Learning Supports Professional Development Area of focus:

__Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

__Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (as part of PBIS)


Contact Information
Name of school: / Telephone:
School Address: / School Fax:
School website:
Administrative Contact: / Telephone:
AEA Ed. Services School Contact: / AEA Sp. Ed. Team Rep:
Internal PBIS Coach (if PBIS application) / Internal PBIS Coach email:

**Your Educational Services School Contact and/or AEA Team Rep will be able to assist you in your analysis of your school’s/district’s data to determine which, if any, of these programs have potential to meet the needs of your students and staff.

Data Analysis Utilized to Determine Professional Development Support Needs
Please insert data in each column (if available)
Office Discipline Referrals: (Avg. per month and/or total: indicate date range) / Suspension/Expulsion data: (for current and previous 2-5 years if available)
Student Attendance: (for past year) / Staff Attendance: (for past year)
Academic Data: (indicate data to reflect need for requested PD ie: proficiency rates by grade, subject, and/or sub-group) / Survey Data:
Iowa Youth Survey:
Building Tomorrow Survey (if available):
Graduation Rate: / Open Enrollment % (your students being taught outside of your district)
Students participating in Extra-curricular activities (%): / Number of Students Home-schooled:
Teacher/Staff retention rate: / Family Involvement in school activities, including conference attendance:
Special Education Rate (%):
LRE %: / Special Ed Manifestation Determinations:
% Free/Reduced Lunch:

PBIS Readiness and Commitment Criteria:

▢ Complete Learning Supports Application.

▢ Schedule PBIS Overview presentation for all staff by PBIS Trainer.

▢ 80% or more of staff agree that culture/climate is a top priority and will commit/participate in PBIS implementation over at least 3 years.

▢ Designate a PBIS Leadership Team of 6-10 people to spearhead PBIS process in the school by: facilitating consensus on the PBIS implementation plan and maintaining communication with faculty, staff, and families.

▢ Agreement that all PBIS Leadership Team members attend/participate in all 3-year trainings at the AEA.

▢ Understanding that a School Administrator (Principal or Assistant Principal) must be a member of the PBIS Team, be in

attendance during all trainings, and actively involved in the PBIS implementation process.

▢ Agreement to send internal PBIS coach(s) (non-AEA employee) to 3 AEA coaches meetings per year.

▢ PBIS Team commits to meet at least monthly to analyze school-wide data and develop action steps.

▢ Agreement to collect discipline and PBIS implementation data and submit to Iowa Dept. of. Education 2x per year.

OlweusBullyin Prevention Program Criteria – This opportunity is offered to schools participating in PBIS and is an extension of that training.

▢ Complete Learning Supports application

▢ Overview presented to staff-scheduled after this application process

▢ 80% of staff agrees to commit/participate

▢ Designate a Bullying Prevention Coordinating Committee to spearhead the initiative in the school.

▢ Agreement to monthly communication between LEA on-site coordinator and AEA Olweus BPP Consultant for at least one calendar year

▢ Schedule a two-day training for all members of the Bullying Prevention Coordinating Committee (extension of PBIS)

▢ Order required and supplemental materials including

Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Teacher Guide”

“Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Schoolwide Guide”

“Olweus Bullying Questionnaire” (OBQ) for students grades 3-12

▢ Agree to implement the components of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program

▢ Annually administer the Olweus Bullying Questionnaire (for students in grades three and higher) and enter data into a computer for analysis..

▢ Agreement to use data collection system and permit AEA 267 access to data

Poverty Criteria

▢ Complete Learning Supports Application

▢ Overview presented to staff by Poverty PD provider

▢ 80% of staff agree to commit/participate

▢ Agreement that building/district will participate in the full training

Requests for Learning Supports training and support is granted on a first come first serve basis based on data analysis to determine alignment to school PD training and support needs. Districts/buildings must agree to the additional criteria listed above.

Application deadline: May 15, 2014.

For more information contact one of the following:

Marshalltown RegionDawn Jaeger641-236-7596

Cedar Falls RegionJackie Fober319-273-8250

Clear Lake RegionDea Ellen Birtwistle641-357-6125

Submit application and summary of data analysis to:

Dr. Carol Sensor, AEA 267, 3706 Cedar Heights Drive, Cedar Falls, IA 50613

Revised 4/1/14

Submit form to:Dr. Carol Sensor

AEA 267: 3706 Cedar Heights Dr.

Cedar Falls, IA 50613