Statewide Broadband Task Force

Tuesday, February 22, 2012, 10am-12pm

Conference Call: 1-800-315-6338 (participant code: 4914#)

In Attendance: Chris Brown, Joseph Davis, Rich Gazaway, Robbie Graham, Renee Johnson, Jim Kohler, Maureen Moore,Bill Popp, Mike Robinson, and Bob Whicker

By Teleconference: John Boucher, Rep Bob Herron, Karl Kowalski, Stevi Morton,Sen Joe Paskvan, and Jeff Tucker

Excused: Mike Baker, Dave Goggins, Myron Naneng, andMike Todd

Guests: Carl Berger/Lower Kuskokwim EDC, Andy Varner/SAWMC, Walter Parker/Arctic Council, Heather Hudson/ISER, UAA, Anne Reed/Read Sytems, Tom Brady/Microcom, Keith Cunningham/SNAP, UAF, Dan Boone/AlaskaTelecom, Sam Morales/Sequestered Solutions, James Lee/AKARNG, Chris Jimenez/DRS Tech, Susanne Fleek, State Director, Office of Senator Begich, David Fauske/Advisor, North Slope Borough Mayor, Joe Little/SNAP,UAF, Rob Earl/Rep Herron’s office and Kimberly VanWyhe/SenPaskvan’s office

Chairman’s Opening Comments: The meeting was called to order at 10:05. Chairman Popp welcomed everyone to the meeting and informed the Task Force that he had just received a request for Representative Guttenberg for a clear definition of broadband. Rep Guttenberg was working on a piece of legislation concerning Alaska Public Offices Commission (APOC)and the current definition was vague. After some discussion it was decided that a small group would meet following the Task Force meeting to craft a definition. Volunteers for the group were: Maureen Moore, Chris Brown, Robbie Graham, Jim Kohler and Bill Popp.

Public Comments: The Chairman opened the floor to public comment. Tom Brady of Microcom introduced himself and pointed out that Exceed (formerly Wild Blue) and Hughes Net had both made big changes in broadband in the last 60 days that would benefit Alaskans greatly. The Chairman directed Chris Brown, Technical Committee Chairman to obtain further information from Mr. Brady. David Fauske, North Slope Mayor’s office inquired as to who was representing the North Slope on the Task Force. The Chairman responded that Myron Naneng was the AFN representative which included the North Slope. Bob Whicker pointed out that he represents all school districts across Alaska and Mike Robinson added that he represents all libraries as well.

Meeting Minutes: Chairman Popp asked if there were any issues with the minutes from January’s teleconference. Joseph Davis moved to approve the minutes as written, Robbie Graham seconded the motion and the minutes were approved.

Task Force Subcommittee Discussions

The Chairman asked each subcommittee chairman to update the Task Force on progress made since the last Task Force meeting.


-Robbie Graham (Group 2) stated that in affect her report was the presentations from ISER and SNAP and so for the sake of time she would defer her report to the geovisualization and research presentations scheduled later in the meeting.

-Joseph Davis (Group II) stated that his group has completed a list of survey questions but was still waiting for some information to complete the list of public/private, native and non-native organizations and communities from across the state.


-Chris Brown reported that he has been working to determine capacity requirements. The second phase lays out network cost per mile for full blown micro radio wave system. He feels it is a significant foundational piece and thank everyone involved, both small and large providers, for coming together in a spirit of cooperation


-Rich Gazaway reported that the regulatory group continues to provide support to the other subcommittees as they encounter questions and issues regarding barriers, permitting processes and right of ways.


Discussion of the research proposals from Scenarios Network for Alaska Planning (SNAP) and Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) were tabled at the Task Force meeting held on January 23, 2012 pending more detailed information. Keith Cunningham, SNAP gave a presentation which provided more detail on SNAPs geovisualization/economic research model proposal. Heather Hudson, ISER presented theAlaska Rural Broadband Impact Study Proposal to the TF members. (See attached document for outline of presentations.) The Task Force engaged in a lively discussion centering on the synergies between SNAP’s geovisualization/economic model and ISER’s pre and post broadband case study. There were questions regarding sustainability of the map and associated costs, availability and practical use of the model and Task Force input into research parameters (i.e. education as well as economic).

The Chairman requested that SNAP and ISER work together closely and share information. Robbie Graham asked if there was a possibility of reducing the overhead redundancy. Heather Hudson did not think it was likely but agreed to look into it. Upon conclusion of the discussion the Chairman asked if anyone wanted to make a motion regarding the proposals. Joseph Davis made a motion to approve both proposals as presented and Robbie Graham seconded. The Chairman then asked if there were any objections; hearing none he declared the motion passed.

ARDOR Grants

Robbie Graham stated that there are 12 ARDORs across the state each at a different point in their pursuit of broadband. She asked the Task Force to consider a “grant pool” for ARDOR planning and research. Connect Alaska would be responsible for the procurement process and management of the program. At this point, as an ARDOR himself, the Chairman recused himself from the discussion and asked Chris Brown to serve as temporary Chairman. After a brief discussion Robbie Graham made a motion to provide $5K per ARDOR, for up to four ARDORs a year for the next three years (total of $60K). The motion was seconded by Jim Kohler. The Temporary Chairman asked if there were any objections and hearing none declared the motion passed.

Public Relations Proposal

The Chairman asked Robbie Graham to present a proposal for the roll out and vetting of the final report before it would be given to the Governor. Robbie explained that various ideas for presenting the plan to the public and gaining feedback had been discussed over the last year from a full summit to several small field hearings. The roll out of the plan is partially driven by the research and draft report due in the fall and her thoughts are leaning more to a big public relations effort at that time. Several TF members would make a PR push to talk about the plan and the process used to develop it at various venues throughout the fall conference season i.e., AFN, Municipal League and State Chamber.

Robbie Graham proposed that the TF contract a PR firm on a limited basis, not to exceed $15K, to book the TF on the fall conference circuit, establish talking points for TF speakers, and a marketing strategy. The draft report is due from the Technical Writer by September 1st leaving September through November to make the conference rounds. Feedback collected, revisions made with the final report due in December. There was a brief discussion, the Chairman asked if there were any objections to the proposal and seeing none declared the motion carried.

Budget Update

Chairman Popp requested a brief budget update so all Task Force members would have a sense of where we are financially. Robbie Graham reported the following:

At the June Task Force members approved the following budget allocations:

$480K (Remaining from original $500K)

$40K (Summit)

$30K (Meeting Overhead)

$250K (Research/Services)

$50K (Misc)

$110K (Unallocated)


At the January Task Force meeting $50K was allocated for the hiring of a Technical Writer and $20K for a Research Assistant leaving $40K unallocated.

Proposals approved today include $235K for research/services ($110K for the geovisualization model done by SNAP and $150K for the case study done by ISER (minus $25K promised by GCI, leaving $125) $60K for ARDOR assistance and $15K to engage a public relations firm to work on the report “roll out.”

$40K (Summit)

$30K (Meeting Overhead)

$235K (Research/Services)

$50K (Technical Writer)

$20K (Research Assistant)

$60K (ARDOR Assistance)

$15K (Public Relations Firm)

$30K (Unallocated)


Chairman’s Closing Remarks:

Chairman Popp stated that he was excited to have finality on the research. He appreciates the funding for ARDORs that the Task Force approved and feels it will be a benefit. Next Task Force meeting will be at the end of April, specifics to follow.

Adjourned: The meeting adjourned at 12:25 pm.