbering subsequent items accordingly;

On page 170, line 26, after “7.” by deleting the remainder of that line and line 27;

On page 171, by deleting lines 1 through 5;

On page 172, by deleting line 18 and inserting "Council on Postsecondary Education "Fire/ Life Safety/ Infrastructure Agency Bond Pool and the Renovations/ Infrastructure/ New Construction Agency Bond Pool";

On page 172, line 19, by deleting "Maintenance Pool";

On page 174 after line 20, by inserting the following:

"16.It is the intent of the General Assembly that the Council on Postsecondary Education, in consultation with the conference of presidents, identify projects for funding from the Council's Agency Bond Pool(s). The highest priority should be afforded those projects which address the Commonwealth's commitment to the Partnership agreement with the Office for Civil Rights, student housing fire safety, and other life safety projects. Any unused authority should be used to address renovations, infrastructure, and new facilities. The Council on Postsecondary Education shall report disbursements from the Agency Bond Pool to the Interim Joint Committee on Appropriations and Revenue, the Interim Joint Committee on Education, the Secretary of the Finance and Administration Cabinet, and the Capital Projects and Bond Oversight Committee.";

On page 182, line 5, after "2002" by inserting "or 2003";

On page 187, line 7, by deleting "calendar year 2002 and";

On page 188, line 2, after "KRS 45.229", by inserting ", except General Fund amounts which are appropriated for fiscal year 2003-2004";

On page 188, line 10, after "1995." by inserting "The Governor shall direct all agencies of the Executive Branch, including constitutional officers, as to the number to be reduced in each agency.";

On page 188, line 12, after "2002." by inserting "The Governor shall direct all agencies of the Executive Branch, including constitutional officers, as to the number to be reduced in each agency.";

On page 188, line 27, by deleting "for" and inserting "relating to";

On page 189, line 3, by deleting "such" and "as";

On page 189, line 10, after "not", by inserting "expend or";

On page 191, line 7, after "3." insert "Notwithstanding KRS 18A.355(1), a cost-of-living adjustment of two and seven-tenths percent is provided in fiscal year 2002-2003 on the base salary or wages of each eligible state employee on their anniversary date.";

On page 191, line 14, delete "$11,200,000" and insert "$11,490,000";

On page 195, between lines 7 and 9, by inserting the following:

"1.Office of the Governor250,000

Agency Revenue Funds" (FY 2002-2003) and by renumbering and adjusting totals as necessary;

On page 197, line 17, by deleting "314.456" and inserting "314.027 and 314.161";

On page 206, line 5, by deleting "$6,916,450,000" and inserting "$6,989,900,000";

On page 206, line 6, by deleting "$7,149,750,000" and inserting "$7,158,000,000";

On page 230, between lines 6 and 7, by inserting the following:

"c.Funds Transfer:The Cabinet for Families and Children shall transfer a total of $4,000,000 in Restricted Funds in fiscal year 2003-2004 to the Department for Medicaid Services to expand the Supports for Community Living Program.";

On page 231, between lines 21 and 22, by inserting the following:

"b.Funds Transfer:The Cabinet for Families and Children shall transfer a total of $4,000,000 in Restricted Funds in fiscal year 2003-2004 to the Department for Medicaid Services to expand the Supports for Community Living Program." and renumber subsequent sections accordingly;

On page 244, line 15, after "$300,000", by deleting "each fiscal year" and inserting "in fiscal year 2002-2003";

On page 275, line 1, after "funds" by inserting "in excess of those appropriated in this Act"; and making all necessary adjustments to subtotals and totals and numbering of divisions, subdivisions, items, and projects to reflect changes required by this amendment and all other adopted committee and floor amendments.

SUMMARY: Technical corrections.

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