Good Evening Marketeers,

We say good-bye to social media for now and move on to face to face venues. I want to start off by saying I'm sorry if I overwhelmed you with all the information I gave last week. I didn't mean for it to overwhelm you. I want you to know that these are just "tools" to use - you get to pick and choose which ones work for you. One thing might work for you when something else might work better for another person. It might even depend on your book. As I've mentioned before I've done much better with face to face venues so this lesson is right up my alley.

Okay, let's get started on Lesson #3!



Our first book is due to be published in the next six months. The excitement is palpable and we can't wait to have our book launch. We've seen others post about theirs on-line andfinally it is our turn to introduce our baby - oops I mean book - to the world. What are some things you can do to make it successful?

1) Plan 4-6mths ahead so you can publicize your launch.

a)Distribute posters to libraries, coffee houses, book clubs, churches, etc.

b)Hand written invitations/postcards can be sent as reminders

c)Inform and invite the press

d)Set up a Facebook event page

2) Atmosphere/Venue Location

a)When thinking about a venue - think spectacular! (Renea Winchester author of "Stress-Free Marketing"/this is a great and inexpensive book on marketing!) For suspense and mystery writers, find a venue that complements the plot. There are murder mystery theaters for rent throughout the country. If one isn't available, or that's not feasible, contact a nearby museum, visitor center, chamber of commerce or an old movie theater. (These are just ideas- you might come up with something better) For my second book I had my book launch in the museum where I had the murder take place. That was really fun! My most recent book launch was at abook store where I'd had signings before and had a following already.

Romance writers should consider historical locations, antique shops or privately owned historical locationsin their communities. There is nothing more graceful or appealing than introducing a book within the parlor of a grand building.

Other places might be a: Coffee House, Botanical Garden, Have a neighborhood tea, Restaurants or Lodges with gift shops.

3) Budget

a)Facility Rental


c)Food and Drinks

d)Promotion Materials

You don't have to break the bank for have a signing.Make a realistic budget you can afford. There are many venues you can get free or for a low cost. I didn't have to pay anything for the museum or the book store. At one launch I paid a small fee to use ameeting room at the library. You can make someof the things you will need yourself to save money. Use your imagination.


More than likely people aren't going to be clamoring at your door asking you to come and talk or sell your books (not until your name becomes familiar). You have to be proactive and play detective to find venues where you can talk about and sell your books. There are plenty of places out there - the question is how to find them. I've found that book clubs, libraries, book stores, writing groups, teaching/speaking at conferences are some great places to start. Look on-line, in the local paper, network with fellow authors, attend conferences, search for local libraries (most states will have a list of all libraries and contact person on-line).



b)coffee shops

c)gift shops

d)book festivals

e)arts and crafts festivals

f)writer's conventions

g)reader's conventions


i)book clubs

j)specialty shops



m)visitor centers

These are just some I've come up with - can you come up with more?

I know that many of you (the majority of you) have said you are introverted or don't feel comfortable approaching people. I have found out with the many venues I've attended that if you want to sell your books you have to approach people. If you don't they will walk right pass you. You can go up to people and hand them an information card and introduce yourself. Ask them if you can tell them about your book/books. That will start the conversation. If you believe in your book it will show and they will get excited about it, too. IMPORTANTto remember - you are not selling yourself or your name - you are selling a product that will enhance their lives. How do I know this? I've had many people email me or come up to me and tell me how something in my books resonated with them and how much they appreciated me writing it. This is what all those hours of labor pain were for.

This is all I'm going to post this week. I willpost part 2of thislesson next week and wind up the class. What a fantastic group of marketeers I've been introduced to. I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed reading all of your posts and to see the sharing of information. Here is another chance to share something that has worked for you - or even share ideas of what might work. Believe me when I say I don't have all the answers! This is a journey for all of us. For homework I'm not going to ask you to do one of these, but I will ask if you have a published book have you done one of the things I've listed - did you have a book launch? If youdon't have a published book yet what are some things you'd like to do when your book is out? Can't wait to hear from you. Once again, please email me if you have anything you need to talk about!
