January, 2004 IEEE P802.15-<15-04-0011-00-0000>

IEEE P802.15

Wireless Personal Area Networks

Project / IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)
Title / <IEEE802.15 WG minutes>
Date Submitted / [16 January, 2004]
Source / [Pat Kinney]
[<Kinney Consulting LLC>]
[address] / Voice: [ ]
Fax: [ ]
E-mail: [ ]
Re: / [802.15 Interim Meeting in Vancouver]
Abstract / [IEEE 802.15 Working Group Minutes]
Purpose / [Official minutes of the Working Group Session]
Notice / This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release / The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.

IEEE 802.15 Interim Meeting – Session #28

Hyatt Regency Vancouver

655 Burrard Street

Vancouver, B.C., Canada
12-17 January 2004

Monday, 12 January 2004

8:07 802.11, 802.15, 802.16, 802.18, 802.19, and 802.20 Chairs called the joint meeting to order.


§  Review IEEE 802, 802.11, & 802.15 Policies and Procedures (IEEE802.11-00/278r9)

802.11 vice chair read the IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws on Patents in Standards

·  There were no questions from attendees concerning this policy

o  Online attendance recording & document # requests

o  Wireless Network and Network Cards

§  IP statements

o  Upon a call by the 802.11 WG chair there weren’t 802.11/15/16/18/19/20 WG IP statements from any attendee other than Tom Siep concerning IP from TI on mesh networks.

8:27 Approve/modify joint opening agenda

·  Following neither discussion nor objections the agenda was approved.

Review and approve joint minutes from Albuquerque meeting

·  Changes to the minutes were made to section 1.10; the 802.1 PAR was missing, and the report from ExCom was modified to include that some of the ExCom members left due to a lack of indemnification.

·  Upon neither discussion nor objections the joint minutes were approved.

Electronic Attendance and Server Information by Al Petrick (IEEE 802.11-02-044r6)

8:45 Summary of key working group / 802 events / activities

o  Review Interim meetings

May 10-14, 2004 presently at Anaheim California with $375 fee

Sept 2004 presently open

·  Berlin was suggested at the Albuquerque meeting. The preferred hotel is the Estrel but the cost for this meeting seems to be excessive amounting to a proposed meeting fee of $800.

o  Straw poll of those in favor of moving ahead with the Berlin venue 58/78/78, vote fails

§  Sydney is available but the Australian dollar is very strong. Registration fee would be $700.

·  Straw poll of those in favor of Sydney showed significant opposed

§  Bay Area is dominant since the Hyatt Monterey is giving a good deal of $25,000 credit for an event at their premises.

·  Straw poll of Monterey was

·  San Diego was

o  Monterey was slightly stronger

§  Sept 13 week is the same timeframe of ITU. There were 21 members who had objections to moving the meeting to the week of 20 Sept.

§  There were comments that the straw polls were not conclusive in rejecting a non-USA venue.

·  802.15 chair recommended a formal vote within each WG’s session as to the venue

§  Financials/January Interim meeting:

o  Invoice for battery for Dell server of $189

o  Concluding 2003 audit

o  802.18/802/19/802.20 chairs agreed to having 802.11/802.15 to sponsor May and September meetings. Vote for 802.18 was unanimous. Vote for 802.19 was unanimous. Vote for 802.20 was unanimous.

9:02 Report on EXCOM activities and plans

·  802.15 Chair advised the membership that the ExCom minutes were on the IEEE 802 LMSC web site.

8:40 Task group/Study group reports

Report on 802.11 membership (402r16):

Voters: 469

Nearly: 136

Aspirents NA

Non voters NA

Following neither discussion nor objections the 802.11 previous minutes were approved

Documentation update by Harry Worster. Documents cannot have any IP constraints before they can be uploaded to the web site

9:25 802.11 wireless local area networks

Task Group e - MAC enhancements (QoS) by J Fakatselis: TGe will be working on pursuing procedure 10.

Task Group i Enhanced security mechanisms by D Halasz: Sponsor ballot closed on 20 Dec with 117 affirmative and 15 negative, 88% affirmative. 85% votes were returned. TGi will address the 712 comments from this ballot.

TGj: Japanese Shang Li. LB closes on Wednesday.

TGk: Radio Resource Measurement Group- Richard Paine. Working on comment resolution and working toward specification for letter ballot.

TGm by Robert O’Hara, Standard Maintenance: Addressing two interpretations requests and entertains converting the TGm PAR from maintenance to a revision PAR.

TGn: Matthew Shoemake, High Throughput: working on functional requirements and comparison criteria. Bruce Kraemer, Chris Hanson, Shawn Coffee were nominated for the chair position.

