Holloway Sixth Grade School
SummerParent News Bulletin
- June 13ththroughAugust 1st– Holloway will be closed for the summer.
- August 2nd– Holloway office is open for registration.
- August 12th–Teachers report to work.
- August 19th– Meet the Teacher/Schedule Pick-Up (4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.).
- August 22nd – First Day of School.
Dianna Konsire – July 10thChristina Thomas – July 16th
Julie Conerly – July 18thJohn Riaz – July 23rd
Johnny Sheffield – July 24thTeresa Wilson – July 26th
Denny Whitley – August 14th Angie Vera – August 15th
Robin Ballard – August 21stTiffany McFadden – August 27th
Michelle Cole – August 29thKristy O’ Bannon – August 31st
Holloway Says Goodbye To:
Paula Crouch– Language Arts Teacher (Retiring)
Revised 05/18/2016
1” notebook for math
1 pkg. Dividers
Wide-ruled notebook paper
#2 pencils
Map colors
Red pens or pencils
Zipper pencil bag
1 4count pkg. Highlighters
1 spiral notebook for History (120 sheets)
7 folders with pockets and BRADS (one MUST be RED)
2 boxes of kleenex
1 small bottle of liquid glue
Glue sticks
Covered hand held pencil sharpener
4 composition books 100 SHEETS (two for Science, one for Reading and one for Language Arts)
Construction paper
Quart Ziploc Bags
2” Zipper notebook or any notebook to keep papers
Pencil top erasers
Bottle hand sanitizer
Flash drive
Dress Code
The district’s dress code is established to teach grooming and hygiene, instill discipline,prevent disruption, avoid safety hazards, and teach respect for authority.Student dress reflects the quality of the schooland affects students’ conduct. Studentsshall be dressed and groomed in a manner that is clean and neat and that will not be ahealth or safety hazard to themselves or others. Any article of clothing, jewelry, bodydecoration or hairstyle extreme enough to create a distraction or disturb the normalroutine of school shall be deemed inappropriate. The district prohibits any clothing orgrooming that in the principal’s judgment may reasonably be expected to cause adisruption of or interference with normal school operations.
Examples of inappropriate and unapproved choices of clothing, jewelry body decorations,or hairstyles include:
1. Hats, caps, or bandannas.
2. Tank tops with less than 3” strapsor low cut clothing. (neck or underarm)
3. Clothing that exposes bare midriffs, i.e., crop tops.
4. Exposed body piercing jewelry excluding earrings. (i.e. tongue, nose, eyebrow, etc.)
5. Shoes designed for beach or bath wear.
6. House shoes.
7. Excessive or distracting makeup/hair color.
8. Obscene language or symbols, provocative pictures, advertising tobacco or narcoticson clothing, jewelry, or exposed body parts.
9. Symbols on clothing or jewelry that would distract or cause undue attention.
10. Racially related symbols, emblems, pictures, words, slogans,or tattoos.
11. Symbols, words,lines,or slogans cut into hair, eye brow shaving,gang
related engraving, racially related, provocative, otherwise deemed inappropriate by the campus principal.
12. Excessively loose clothing that results in “sagging.”
13. Dark glasses (unless prescribed by a physician)
14. See-through, provocative, or excessively tight clothing, i.e., spandex tights, shorts orpants and excessively tight dresses or skirts.
15. Any torn or clothing with holes.
16. Clothing worn in amanner for which it was not intended, i.e., backwards, inside out,off-the-shoulder suspenders.
17. Any accessory or clothing article deemed gang-related as determined by the schooladministration.
18. For grades (3-12) dresses, skirts, all split garments, and shorts must be no more thanthree inches above the knee while properly worn when standing.
19. Pants must be worn at the waist of the student. (No sagging or hip-huggers)
20. Shorts must be hemmed and cuffed garments that are designed for outerwear.Walking shorts, jams, and culottes are examples of styles that are normally permitted.
21. Not to be worn are cutoffs, wind shorts, short shorts, flannel sleep ware, and boxershorts.
22. Students must wear appropriate undergarments.
23. Whitehouse ISD discourages the wearing of expensive jewelry and other apparel andis not responsible for lost or stolen items.
24. Teacher/coaches/sponsors may define appropriate dress for school-sponsored tripsand extracurricularactivities. Students who violate those standards may be removedor excluded from the activity for a period determined by the principal or sponsor andmay be subject to disciplinary action.Final decisions on the appropriateness of school dress rest with the campusadministration.
Beards, goatees, or other obvious forms of facial hair with the exception of mustacheswill not be permitted in grades 6-12. Regardless of the student’s sex, hairstyle, or lengthof hair,it shall not be covering any part of eyes, or face andhe/she must insure the hair is maintained, neat and in a clean condition. Goodhealth habits will be the priorities when dealing with the student’s grooming. If theprincipal determines that a student’s grooming
violates the dress code, the student may begiven an opportunity to correct the problem at school. If not corrected, the student maybe assigned to in-school suspension for the remainder of the day or until the problem iscorrected.
Final decisions on the appropriateness of school dress rest with the campus administration.