London Elementary (Week8)

Skill: Conflict, Cooperation and Compromise

Subject : Social Studies 5th Grade

This test section contains EIGHT multiple-choice and ONE open-response (short-answer) questions. Please mark your answers for the multiple-choice questions in the spaces provided on your Student Response Booklet. Mark only one answer for each question. If you do not know the answer, make your best guess. DO NOT WRITE ANY ANSWERS IN THIS TEST BOOKLET. WHEN YOU FINISH, DO NOT WORK ON ANY OTHER TEST SECTION.
1. / Which BEST describes the beginning of the French and Indian War?
O / A. / Spanish and French fight over Florida.
O / B. / British and Spanish fight over New Mexico.
O / C. / French and British fight over the Ohio River Valley
O / D. / French and Native Americans fight over the Great Lakes region.
2. / During the French and Indian War, the Indians were an ally of which group?
O / A. / Canadians
O / B. / British
O / C. / Mexicans
O / D. / French
3. / At the end of the French and Indian war, Britain and France signed an agreement called the
O / A. / Treaty of Paris.
O / B. / Constitution of the United States.
O / C. / Declaration of Independence.
O / D. / Proclamation of 1763.
4. / What happened when English settlers moved west of the Appalachian Mountains?
O / A. / Native Americans resisted English settlement.
O / B. / Native Americans welcomed the settlers.
O / C. / Native Americans moved farther west.
O / D. / Native Americans showed the settlers survival skills.


5. / Britain made the Proclamation of 1763 to avoid fighting with the
O / A. / French.
O / B. / congress.
O / C. / colonists.
O / D. / Indians.
6. / Many colonists didn’t want to pay taxes because
O / A. / they thought the British had enough money.
O / B. / they thought the money from the taxes was being wasted.
O / C. / they had no representation in making the tax laws.
O / D. / they didn’t have any money.
7. / The Boston Massacre started because
O / A. / people wanted the British to supply soldiers to the Boston citizens.
O / B. / a crowd of angry colonist yelled and threw snowballs at a British soldier.
O / C. / Parliament passed the Tea Act.
O / D. / five colonists were killed.
8. / In July 1775, what was sent to King George III asking for a peaceful resolution to the conflict between the colonists and the British?
O / A. / The Olive Branch Petition
O / B. / The Intolerable Acts
O / C. / The Second Continental Congress
O / D. / The Patriot Act


Read all parts of the open-response question before you begin. Write your answers to the open-response question in the space provided on your Student Response Booklet. DO NOT WRITE ANY ANSWERS IN THIS TEST BOOKLET.
Conflict in the Colonies
13. / After the French and Indian War, there were many conflicts between the British Government and the Colonist.
A. Identify TWO conflicts between the British and the colonists after the French and
Indian War.
B. Explain the cause of EACH conflict listed in part A
Do not write on this page. Please write your
answer to this open-response question in
the test answer booklet


Student Name______

Scoring Guide

4 / Student gives correct answers for parts A and B. All explanations are clear and complete. There is evidence of clear understanding of the concept.
3 / Student gives correct answers for parts A and B. Explanations are correct, but possibly unclear. There is less evidence of clear understanding.
2 / Student answers any two parts of the question (parts A or B) completely correct. There is some evidence of understanding,
1 / Student gives only one correct answer, or parts of correct answers. There is little evidence of understanding.
0 / Student’s response is totally incorrect or irrelevant.
Blank / No student response.

Annotated Rubric/ Performance Expectations for ORQ

Academic Expectation: 2.16

Core Content: SS-05 -2.1.1 and SS-05 2.3.1 and SS-05-2.3.2

Ceiling DOK Level: 3 Question DOK Level: 2

Question Type (circle): Scaffold, Single Dimension/Component, Two or More Relatively Independent Components, Student Choice, Respond to Provided Information

An appropriate student response should provide evidence of the student’s understanding……….

Of conflicts that occurred between diverse groups in the history of the United States.

For example, an appropriate response to this question would show that the student can

Possible answers:

Ø  The Proclamation of 1763

Ø  The Stamp Act

Ø  The Tea Tax

Ø  The Intolerable Acts

Ø  The Boston Port Act

Ø  The Sugar Act

Ø  The Boston Massacre

Ø  And any other major conflict between the British and Colonist

Student must be able to choose two and explain why this became a conflict between the British and the Colonist

Essential Vocabulary:


French and Indian War









Question / First
A.E. / First CC / DOK / Answer
Key / Rational/Annotation for MC Questions
1 / 2.16 Students observe, analyze, and interpret human behaviors, social groupings, and institutions to better understand people and the relationships among individuals and among groups. / SS-05-2.3.1 DOK ceiling 2
Students will describe various forms of interactions (compromise, cooperation, conflict) that occurred between diverse groups (e.g., Native Americans, European Explorers, English Colonists, British parliament) in the history of the United States. / 1 / C / Both the French and British wanted the west of the Appalachian Mts. to the Mississippi River. The British wanted to won the land to farm and build homes. The French wanted it for fur trading.
2 / 2.16 / SS-05-2.3.1 DOK ceiling 2
Students will describe various forms of interactions (compromise, cooperation, conflict) that occurred between diverse groups (e.g., Native Americans, European Explorers, English Colonists, British parliament) in the history of the United States. / 1 / D / The Indians were allies of the French because the colonists wanted to live on the land.
3 / 2.16 / SS-05-2.3.1 DOK ceiling 2
Students will describe various forms of interactions (compromise, cooperation, conflict) that occurred between diverse groups (e.g., Native Americans, European Explorers, English Colonists, British parliament) in the history of the United States. / 1 / A / The Treaty of Paris was signed in Paris, France.
4 / 2.16 / SS-05-2.3.1 DOK ceiling 2
Students will describe various forms of interactions (compromise, cooperation, conflict) that occurred between diverse groups (e.g., Native Americans, European Explorers, English Colonists, British parliament) in the history of the United States. / 2 / A / The Indians did not want the colonists to take their land and resources.
Question / First
A.E. / First CC / DOK / Answer
Key / Rational/Annotation for MC Questions
5 / 2.16 / SS-05-2.3.2 DOK ceiling 2
Students will give examples of conflicts between individuals or groups and describe appropriate conflict resolution strategies (e.g., compromise, cooperation, communication). / 1 / D / The British thought if they made this law that the colonists would obey it and the Indians would stop attacking. The British feared another war.
6 / 2.16 / SS-05-2.3.1 DOK ceiling 2
Students will describe various forms of interactions (compromise, cooperation, conflict) that occurred between diverse groups (e.g., Native Americans, European Explorers, English Colonists, British parliament) in the history of the United States. / 1 / C / The colonist thought it wasn’t fair that laws were being made with their representation.
7 / 2.16 / SS-05-2.3.1 DOK ceiling 2
Students will describe various forms of interactions (compromise, cooperation, conflict) that occurred between diverse groups (e.g., Native Americans, European Explorers, English Colonists, British parliament) / 1 / B / Tensions ere high in Boston due to unfair taxes and other conflicts with the British Government.
8 / 2.16 / SS-05-2.3.2 DOK ceiling 2
Students will give examples of conflicts between individuals or groups and describe appropriate conflict resolution strategies (e.g., compromise, cooperation, communication). / 2 / A / The colonists tried to resolve the conflict with the British before the signing of the Declaration of Independence.