PEOPLEs’ friendship university of russia


DEPARTMENT OF Regional Economics and Geography,

department of marketing


Dear colleagues!

11 and 12 November Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia will hold III International Research and Practice Conference:

“World and Russia:regionalism in the context of globalization”

The conference is supposed to discuss the following range of problems:

1. The tendencies of the world economy (the changing role of manufacturing and service industries in the economic development; the role of knowledge-based economy ; the development of hi-tech industries and Information and Communication Technologies).

2. Social and economic development of countries and regions in the context of globalization.

3. Regional, economic and political integration.European Union.

4. Russia in the world economy.

5. Regional economics of the Russian Federation:social and economic peculiarity of the development of Russian and its regions.

6. Territorial marketing, image of regions.

7. Regional politics:the world experience and its application in Russia.

8. Cluster policy as effective form of production and management.

9. Regionalism as a cultural phenomenon.Regional identity in foreign countries and the Russian Federation.

Scientific Organizing Committee of the Conference:

Buchek M., professor, Head of Department of Regional Economics of the University of Economics, Bratislava (Slovakia); Gishar Zh.P., professor of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Management of Nice Sophia Antipolis University (France); Gorkin A.P., professor of the Geography Faculty ofMSU (Russia); Zobov A.M., professor, Head of Department of Marketing, Rodionova I.A.,professor of the Faculty of Economics of PFUR (Russia); Stryjakiewicz T. professor of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, (Poland); Kholina V.N., Head of Department of Regional Economics and Geography of PFUR (Russia); Shimanska D., professor of Toruń Nicolaus Copernicus University (Poland)

The Conference programme is planned to include the report of leading Russian and foreign scholars and specialists:

Buchek M., professor, Head of Department of Regional Economics of the University of Economics, Bratislava (Slovakia); Gishar Zh.P., professor of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Management of Nice Sophia Antipolis University (France); Gorkin A.P., professor of the Geography Faculty of MSU (Russia); Granberg A.G., member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of Department of Regional Economics and Economic Geography of The State University –Higher School of Economics, Moscow (Russia); Gusakov N.P., Dean of the Faculty of Economics of PFUR, Moscow (Russia); Zobov A.M., professor, Head of Department of Marketing, Kolosov V.A., Vice-President of International Geographical Union, Head of Center of Geopolitical Studies of Institute of Geography RAS, Moscow (Russia); Rodionova I.A.,professor of the Faculty of Economics of PFUR (Russia); Smiryagin L.V., professor of the Faculty of Geography of MSU (Russia); Khorvat D., Director of the Center of Regional Studies of the Academy of Sciences of Hungery, Pecs (Hyngary); Shimanska D., professor of Toruń Nicolaus Copernicus University (Poland); J.Stadelbauer, professorof theFacultyofGeographyofFreiburg University (Germany); Shuper V.A., senior staff scientist of the Institute of Geography RAS, Moscow (Russia) and others.

In the framework of the Conference The Youth Scientific School “Link of Times:from the elite of the present to the elite of the future” will be working.Within this school a number of master-classes are to be held and the leading Russian and foreign scientists and specialists due to present their reports before students and postgraduates.

Extra information can be obtained on the web-site:(кафедраРегиональнойэкономикиигеографии - «Конференция»).

To participate in the Conference you have to provide the following documents:

1. An Application Form (Submission deadline - 1st September 2010) – appendix №1

2. The paper text in compliance with the requirements (submission deadline 15th September 2010) – appendix. №2

3. Arrangement fee confirmation (deadline – 1st October 2010)

Arrangement Fee:

The arrangement fee is 1000 rubles (foreign participants will be able to pay it to the Organizing Committee during the Conference).

Arrangement fee for students and postgraduates is 300 rubles.


1st September 2010 – the deadline for application receipt;

15st September 2010 – the deadline for receipt of papers from the Conference participants;

1st October 2010 – the deadline for arrangement fee receipt.

Contact information:

Address: Moscow, 6 Miklukho-Maklaya str, Faculty of Economics, Department of Regional Economics and Geography (room 26-28)


This is the first Call for Papers.If you take an interest in the Conference and are willing to get extra information about out Conference sign in by writing to: in a free form to say that you want to get the news about the Conference “World and Russia: Regionalism in the Context of Globalization” – 2010.

Appendix 1

Application Form

Surname/first name/patronymic (in full without shortening)
Full and shorten name of organization
Staff Position (in full)
Academic degree and academic rank
The paper headline (publication)
Contact telephone number s (office, home) with ZIP code
How did you come to know about this conference?
For participants from other cities and countries
Postal address (home or office) with ZIP code (for mailing brochure of collected works)
Hotel reservation and requirements /
  • Yes
  • a single room
  • a double room
  • No

Arrival date
Departure date


1) the participants from other cities will be accommodated in the university hotel on participants' own account (cost of room ≈ 1000-2000 per person per day);

2) the Applications Form of foreign participants are due to filled in Russian and English;

3) in the case of authorship each participant will fill an application form;

4) the Application Form is filled in Word;

5) the example of the filename: Иванов И.И._(заявка)_(Москва).doc

Иванов И.И._(заявка)_(Москва).docx

Appendix 2

Requirements for Article Text Layout

  1. The paper submission deadline - 15thSeptember 2010. The paper is submitted electronically in Russian and English.
  2. The size of the paper:for students – maximum 3 pages, for postgraduates and candidates for a degree – max. 6 pages.(12 000 printed characters, for professors, doctors and candidates of science, lectures and researchers – max. 12000 pages (24 printed characters)
  3. The paper text:Font - TimesNewRoman, 10 points.line spacing – single-spaced.Text alignment – full justification.Indentation – 1 cm.Margins:top and foot margins - 6.3 cm., left and right - 4.8 cm.Text without hyphenation.
  4. Headline:The paper headline – TimesNewRoman, 11 points, bold, full justification, all letters capital.
  5. Author – TimesNewRoman, 10 points, right justification, with identification of place of employment (study) and e-mail (see the sample of layout and formatting).
  6. Footnotes – at the foot of the page.Bibliography – at the end of the paper.
  7. Figures and diagrams are to be put in the text as an object.Colored figures and diagrams are not acceptable.Maximal width of a figure, diagram or table – 11 points.

ATTENTION!The content of the paper is the responsibility of author/authors.The Organizing Committee reserves the right to edit the spelling and “technical” layout of the paper if it is necessary for compiling the brochure of collected works.The articles containing innovative scientific approaches and fresh findings of research will be recommended for publication in the journal “Bulletin of PFUR".Series “Economics” (journal is on the list of Higher Attestation Commission)

Sample of paper layout and formatting


Ivanov I.I. Candidate of Geography, associateprofessor

DEPARTMENT OF Regional Economics and Geography

of the Faculty of Economics

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

The place and role of the course “Regional Economics and Management” in curriculum and standards of higher vocational education. The accepted practice of compiling curricula and developing standards of higher economic (including business) education with rare exception does not include the course “Regional Economics” in range core subjects.The project of new standards of 3d generation for specialities “Economics” and “Management” that is due to come in effect in 2010 academic year follows the same pattern.


[1] Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Vocational Education, taining specialities 080100 “Economics” and “Management”

2. G.G. Fetisov, V.P. Oreshin “Regional Economics and Management”.Moscow, INFRA-M, 2006.