Franklin County Conservation Board

Minutes ofMeeting on

November 14, 2016

Board Members present: Brian Tegtmeyer, Jon Petersen, Bruce Harris, Tony Stadtlander, Sandy Eckhardt

Staff Members present: Brody Bertram, Ned Parker, Logan Van Dyke

Guests present: Mike Nolte

Meeting called to order: 6:40 p.m.

Public Participation: None

Review and Approve Minutes of October 2016 Meeting: Jon moved to approve minutes, Bruce 2nd, all ayes. Motion passed.

Appointments: None

Old Business:

1)Special Event Permit: Ned developed permit to spell out requirements for renting Maynes Grove Lodge & grounds & clarify rules & regulations. This will be IN ADDITION TO lodge rental application. Bruce moved to adopt the SEP effective December 1, 2016, Jon 2nd, all ayes. Motion passed.

2)Potential land acquisition: Logan has no news on this – will keep in touch with landowner.

3)Door repair at Maynes Grove Lodge: The doors have been lubricated & seem to be working better. We will wait until spring to see if they will need to be replaced, even though mechanisms are expensive & complete doors are even MORE expensive!

New Business:

1)Popejoy Park use change: Very low revenue from this Park the past few years. Staff wondered if it would be ok if they maintain only a couple of camping spots & around the shelter house and seed the rest to native prairie plants. All agreed this would be ok!

2)Volunteer help: Dillon Hayley is a student volunteer who will be helping out with assorted tasks in the parks & learning about the department at the same time – he will be available until he graduates next spring.

3)Law Enforcement issues: Jordon Hansen, our DNR Officer, caught someone running an ATV down the trail & into Deer Meadows to check traps. Jordon called our Sheriff's department, but the officer on call would not do anything. We will ask Lynn Larson, our newly elected Sheriff, to come to our January meeting. We could also hire a part-time officer – suggestion from IACCB.

4)Camping Summary: Brody gave an informative report on camping revenues. Mallory Park's revenue doubled (due to shower house & fee increase) and WKW's was way up. But Robinson Park & Popejoy Park's were way down. Firewood sales have been a worthwhile effort! We will begin discussions again next year for updating Robinson Park's electrical situation. Brody will get more detailed prices for approximately 12 pedestals, etc.

5)Other New Business: Coulter wants to put up a snow fence by the west end of the trail. OK with us!

Approve Bills: Jon moved to approve the bills, Tony 2nd, all ayes. Motion passed.

Discuss Conservation Director Position with possible action:

Board went into closed session to discuss hiring of new Director. Hiring committee reported that initial offer to hire was officially withdrawn. Would now like to offer position to another applicant. Other Board members agreed. Applicant was offered & he agreed to consider. Came out of closed session.

Adjournment: Sandy moved to adjourn meeting, Bruce 2nd, all ayes. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.

Next meeting will be

on December 12, 2016

@ 6:30 p.m. at the

Franklin County Conservation Office

Respectfully submitted,

Sandy Eckhardt

Sandy Eckhardt, Board Secretary