Study Group WNG – Globalization and Harmonization of 5 GHz by TK Tan: discussing wireless activities. If Bruce Kraemer would become the chair of TGn then he would step down as vice chair of this committee.

Study Group Fast Roaming by Clint: take motions and submissions for the PAR.

Study Group of ESS Mesh Networking by Steve Connor: Review and modify PAR and 5 Criteria. Nominations for the Chair: Steve Connor, and Donald Eastlake.

Study Group Wave by Lee Armstrong: Working on preparing to work towards a standard. FCC has approved 5.9 GHz for this purpose.

Wireless Performance prediction study group by Harry Worster: This will be the first meeting. There were no nominations for chair of this committee.

WG Technical Editor: Al Petrick will be chairing the technical editors tomorrow’s meeting

9:30 802.15 Wireless Personal Area Networks

Voting Status:

216 voters with 96 nearly voters

There were no 802.15 Working Group policies and procedures updates

15.1a by Tom Siep: This group is in the process of approving and reviewing the mapping of Bluetooth v1.2 changes into 802.15.1a.

15.3 High Rate Task Group-John Barr. Looking at maintenance issues.

15.3a: B Heile: proceeding on down selection process. The second confirmation vote will be held this afternoon.

15.4a alternate low rate PHY by Larry Taylor: Objectives are to finish requirements and PAR and 5C.

15.4 Low Rate Task Group –done.

15.4b enhancements to TG4. SG4b is looking to produce two amendment PARs: spectrum enhancement, and MAC enhancements.

SG5 by Pat Kinney: looking to investigate all issues to PHY and MAC mandated by mesh networking.

Millimeter Wave Interest Group by Reed Fisher: group meets tonight with six contributions.

9:38 Joint 802.11 & 802.15

Publicity Activity Review– B Matthews discussed this week’s activities: status update on WiFi, WiMedia, BT SIG, and ZigBee. Review 11h press release text, etc.

9:39 802.16 by Roger Marks: Next interim meeting will be in China.

9:44 802.18 Radio Regulatory TAG – C Stevenson (IEEE 802.18-04-0001-0000)

Carl noted that for China the WAPI details would be restricted to 11 Chinese companies. International companies would have to partner with one of those Chinese companies.

R Roberts had questions on NPRMs (108, 237 and 365) and requested consideration by WG 802.18

9:52 802.19 by S Shellhammer: Steve reviewed the proposed charters for this WG.

9:58 802.20 Mobile Broadband Wireless Access WG: Jerry Martin. This working group has 184 voters. This week will be spent working on requirements, channel and traffic models, evaluation criteria, coexistence and other business.

10:01 Old Business - Kerry/Heile

10:01 New Business

10:02 Recess joint 802.11 / 802.15 meeting

Wednesday, 14 January 2004

10:35am WG chair called the meeting to order.

WG Chair made announcements concerning the social. Chair commented that four motions are coming up in this meeting.

Motion: to approve the agenda (03-461r0) was made by I Gifford with T Siep seconding. Hearing neither objections nor discussion the agenda passed by unanimous consent

Motion: to approve the minutes from last meeting (15-03-0461-00-0000_WG-minutes-from-Albuquerque-2003.doc) was moved by I Gifford and seconded by J Pardee. Hearing neither objections nor discussion the agenda passed by unanimous consent

10:43 International Interims

Chair asked for a vote on the motion:

For the wireless interims, that we (if the other WGs vote to support this motion) shall hold at least one interim in a non-American location per year.

Moved by Ian Gifford and seconded by Glynn Roberts. The vote was 43/7/17, the motion carries.

Chair noted that this motion only applied to 802.15, 802.11 et al. also needed to concur.

Chair asking for straw poll for preference of Berlin or Sydney for the September interim. Votes for Berlin were 58, with 29 for Sydney.

10:58 TG1a summary and status update by T Siep (15-04-0044-00-001a)

T Siep noted LB25 was sent out on Monday and furthermore all voting members are required to vote on all letter ballots.

11:03 TG3a status by B Heile

Suspension of the down-selection process was suspended until further discussions from the two parties.

11:04 SG3b status by J Barr

Motion: That the IEE 802.15 WG submit an amendment PAR and 5C to IEEE Std 802.15.3-2003 as captured in document 15-04-0032 to the SEC.

Moved by John Barr and Seconded by Chuck Brabenac. Following neither discussion nor objections the motion carries by unanimous consent.

11:11 SG4a status by J Ellis

SG4a is drafting the PAR and 5C. Jason noted that the PAR and 5C will be presented to the WG at the March Plenary.

11:16 mmWave interest group by Reed Fisher

This interest group had its first meeting of this meeting on Monday.

11:17 SG4b status by M Naeve

M Naeve presented the scope and purpose of the PAR for a revision of P802.15.4-2003.

