Humanities Unit Rubric

Student’s Name:

CATEGORY / 10 / 8 / 6 / 4 / Total Points
Content: Thesis / The thesis statement or paragraph names the topic of the essay and outlines the main points to be discussed with reference to sources. / Thesis statement or paragraph names the topic of the essay. / Thesis statement or paragraph outlines some or all of the main points to be discussed but does not name the topic. / Thesis statement or paragraph does not name the topic or preview what will be discussed.
Content: Close Reading 1 / Explores with significant detail and insight how the close reading reveals the importance of the poem to the overall theme of the essay. / Explores with some detail and insight how the close reading reveals the importance of the poem to the theme of the essay. / Explores poem with minimal detail and insight. / Fails to link close readings of poem with theme of the essay.
Content: Close Reading 2 / Utilizes numerous specific details from the poem to build an interpretive argument. Looks closely at the choices the poet made in constructing the poem. / Utilizes some specific details from the poem. At times looks closely at the choices the poet made. / Utilizes few details from the poem. Rarely looks closely at the poet’s choices. / Does not give any specific details or quotes from the poem. Does not consider the poet’s choices.
Content: Critical piece and outside source 1 / Skillfully weaves source material from a critical piece and an outside source to enhance the writer’s thesis and interpretative analysis of the poem; inserts source material in appropriate and interesting ways. / Weaves source material with some skill. Inserts material in appropriate and interesting ways, for the most part. / Source material is discussed in the paper. / Author barely discusses the critical piece or outside source.
Content: Critical piece and outside source 2 / Support information is related to and supportive of the thesis. Seamlessly integrates sources using analysis and does not let quotes “speak for themselves.” / Support information has minor weaknesses in support of the thesis. The author also uses some good quotes and some good details to support his or her points. / Support information has major weaknesses in the support of the thesis. The author also uses some detail and few quotes. / An attempt has been made to add support information, but it was unrelated or confusing. No quotes are used.
Content: Conclusion / The conclusion is strong and leaves the reader solidly understanding the thesis. Effective restatement of the position statement begins the closing paragraph. Addresses the “so what?” or “who cares” factor in relation to their thesis. / The conclusion is recognizable. The author's thesis is restated within the first two sentences of the closing paragraph. Somewhat addresses the “so what?” factor. / The author's thesis is restated within the closing paragraph, but not near the beginning. Attempts to address the “so what?” factor. / There is no conclusion - the paper just ends.
Content: Organization / Organization is a logical progression of ideas and is unified and complete. A variety of thoughtful transitions are used and clearly show how ideas are connected. / There is a logical progression of ideas and is reasonably complete, although minor lapses may be present. Transitions show how ideas are connected, but there is little variety. / One or more major lapses in the logical progression of ideas are evident. Some transitions work well, but some connections between ideas are fuzzy. / Ideas are presented in a random fashion. Transitions between ideas are unclear OR nonexistent.
Conventions / Exhibits REASONABLE CONTROL of grammatical conventions appropriate to the writing task: sentence formation; standard usage including agreement, tense, and case; and mechanics including use of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. / Exhibits SOME CONTROL of grammatical conventions appropriate to the writing task: sentence formation; standard usage including agreement, tense, and case; and mechanics including use of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. / Exhibits MINIMAL CONTROL of grammatical conventions appropriate to the writing task: sentence formation; standard usage including agreement, tense, and case; and mechanics including use of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. / LACKS CONTROL of grammatical conventions appropriate to the writing task: sentence formation; standard usage including agreement, tense, and case; and mechanics including use of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
Style - Sentence Fluency / Demonstrates skillful sentence fluency (varies length, good flow rhythm, and varied structure). The language use is original and engaging. / Demonstrates reasonable sentence fluency. The language use is solid and concise. / Demonstrates minimal sentence fluency. The language use is simple and unremarkable. / Sentence fluency is lacking. The language use is confusing and difficult to make sense of.
MLA Conventions / In-text citations and bibliography are all done correctly and conscientiously. / In-text citations and bibliography are mainly done correctly and conscientiously. / In-text citations and bibliography are present. / In-text citations and bibliography are not present or correctly done.
Comments / Total Points:

Paper 3 percentage:

Letter grade: