NSC Technical Subcommittee Call Minutes –April 21, 2015
Temporary Tech-Subcommittee folder:
Reg 1: Sara Johnson – NH
Reg 2: Ed Bakos –NJ
Reg 3: Jeremy Hancher, Nancy Crickman, Susan Foster – PA; Olivia Achuko - DC
Reg 4: Jessica Dalton – FL; Mary Talukder - GA; Tony Pendola – NC; Emily Ohde -KY; Melissa Collier-MS; Donovan Grimwood - TN
Reg 5: Renee Lesjak-Bashel, Lisa Ashenbrenner, Kimberly Ake – WI; Rick Carleski, Todd Nein – OH; Christine Grossman – MI; Hien Le - MN
Reg 6: Dianne Wilkins - OK
Reg 7:
Reg 8: John Podolinsky - MT
Reg 9: Jenna Latt – CA
Reg 10:
EPA: Lillian Harris
Approval of March minutes: approved as is.
Update: Subcommittee’s comment letter to EPA’s streamlining regulations request was submitted under Sara Johnson’s signature on May 15, 2015.
EPA Request for Comment – NSPS for Electronic Reporting – comments due May 19
Fact sheet: http://www.epa.gov/airtoxics/ereporting/20150302factsheetaerr.pdf
All discussed possible comments topics. Suggested were focusing on listed NSPS rules that catch many small businesses sectors, lack of all official test methods and reporting type options in CDX/CEDRI, clarifying that NSPS subparts not listed do not require electronic reporting, and some state rules still require hard copy reporting that will result in duplication and confusion. Some NSPS rules of interest included grain elevators, bulk gasoline terminals, RICE, surface coating, and others.
Jeremy (PA) suggested arranging a separate call for those interested to formulate comments. Jeremy will coordinate.
Annual 507 Training –Raleigh, NC from June 24-26 in conjunction with A&WMA conference.
Brief updates on conference sessions: AWMA is asking for bios from us for our session on Thursday, 6/25. Rick (OH) and Jeremy (PA) reported Gary Jones of the Printing Industries Association and Deb Jacobson, Illinois Sustainable Technology Center, will join for both sessions. Thursday’s panel session is on outreach and partnerships and Friday’s session is a technical overview of the printing industry. Jenna (CA) asked if panel will still have a speaker on food waste management and Jeremy confirmed. Tony (NC) AMWA mgmt is interested in what we do and may invite us to a plenary session to increase visibility of SBEAPs. Planning committee call is Thursday. Tony is finalizing AWMA registration form for us. We must use NC form to register for Thursday to get our special one-day rate. Tony will keep us informed.
Michigan’s boiler reg nav tool – comments
Christine (MI) received some comments and MI DEQ is starting upgrades accordingly. Comments related to instructions and software issues (inability to go backwards). She will still take comments this week. She did demo for MI DEQ senior management team and they liked it and saw other applications to NPDES and storm water permitting. Other future application could be hazardous waste ID form tutorial, haz waste and used oil transporters, etc. Results summary should include answers for reference, but Christine had some problems with it. Software used is Articulate 13. Hien (MN) tried the tool and liked it. Downloading the summary and complete responses is not possible, but gives date and time. Christine may ask contractor for enhancements to save summary. Christine reported some troubles with contacting software contractor through online request for support, and is just sticking to basic functionality in correspondence.
Other Business – Jeremy and Rick announced they need to step down as Co-Chairs and volunteers are needed. Contact Jeremy or Rick if interested.
State and Regional Updates
Jeremy (PA) heard of EPA/OECA doing RICE inspections in Region 3 and reported a recent permittee in PA had RICE inspection by EPA. Anybody else have similar occurrences in their Region? Erin (IL): not in Region 5, but Cook County agency doing RICE inspections locally in Chicago area. Donovan (TN): heard from customer that had EPA inspection for something else, but check on RICE compliance was incidental. Tony (NC) commented that EPA revamped its RICE website and had trouble navigating. No others have heard anything regarding RICE inspections by EPA.
Next Call: May 19, 2015
2-3pm EST (3rd Tuesday of month)
Minutes prepared by Rick Carleski, (OH), Technical Subcommittee Co-Chair