/ Palm Bay Primary School

Palm Bay Primary School Sports Premium Impact and Evaluation Statement 2017-2018 (April to April)

The Sports Premium Grant is given to Primary schools to help achieve self-sustaining improvement in the quality of PE and sport.The focus of spending must lead to long lasting impact against the vision (above) that will live on well beyond the Primary PE and Sport Premium funding.

Improvements should enhance, rather than maintain existing provision. For example, where schools are using their funding to employ specialist coaches, these should be deployed alongside class teachers rather than displacing them, in order for their impact to be sustainable and to enable the upskilling of existing teachers.

Palm Bay Sports Premium Plan and Evaluation 2017-18

Total fund allocated:
PE and Sport Premium Key Outcome Indicator: / School Focus/ planned Impacton pupils: / Actions to Achieve: / Allocated spend: / Evidence: / Actual Impact (following Review) on pupils: / Sustainability/
Next Steps:
The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick-starting healthy active lifestyles / Expand existing offer for all pupils to engage in regular opportunities to learn outside of the classroom / Fund release time to enable Beach School Lead to lead an Outdoor Activity beach day for every class – maintain and replace Beach and Forest school equipment
Purchase identification charts and fans to promote Science and nature learning outdoors
Launch ‘wiggle and jiggle Wednesdays’ – purchase sound system and fund staff member to lead dance during lunchtime play weekly
Enhance playtime sports experience through employment of play leader and improved equipment
Fund the staffing of 1-1 swimming lessons for targeted SEND pupils on the autistic spectrum / £1800
£1100 / Every child participated in a minimum of 1 outdoor activity day on the beach, led by the qualified Beach School Practitioner. 95% children reported agreed/strongly agreed that they enjoyed the day and would like to do more outdoor learning.
High participation in Wednesday lunchtime dance sessions, especially among KS2 boys (target group). / Children’s resilience improved.
Teachers all experienced co-facilitating a day of outdoor learning, which has led to an increase in LOTC opportunities in all year groups.
Reduction in playtime behaviour incidents on Wednesdays. / Develop curriculum map to ensure minimum of ½ day per half term of outdoor learning, linked to curriculum topics. Train a further 3 staff members to deliver Beach and Forest school to widen access for all.
Playtime Leader on maternity leave – need to review staffing plan for next academic year
The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement / Improve the structure of playtimes so that children have access to a range of equipment and have ‘tasters’ in a range of sports and games / Annual subscription to PASSPORT – Kent’s local offer for PE and School Sport
Train a new cohort of pupils to become ‘sports leaders’
Expand after-school sports clubs offer for targeted pupils – archery, bouncathon / £650
£450 / 72 children (approximately equal number of boys and girls) participated in a sports tournament in the past year, with the school entering 4 new competitive sports (e.g. dodgeball and handball)
Pupils selected to widen participation (e.g. fitness, confidence, team skills)
Sports Leaders (both from Palm bay and Dane Court Grammar School) actively involved in leading sports day - role models for younger pupils / Pupils have tried a wider range of sports and teams now established across the school
New clubs popular and oversubscribed
All 425 pupils participated in a sponsored bouncathon, raising £3000 for charity / In the next academic year, further widen the range of sports on offer after school – pupil voice to inform choices
increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport / Develop the confidence of new teachers and NQTs, as well as the PE Lead, of teaching PE / Specialist sports teacher to team-team and co-plan with NQTs and teachers new to the school
CPD for teachers
CPD for PE Lead to develop teaching and assessment in PE / £400
£500 / 4 teachers had targeted support – team-teaching, peer observations and co-planning
PE Lead visited 2 local schools to shadow counterpart there and share good practice
PE Lead attended 3 courses to increase subject knowledge / Much improved confidence of teachers involved – PE lessons observed as good overall
PE Lead’s subject knowledge improved – better networking in local area to share equipment and opportunities / Set up inter-school competitions and tournaments to further develop relationships with other schools and widen participation in competitive events beyond what PASSPORT offers – share facilities and minibus
broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils / Increase opportunities for pupils, especially girls, to experience sports, both as participants and spectators / A further 2 staff members to gain their minibus driving licence to enable more trips to events, e.g. Trip to the O2 in London to watch professional Netball
Margate Football Club enlisted to coach Girls Football Team
Fund ‘good behaviour’ rewards for 6 classes with sports-focused trips – e.g. ice-skating, climbing / £1600
£500 / Both staff successfully trained, leading to an increased uptake of off-site sporting events (both participative and spectator events)
Girls football club popular and oversubscribed
Targeted girls also chosen for lunchtime ‘walk and talk’ to increase movement and active lifestyles / The school now has 6 qualified drivers and we will be able to attend more sporting events
Relationship with Margate Football club well-established
increased participation in competitive sport / As above / As above – minibus training for further staff
Cost of coaching additional school teams for participation in local competitions and tournaments / n/a
£250 / Increased number of children participated in competitions and tournaments / Continue spend on additional coaching to widen opportunities for KS1 children, especially girls

Completed by: Lizzie Williams, Head Teacher 06/04/201820/02/2018

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