CFC Coaches,
You are officially invited to the final Central Forensic Conference Tournament that will be held at Huron High School on Saturday, February 4, 2017. We will follow the CFC Tournament schedule, which has round 1 of debate starting at 8:30 am.
Again, we will be using for registration and tab room management. To access the on-line registration, go to, access the South Dakota circuit, and select the HURON CFC2 tournament. Registration must be completed on-line by Wednesday, February 1. After that date, please email any changes to me at .
Remember, you must cover your judging commitments (as there is no judge pool in Huron.) You must provide
1 judge for every 2 debate entries and 1 judge for every 5 speech entries. Please mark your judges for all divisions of debate that they can judge. This will help us better utilize judges and keep the tournament on time.
USE OF ON-LINE BALLOTS: We will be using the on-line balloting that was used at the Sioux Falls Roosevelt Tournament earlier this season. On-line balloting greatly assists the tab room with quicker, more accurate data entry, and, I feel, gives us a better explanation of decision on debate ballots.
JUDGES SHOULD: Please bring a computer, tablet, or other device to use to receive, type, and submit ballots. There will be a limited number of laptop computers available for checkout at the tournament. Please send me the name of any judge who will need a laptop for planning purposes. There will be guest access to the HHS internet, so personal hotspots should not be needed. Below are the on-line ballot procedures that Luke Cumbee sent out. (I just stole them from his email!)
Before the tournament:
1) Sign up your judges as you normally would for a tournament.
2) Then, have your judges register on – tell them to include their email (and phone if they want text updates for when they have to judge a debate)
3) As soon as they register on – they will come across a screen—have them find the section that says “Link your Account” underneath the Judges header. Coordinate with them to make sure the names are spelled the same (Gabe vs. Gabriel… Mike vs. Michael… etc.)
4) When they click on “Link your Account”—assuming you both spelled their name the same—their will be an option for them to “Claim Judge.” They should click this button. When they do, they will be able to access ballots assigned to them throughout the tournament.
5) IF THIS DOES NOT WORK—then I will be able to directly link their account by typing in their email directly into the software.
During the tournament:
1) Have your judge bring an electronic device. This includes a laptop, IPad, or a smart phone. Please provide me a list of who will need a laptop so I can get them ready for the day of the tournament.
(They will be able to check them out at the tab table outside of the library).
2) When the first round gets published—(if they linked their account), they will see their ballot (to find your ballot, all you have to do is click on their email at the top of the tabroom page—this will take them to where their ballot is located).
3) When all of the debaters show up, the judge should then click the “start debate button.” This will let the tab room know the debate has started. (This is how we verify that no judge slept in!)
4) When the debate is over—they can type up their comments, put in speaker points, and vote for a winner.
5) IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS DURING THE TOURNAMENT: Please come to the tab room in the library for assistance. Any questions—don’t hesitate to ask!
We look forward to hosting you at the final CFC Tournament on February 4, 2017.
Mitch Gaffer, Laura Iverson, & Lacey Vanden Berge
The HHS Coaching Staff