Dear Parent, Carer and Dancer,
Thank you for choosing the Amy Greaves School of Dance (AGSOD) and if you’re an existing dancer thank you for your continued custom and support. 2016/17 is set to be an exciting year at the dance school.
What’s the plan this year?
The dance school switches each year between exams and show work. This year sees the welcome return of our whole school show, which is performed at the Artrix in Bromsgrove. The show is titled ‘World Dance’ and everyone can get involved. To find out more details please see the letter inside this welcome pack. For those that love performing there will be other performance opportunities throughout the year.
Get involved with social media?
Social media is a great way to keep up to date with the dance school. So if tweeting is your thing follow us on twitter or follow us on Instagram, Snapchat or Facebook. There is also my YouTube channel to help dancer’s practice at home. This year I will also be running lots of competitions and launching the ‘Win Journal’ through social media so make sure your following the dance school on one of the below platforms:
AmygreavesSchoolof Dance amygreavesschoolofdance @AmyGreavesDance Amy Greaves School Of Dance Amy Greaves
How to order uniform?
From now on I am only doing orders once a month. This usually falls at the end of the month (exact dates are on the calendar in this pack). All orders need to be paid for at the time of the order, or I will be unable to order your items. Items can be paid for by cash, cheque (payable to Amy Greaves, DON NOT WRITE ON THE BACK OF CHQS) or by bank transfer. Please write your order on one of the envelopes provided. I am UNABLE to take orders via text or social media. Any orders that have the AGSOD logo on normally take around 1-2 weeks to arrive, as it has to be sent off to be printed. All other orders will be here within a few days. When your order arrives please check it before your child dances in it otherwise I will be unable to exchange it if it does not fit. Items with the AGSOD logo on I CANNOT exchange unless faulty, so please use the size guide or try on another students before ordering. All prices are on the website and noticeboard.
How to pay for classes? ½ hour £2.30 ¾ hour £3.40 1hr £4.50
There are three ways lessons can be paid for:
1. Cheque payable to Amy Greaves.DO NOTwrite on the back of the cheque. If you need to explain what the cheque is for please place it in one of the envelopes provided and write on the envelope
2. Cash. Please place your cash in an envelope with your child’s full name on it. Even if you need change an envelope must be used, no lose money will be accepted
3. Bank transfer.Account name Amy Greaves, 20-08-44, 90415650. Please reference your child’s name
Payment Policy
1) Lessons can be paid for weekly. If you are paying weekly all payments need to be in by 3:45pm on Saturdays. If you attend lessons on more than one day please can all your class fees for the week be paid in one envelope on one day, in one payment(NEW POLICY)
2) Lessons can be paid for ½ termly at the start of the first lesson in the term. See the calendar for how many weeks are in a ½ term
3) LessonsCANNOTbe paid for two weeks or three weeks at a time or monthly
4) If change is not requested during your lesson I will use this as credit towards your next lessons, please then deduct it off your next class. It is best, where possible to pay with the correct amount
5) FeesCANNOTbe paid for in arrears and if this happens a penalty fee may be incurred due to administration costs
6) If a class is missed you will be charged for this lesson upon return
What happens if you miss a payment?
- The first time you miss a payment (in a half term)a text message reminder will be sent
- The second time you miss a payment (in a half term)another text reminder will be sent, 10% late fee will be added onto your payment
- The third time a payment is missed (in a half term)I will speak to you and it may result in your child not participating in their classes
Don’t forget………………..
The school website is full of great information, you can read all the school policies there and all letters that are handed out in class are available to download from the website. To see the outcomes of the 2016 questionnaire and the improvements we will be making to the dance school please read the notice board. I do have an open door policy and am always happy to answer any questions, I am normally quite busy during class time but always happy to phone you after class if you need to discuss something, just let me know.
-Don’t forget to fill in the enrolment form in this pack (All dancers require this form to be completed, even if you are an existing member of the school)
-Don’t forget to hand in the whole school show form, which can be found in this pack Have fun, happy dancing, Amy