As a result of the Course Verification Project, several Form 40s have been generated to align the course offerings with the Course Master. Those Form 40s are attached and listed below is an overview of those changes.


EDCI 250 / Professional Development in Family & Consumer Science Education / Abbreviated Title – Prof Devmt FACS Educ
Course credit/type – Maximum repeatable credits =
edci 271 / Classroom Applications of Educational Technology / Course description – Explores classroom applications of educational technology in K-12 settings. The students will achieve a greater understanding of issues and techniques related to technology integration.
edci 310 / Literacy and the Young Child / Course description – A content course designed to provide the background knowledge needed to guide the literacy development of children aged 3-8. The course examines young children’s emergent use and understanding of literacy in the home and in early schooling. The course traces the connections between the developmental history of children’s literacy and classroom practice.
edci 311 / Media for Children / Course description – Books and other resources designed for children and adolescents are studied and evaluated in terms of literary theory and aesthetic appreciation. Emphasis is placed on literature and its place in the child’s world.
edci 311h / Media for Children / Delete course – no Honors program offered
edci 311p / Media for Children – IUB / Course description – Books and other resources designed for children and adolescents are studied and evaluated in terms of literary theory and aesthetic appreciation. Emphasis is placed on literature and its place in the child’s world.
edci 318 / Coordination of Supervised Agricultural Experience Programs / Course credit/type – from 2-3 to 2
edci 319 / Planning Agricultural Science and Business Programs / Course credit/type – from 2-3 to 2
edci 360 / Program Development in Family & Consumer Science Education / Abbreviated title – Program Dev FACS Educ
edci 402 / Teaching Kindergarten: Issues and Methods / Course description – Examination of developmentally appropriate kindergarten curricula, current issues and practices. The course addresses not only the activities and procedures of a kindergarten classroom, but also the connections between children’s development and the design of developmentally appropriate, integrated curricula.
edci 422 / The Teaching of English in Secondary Schools / Course credit/type – from 2-3 to 2I
Course description – Explores a wide variety of instructional practices suitable for teaching middle and high school English including language, literature, and writing – addressing specific pedagogical issues such as teaching diverse learners and developing cohesive “units” of instruction. This class emphasizes reflection on teaching strategies through advanced, interactive field experience, lesson presentations, reflective journals, and culminating portfolios, while considering practical classroom applications of relevant educational theory and research.
edci 427 / The Teaching of Modern Foreign Languages in Secondary Schools / Course title – No variable title
Course credit/type – from 2-3 to 3
edci 429 / Methods of Teaching Physical Education in Secondary Schools / Course credit/type – from 2-3 to 3
edci 432 / The Teaching of Health and Safety in Secondary Schools / Course credit/type – from 2-3 to 3
edci 444 / Methods for Teaching Family and Consumer Sciences / Abbreviated title – Meth Tch FACS
Prerequisites – Prerequisites: EDCI 205, 285, EDPS 235, 265; Corequisite: EDCI 360 or 447.
edci 490h / Individual Research and Teaching Experience / Delete course – no Honors program offered
edci 498a / Supervised Teaching in Elementary Schools – Intermediate / Delete course – old program
edci 498g / Supervised Teaching in Industrial Education / Title – Supervised Teaching in Technology Education (Supvsd Tch Tech Educ)
edci 498k / Supervised Teaching in Family & Consumer Sciences / Delete course – replaced by EDCI 498C/D upon implementation of new program
edci 498m / Supervised Teaching of Mathematics Education / Title – Supervised Teaching in Mathematics Education (Supvsd Tch in Math Ed)
edci 498s / Supervised Teaching in Elementary Schools – Primary / Delete course – old program

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