Motion: That the IEE 802.15 WG submit a revision PAR and 5C to IEEE Std 802.15.4-2003 as captured in document 15-04-0037and 15-04-038 to the SEC.

Moved by M Naeve and seconded by B Grohmann. Following neither discussion nor objections the motion carries by unanimous consent.

11:25 SG5 by Pat Kinney

The chair of SG5 described the proposed direction of SG5 being a recommended practice.

11:39 PC update by G Roberts (15-04-046)

The PC group has reviewed WiMedia, BT 1.2, etc. The 11e press release was reviewed. It was noted that the FTC has requested information from IEEE on patent policies and procedures.

11:43 WG19 status by T Siep (19-04-003)

Tom noted that a major objective of this group was PAR review and planning

11:54 Meeting adjourned, next meeting is on Friday.

Friday, 16 January, 2004

8:06 WG chair called the meeting to order

Chair reviewed the agenda. Ian Gifford moved to approve the agenda, Rick Alfvin seconded. Following neither discussion nor objections the motion passes unanimously. Chair noted that C Stevenson’s report would be first, followed by TG1a

8:09 Regulatory Report by C Stevenson

A letter to the Brazilian regulatory was sent from 802.18 thanking them for their attention to the IEEE and requesting some clarifications.

8:13 802.19 liaison from T. Siep (19-04-0006-00)

8:17 Closing report for TG1a by T Siep (15-04-0061-00-001a)

8:22 Closing report for TG3a by B Heile

TG3a’s leadership will be putting together an announcement for the San Diego adhoc.

8:23 Closing report for SG3b by J Barr (15-04-0034-00-003b)

8:28 SG4a closing report by Larry Taylor (15-04-0060-01-SG4a)

Motion: That the IEE 802.15 WG approve the PAR and 5C to IEEE Std 802.15.4-2003 as captured in document 15-04-0048-01-004a and 15-04-047-01-004a and ask the chair to submit it to the SEC.

Move by Larry and seconded by John Lampe. Discussion: what is unique about this PHY? Reply was that there were many attributes of this proposed standard that are complementary and not duplicated by the current standard. Hearing no objections the motion carries unanimously.

8:30 SG4b closing repo0rt

8:33 TG4 closing report

8:44 IGmmWave closing report by Reed Fisher (15-04-0059-00-mmwi)

8:50 SG5 closing report by Pat Kinney (15-03-0499-03-0040)

Motion: That the IEEE 802.15 WG submit a recommended practice PAR and 5C for 802.15 as captured in document 15-04-0042-01-0005 to the SEC.

Moved by: Pat Kinney, seconded by: Ivan Reede

Following no objections the motion carries unanimously.

8:52 Closing report for Publicity Committee by Glyn Roberts

Glyn presented the same report as included in Wednesday’s minutes.

8:53 Motion to approve Peter Johanson as the official 1394 to 802.15 liaison. Moved by J Barr and seconded by M Welbourn. Following neither discussion nor objection the motion carries.

8:56 TGe liaison report by J Bain (15-04-0052-00-0000)

8:58 TGn liaison by J Ellis (15-04-0064-00-003a)

Jason noted that TGn will be looking for a call for proposals in the March-May 2004 timeframe. Jason noted that the proposal for throughput is at least 100 Mb/s while 200 Mb/s is desired. Jason commented that backward compatibility to 802.11 will not be possible with the new MAC and new PHY.

9:10 WNG report by J Karaoguz (15-04-0058-00-0000)

WNG SC is an incubator group spinning off new groups as appropriate.

9:16 1394 WG liaison by A Heberling (15-04-0063-01-000)

This group is proposing a convergence layer to the 15.3 MAC and is PHY independent. Plenary meeting is next week in Kona, HI.

9:21 WiMedia by J Barr

This alliance is looking at taking the 15.3 MAC and providing interfaces to 1394, etc. Next meeting is 3-5 February in Austin TX. The HAL layer is being written by the 1394 group which is to be incorporated into WiMedia’s standard.

9:24 Bluetooth SIG liaison by J Barr

New meetings will be general short range device orientated.

9:28 CES report by B Heile

There were 150,000 attendees at last week’s show.

9:33 ZigBee by P Kinney

ZigBee standard is due for release in H2, 2004.

9:36 Interim Meetings

802.11 voted for the motion to have at least one international venue per year as did 802.20. The leadership is working on the Berlin venue for 13 Sept. Sydney would be the alternative venue.

The information for Anaheim will be posted next week. Fees are set at $400 pre-registration and $500 on-site.

Good discussions with the 802 leadership on having an 802 interim in 2005. Suggested venues for this venue are Shanghai or Yokahama City.

9:42 Policies and Procedures by J Allen

J Allen announced that he is collecting changes to the rules for the next plenary