OCTOBER 2, 2005

Members Present:

Minute Approval: Motion by T. Blodgett, 2nd by C. Wolfe; passed unanimously.

Financial Report (S. Wilson):

--request to contact people for surcharges

--income 10/2004-10/2005=$73,526.22

--expenses approx $70,000.00

--checking CD $93,293.54

--losing approx $2,000 per year

--facility surcharges are about the same, costs are increasing

USA Registration:

--packets given to teams

--return to Chuck Hendershot

--FYI-we are the smallest LSC in the country

Officials (G. Prater):

--Greg P. to attend the national meeting in Omaha

--Charleston Oct 16th @ 4:00PM-officials training session

--meeting for WV High School coaches & officials TBA


--Position vacant; Leta Kowal to take temporarily

Adapted Swimming:

--Consider involvement in the zone meet?

Youth Camp (K. Doss):

--Klete Keller at MarshallUniversity

--low attendance

--consider other options for kids

Top 16 (L. Kowal):

--make sure results of meet are in quickly

--Two swimmers on list; Tim Phillips and Katie Blodgett

Unfinished Business (T. Phillips):

--need to follow on bylaws

LSC Meet Schedule:

--MAC Fall Classic; Nov 18-20

--State Short Course Meet March 3-5th

--HYCAT Y-Invitational P/F Nov 19-20th@ UC 12&U; 13&O

New Business:

  1. Convention Report:

--not losing boys

--250,000 registered swimmers

--10,000 officials

--approx 3,000 clubs

--new programs/parent handbooks on CD

--background checks for coaches

--grant writing info available

--SOX-requires certain guidelines to fill 5013C classification; REC-audit committee: Tom Plemons (HEAT) and Candy (FAST) to audit books with S. Wilson.

2. Web Site in process by D. Pitchford

3. Note: USA registration—use legal name!! Non-athletes still need to fill out forms

4. Southern Zone Report:

--Proposal 1: Motion by T. Phillips that participation in short course champs and

Long course champs is still mandatory although long course zone meet is after

Zones. 2nd by Greg Martin and passed unanimously.

--Proposal 2: Motion by T. Phillips to increase surcharge to $5 for WV

Sanctioned meets effective January 1st. 2nd by K. Doss and passed unanimously.

--Proposal 3: Motion by T. Phillips that swimmers be allowed to wear non

Uniform suits but must comply with color and will be given credit towards more

Expensive suits. 2nd by G. Olson and passed unanimously.

  1. New Chairs: Steve Lutz-Outreach; Leta Kowal-Records; Aaron Settle-Safety
  2. Club Development Seminar: USA Swimming comes in and makes presentation for free—1 day. ?? At Concorde C-lions April 29, 2006.
  3. Re: Meet sanctions: Motion made by T. Phillips; as a condition of issuing a sanction, clubs must provide meet information within 2 weeks. The checks must go to S. Wilson and results sent to Records/Top 16 chair. Motion 2nd by G. Martin and passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned and scheduled for April 30, 2006 @ U.C.

Respectfully submitted,

Heidi Blodgett