December 1, 2014 – 7:00 P.M.

R. Jay Foster Hall of Justice

Womack Building

Columbus, NC


  1. Call to Order– Chair Owens
  2. Invocation –Chair Owens
  3. Pledge of Allegiance – Vice-Chair Gage
  4. Approval of Minutes – Approval of the November 17, 2014, regular meeting minutes. Motion to approve. Pages 1-6.
  1. Approval of Agenda – You may add/delete items at this time.
  1. Citizen Comments
  1. Emergency Response Team Appreciation – Chair Owens will comment. Page 7.
  1. Appearance Commission Awards – Joe Cooper, Appearance Commission Chair, will present the awards.
  1. DSS Building Final Repair Report – Commissioner Holbert asked that this item be placed on the agenda.
  1. Closed Session – Motion to go into closed session for the purpose of personnel, G.S. 143-318.11(a)(6), and attorney-client privilege, G.S. 143-318.11(a)(3).
  1. Return to Open Session – Motion to return to open session.
  1. Budget Amendment–Sandra Hughes, Finance Director, will present BA #. Motion to approve. Pages 8-9.
  1. Human Resource Director Position – To charge the County Manager with creating a job description and budget requirements for this position. Motion to approve.
  1. Volunteer Boards for Vote – Council of Aging – 1 application, 3 vacancies; Library Board of Trustees – 1 application, 1 vacancy. Pages 10-12.
  1. Presentation of Plaque – Vice-Chair Gage
  2. Commissioner Comments – Outgoing Commissioner Owens
  3. Adjournment - Motion to adjourn.

Indicates information is included in the agenda packet.


December 1, 2014



R. Jay Foster Hall of Justice

Womack Building

Columbus, NC


  1. Incoming Board Swearing In Ceremony –Rev. Walter Bryan (Ret.), Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, will give the invocation. Ki’yon Staley will sing the National Anthem. John Cantrell will perform “Amazing Grace” on the bagpipes.

Clerk of Court Elect Pam Hyder – Oath administered by Sheila Whitmire.

Commissioner Elect Shane Bradley – Oath administered by Sheila Whitmire.

Commissioner Elect L. Keith Holbert – Oath administered bySheila Whitmire.

Commissioner Elect Ray Gasperson – Oath administered by Pam Hyder.

Sheriff Elect Donald Hill – Oath administered by Pam Hyder.

  1. Call to Order of the Organizational and Regular Meeting–Clerk to the Board Fehrmann.
  1. Election of Chair – Motion to approve.
  1. Election of Vice-Chair – Motion to approve.
  2. Approval of Agenda (New Chair presiding.) – Items may be added or deleted at this time. Motion to approve.
  1. Appointment of Clerk to the Board - Motion to approve.
  1. Appointment of Polk County Attorney – Motion to approve.
  2. Polk County & UNC School of Government Code of Ethics – This information has been provided to the Commissioners in an informational handbook, and is available for review in the County Manager’s office. Citizen comments. Motion to approve.
  1. Meeting Procedures, Rules, Agenda Items Procedure, and Decorum – Motion to approve. Pages13-14.
  1. Suggested Rules of Procedure - UNC School of Government – This information has been provided to the Commissioners in an informational handbook, and is available for review in the County Manager’s office. Motion to approve.
  1. Commissioner Appointments to Boards by Chair – Motion to approve. Page 15.
  1. Approval of 2014 Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Schedule –Motion to approve. Page16.
  1. Approval of 2014 Holiday Schedule –Motion to approve. Page 17.
  1. Polk County Detention Center Request for Qualifications (RFQ) – Toconsider approval of the proposed RFQ. Motion to approve. Pages 18-20.
  1. Volunteer Board For Review – Tryon Planning Board – 1 application, 1 ETJ alternate vacancy. Pages 21-22.
  1. Employee Christmas Party – Reminder of the Employee Christmas Party on Friday, December 5that 12 o’clock in the Tryon Estates dining room. The county offices will be closed from 11:30am until 2:30pm. Carpooling to the party is encouraged.
  1. Commissioner Comments
  1. Adjournment–Motion to adjourn.

Indicates information is included in the agenda packet.