NAME: Natural Birth Preferences

Dear Frances Perry Team,

We’d love our labor and delivery to unfold as naturally as is safely possible.

Thank you so much for honoring our preferences. Regards, NAMES

General Info:

  • We intend to useHypno-birthingactive birth skills during the birth
  • We would love attendance of midwives with experience in hypno-birthing/ comfortable with our approach
  • Any interventions deemed necessary to be discussed and consulted with us prior to being done please
  • Positive, calm language please. E.g. Waves/Surges (not contractions), Sensations/Feelings (not pain), Birthing (not laboring).
  • We’d love to facilitate a “home style birth in a safe environment.”

1st Stage Birth:

  • 10 minutes undisturbed after admission to achieve deep relaxation.
  • Minimal Number of Vaginal exams (please ask first).
  • Allow labour to proceed naturally.

Prefer Wireless/ Doppler if possible /
Our music on.
Aromatherapy diffuser. / / /
Request for suite with bath please.

2nd Stage Birth:

  • Minimal Staff in attendance please.
  • Quiet, calm, encouraging atmosphere, free from yelling/orders to ‘push.’ Instead try “bear down” or “bear your baby down”.
  • Avoid Episiotomy unless absolutely necessary.

/ / / May wish to birth standing- leaning on something for support. / If on bed, prefer all fours or squatting. / WARM/OIL COMPRESS held to PERINEUM during crowning.


  • Natural Placenta delivery with no synthetic hormones please (unless deemed high risk of bleeding & provided birth has been “smooth sailing” & no major trauma/fear that may reduce natural Oxtocin levels for placenta to be birthed naturally).
  • Cord Clamping delayed until cord has ceased PULSING.
  • Gentle Cord traction to be used only if medically necessary.
  • Dad to remain with the baby in the event of a surgical procedure/special care transfer.

Until Pulsing CEASED / /
Placenta Encapsulation / /

NAME: In event of unplanned C-Section

We understand that there may be situations in which our choices may not be possible, but we hope that you’ll help us to still make this birth a sacred experience.

Please keep us informed of any procedures or medications in advance.

During Surgery

  • Please explain the surgery/birth to me & my partner as it happens so we can feel ‘involved in our birth.’
  • We’d like to bring in our background music if possible/time allows.
  • Warm blanketduring surgery if possible.
  • Please explain risks and benefits of ‘VAGINAL SEEDING’ to us – provide as option.


  • Please lower the screen just before delivery so I may see the birth of our baby &/or use a mirror so I can see baby be born.
  • If possible, allow the cord to continue pulsing after the birthso Baby may start breathing on her own while still attached to the placenta.
  • Please allow for skin-to-skin contact immediately after delivery and evaluate Baby on my chest, (If this is not possible - DAD would like skin-to-skin contact).
  • Keep cord long for DAD to cut while baby is in my arms.
  • No Hep. B vaccine.
  • Save Placenta (for encapsulation).


  • We would like to keep Baby with us always wherever possible. If Baby must go to the NICU due to medical reasons, my partner will follow.
  • When in recovery I’d love to keep baby with me if possible.
  • Please support me to breastfeed as soon as possible.

Thank you for your time and consideration in reading our preferences.

We appreciate your support and guidance.