Match Policy and Requirements
This document exists to outline OneStar’s match policy as well as specific match statements that AmeriCorps sub-grantees must adhere to.
OneStar Foundation Match Policy
General Policy
As required by the Corporation for National and Community service, all AmeriCorps sub-grantees must meet minimum statutory match requirements. In addition, OneStar Foundation’s AmeriCorps grantees must meet the match percentage that is in their approved budgets, not the minimum Corporation-defined percentages, if different. Budgeted match percentages for the Overall Minimum Matching requirements for the grant must be met by the end of the budget period.
Programs that are significantly behind on the overall matching percentages three months prior to the end of the grant period will be asked to discuss with their assigned Grants Officers how they intend to meet the match requirement by the end of the period.
Possible consequences for not meeting match include, but are not limited to:
· Request for payment from the program for over-reimbursement, if applicable
· Non-payment of Request for Reimbursement
· Non-renewal of grant award for the next program year
Policy Exception: Match Waivers
If a sub-grantee is unable to meet its budgeted match requirement, it may submit a match waiver request to the appropriate Grants Officers. In the request, the sub-grantee must:
· Demonstrate an inability to provide additional match dollars
· Demonstrate a financial hardship which would preclude them from resolving the issue by decreasing the CNCS share requested for reimbursement
· Show evidence of any attempts that they have made to secure additional match support
· Match waivers that bring a sub-grantee below the Corporation’s statutory match requirement require approval from the Corporation and must be requested by OneStar.
Match waivers are an exception and are granted on a very limited basis.
Grantee Match Requirements
· Programs must maintain source documentation to support the match requirements for the grant.
· Matching provided for any sections of the budget may be cash or in-kind and federal or non-federal.
· The sub-grantee must provide and account for the matching funds as agreed upon in the approved application and budget.
· Match must not be included as contributions for any other federally-assisted program.
· Match must be necessary and reasonable for the proper and efficient accomplishment of program objectives.
· Match must be allowable under applicable OMB Cost Principles (A-21, A-87, A-122) and OMB Uniform Administrative Requirements (A-102 and A-110)
· Sub-grantee match for administrative costs may not exceed 10% of all direct cost (Sections I and II) expenditures (Corporation and Grantee Share). The only exception to this rule is if a sub-grantee has a state or federally approved indirect cost rate in which case they may report up to the percentage allowable as determined by that rate.
· In order to report match from a federal source, grantees must obtain permission from the source of the matching contribution. Generally, funds that originated at the federal level retain their federal identity, even if passed down through one or more non-federal entities. Sub-grantees are responsible for determining if any match they would like to report originated at the federal level, and if it did, if it has retained its federal identity. On each FFR, grantees must report the source and amount of all federal match expended.
· Cash contributions to your organization may not be reported on Periodic Expense Reports (PERs) when they are received by your organization. These amounts may only be reported when the funds are expended for the work of your AmeriCorps grant.
Last revised 6.22.12 Page 2 of 2