
I would like to gratefully acknowledge those persons at the Oklahoma House of Representatives who assisted me in the preparation of this volume. I would like to first express appreciation to Assistant Chief Clerk/Journal Clerk and Assistant Parliamentarian Susan Hill who assisted with the House precedents arising during the 50th Oklahoma Legislature and the 1st Regular Session of the 51st Oklahoma Legislature. Prior to the beginning of the 2nd Regular Session of the 51st Oklahoma Legislature, Jan Harrison became the Assistant Chief Clerk/Journal Clerk and Assistant Parliamentarian. When the need arose, Ms. Harrison willingly agreed to serve, in addition to her normal duties, as the Acting Chief Clerk for the 2nd Session of the 51st Oklahoma Legislature. During this time, Assistant Chief Counsel, Mark Harter, assisted Ms. Harrison by attending the floor sessions and serving as Acting Parliamentarian. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Mr. Harter and to Ms. Harrison for the diligent execution of their duties as Parliamentarian and Assistant Parliamentarian. Because of their efforts, the House enjoyed excellent counsel and guidance on all parliamentary questions arising throughout the course of Session. Many of the precedents published in this volume reflect their hard work and expertise. With regard to the countless details attendant to preparation for publishing, I would like to thank Sherri Tate in House Information Services and Support Staff Supervisor, Nancy Lutes, for their assistance in formatting the camera-ready product; Bill Status Clerk, Emily Giles; and Engrossing and Enrolling Clerk, Renee Decker, for their efforts in proofing the text for errors. Finally, I would like to thank my Executive Assistant, Collette Houchen, for her dedication in proofing the precedents, annotated rules and index. Without her direct assistance and encouragement, publication of this volume would not have been possible.

Joel G. Kintsel, Parliamentarian

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma