Regular Monthly Meeting

September 11, 2013

The Washington Township Board of Supervisors held their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, September11, 2013. Supervisors present: Steven McClelland, Chairman, Robert Hrin, Ronald Sunderland and Harold Wilson. Absent: Vice-Chairman Mike McClintick. Also present: Greg Kruk, Solicitor, Colleen Pifer, Twp. Secretary/Treasurer and Daniel Whaling, Twp. Roadmaster. Visitors: Bill Kulbacki, Rob Singer and Cathy Moore, Courier Express.

Chairman Steve McClelland opened the meeting at 7:00 PM. After the Salute to the Flag the Chairman asked for a moment of silence for those who were lost and gave their lives on 9-1-1 and those serving our country now.


Bill Kulbucki introduced Rob Singer, SEO from Kersey. He is the SEO that Pennsafe uses for their enforcement. He asked Mr. Singer to come so that if the Supervisors had any questions about the procedure or fees for a septic application he could answer them. Ron Sunderland questioned him about how many times you can probe a piece of property. Mr. Singer said as many as it takes and it cost the same no matter how many probes you take.


On a MOTION by Robert Hrin, a SECOND by Harold Wilson, all the board voting in favor, the minutes of the August 13, 2013, monthly meeting were approved as presented.


On a MOTION by Steven McClelland, a SECOND by Harold Wilson, all the board voting in favor, the vouchers due for payment and the payroll for the employees from August 13, 2013 thru September 11, 2013 were approved.


On a MOTION by Harold Wilson, a SECOND by Ronald Sunderland, all the board voting in favor, the monthly Treasurer’s report was approved as presented. A copy the Treasurer’s report will be on file.

The Treasurer reviewed some of the purchases that have been made this year from the General Fund that could be paid for from the Emergency/Equipment Fund and/or the Reserve Fund.

In 2012 at this time, the General Fund had S206,000 and after paying the bills tonight the General Fund has $116,000.


Regular Monthly Meeting

September 11, 2013

Treasurer’s report continued…

Truck bed - $6275; Repair to GMC Truck - $7467; Shale - $7720; Midland Oil - $13,570; Apple Tractor - $4000; Roof on Equipment shed - $13800. The Treasurer said these were very legitimate purchases; however the General Fund is being drained.

On a MOTION by Ronald Sunderland, a SECOND by Harold Wilson, all the board voting in favor, the Treasurer was given permission to transfer $15,000 from the EM/EQ Fund to the General Fund and $20,000 from the Reserve Fund to the General Fund.


1)  DEP – has reviewed the Notice of Intent to operate under the NPDES Permit for James Buchanan on Woods Road and determined they are eligible (escrow account is for this system; 2) EQT – Notice of Intent to use erosion & sediment control general permit 2 for oil and gas operations for the Raymond Project on Stevenson Hill Road & one for the Weed Project on Beechwood Road.



Ron Sunderland noted that EQT was cracking down on their drivers speeding.

Bill Kulbucki thanked the Road Crew for the fine job they have been doing on the roads.


Mike McClintick was absent. Dan Whaling reported that the oiling was just about wrapped up. However he did run out of oil just before finishing Kyle Run Road. We have used the number of gallons of oil allowed per our bid. We would have to be billed separately and use General Fund money or Reserve Fund money to pay for it to complete Kyle Run Road. The cost is approximately $5,407.00.

On a MOTION by Harold Wilson, a SECOND by Robert Hrin, all the board voting in favor, Dan Whaling was given permission to oil the extra strip on Kyle Run Road to finish it.

Washington Township Supervisors

Regular Monthly Meeting

September 11, 2013

Road report continued…

Dan Whaling reported meeting with Jim Scheips, Penndot representative, and they went over to George Maczaczyj’s property to see what they could do about the water problem. George Maczaczyj lives on Tannery Road and he came to the April Township Supervisors meeting and complained about mine water running on his property and into his basement. Apparently the water is leaking from a pond that J.M. DeLullo Stone Sales stripped out behind Gertz Electric on Route 219, Brockway. Tannery Road is across Route 219 from Gertz Electric. The water ran through the pipes that are under Route 219 to Mr. Maczaczyj’s.

Jim Scheips recommended two pipes be put on the Rails to Trails adjacent Tannery Road and another pipe on Tannery Road hoping that the water will runoff before it gets to Mr. Maczaczyj’s.

On a MOTION by Robert Hrin, a SECOND by Harold Wilson, all the board voting in favor, the Roadmaster was given authorization to purchase two pipes to be placed on the Rails to Trails and one on Tannery Road.

Dan Whaling said that Jim Scheips offered to go over the roads with Dan in the spring to help him calculate the amount of oil needed for the roads.

Bob Hrin said the road crew has done a fabulous job on the roads.



On a MOTION by Harold Wilson, a SECOND by Ronald Sunderland, as there was no other business or discussion, the meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Colleen Pifer,
