Public Building Commission Special Meeting Minutes of November 9, 2010 Page 1

Public Building Commission

Tuesday, November 9, 2010 at 6:00 p.m.

Special Meeting

Room 115, Cheshire Town Hall

Cheshire, Connecticut

Members Present:Mr. John Purtill, Chairman

Mr. Joseph Barba

Mr. James Brennan, Secretary

Mr. Mark Nash

Mr. Ronald Palumbo

Members Absent:Mr. Peter Frenzelli

Mr. Keith Goldberg

Mr. Michael McCardle

User Members Present:None

Others Present:Mr. George Noewatne, Operations Manager of Public Works

Mr. Daniel Marseglia, Dept. of Education

Mr. Denis Rioux, Architect for BL Companies / Advisor to the Commission

Chairman John Purtill called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. Roll was called. There were sufficient members present to have a quorum of the Commission. Members recited the Pledge of Allegiance.


A motion was made to approve the Consent Calendar dated November 9, 2010 as presented by Mr. Nash. Seconded by Mr. Palumbo. The motion carried unanimously, 5 - 0.

Mr. Nash commented that the Commission has still not received the back up invoice information from AIG for their latest invoice totaling between $14, -20,000. Mr. Nash stated that he believed the invoice should be a lot less than this. He would like to see the cost of the change order.


Chairman Purtill explained that the next topic tonight is to authorize the Public Building Commission, with the Town Council’s approval, to work out the contract for BL Companies to continue with the bid waiver for the Phase II and Phase III Dodd Kitchen Renovation Project.

Mr. Nash commented that the Commission still needs to see BL Companies’ contract and a few questions still need to be addressed.

Mr. Rioux of BL Companies addressed the timeline for going out to bid. He stated that if the Town Council approves the bid waiver at their next meeting, the project could go out to bid about 2 weeks later.

Mr. Nash noted that the project needs to be done when school is out this Summer. Therefore the construction contractor should be in place long before the Summer so that the equipment can be ordered and in on time for the June start of the project. Commissioners questioned if 180 day timeframe would be in the contract specifications? Mr. Rioux replied that the bid would specify a hard finish date but would giving a solid construction start date is tough to do right now because of the unknown number of snow days. Mr. Rioux also noted that the start date is the date the contract starts so the equipment can be ordered, not the actual construction start date. He would like to see the contractor that is chosen have the equipment ordered in March 2011.

Chairman Purtill talked about the work that is being done now with the Town Council’s Ordinance Review Committee that would help with these types of contracts and projects in the future. If approved, these changes would eliminate going to the Town Council for their approvals for each step of a project. Mr. Rioux commented that he hopes the Town Council can approve the bid waiver package for the Designer of this project before the end of December 2010.

Mr. Noewatne noted that the Town Council meets again in 2 weeks and he is hoping to have the bid waiver request on that meeting’s agenda, adding that this is a pretty routine procedure. Chairman Purtill asked who approves the fee for the Design Firm? Mr. Noewatne stated that the fee would be negotiated after the bid waiver is approved. He added that in Mr. Rioux’s packet there is an estimated cost of $9,200 for the design work. Chairman Purtill asked if the Town Council would need to review the bid package again, as they saw it last year when the project went out to bid, before it was put into phases. Mr. Noewatne stated that he would check with Town Manager Milone.

Mr. Rioux stated that if the bids go out for Phase II and Phase III of this project in December he would plan for the a walk thru of the facility in early January and then have a deadline of the end of January for all the bids to be turned in. Mr. Nash commented that this timeline would allow the Public Building Commission to review the bids at their February 2011 meeting so that a bidder could be approved in time to have the equipment ordered on time. It was noted that the winning bid would need to be approved by the Town Council in February, too.

Chairman Purtill commented that the Town Council can pre-waive any of these steps, per the Ordinance Review Committee, and then the rest is up to the Public Building Commission. Commissioners agreed that they should see better prices and contractors the earlier this bid goes out because contractors are trying to line up their work for the year.

A motion was made by Mark Nash to approve BL Companies as the Design Professional for the Phase II and Phase III Dodd Middle School Kitchen Renovation Project, subject to the fee approval by the Public Building Commission. This motion was seconded by Joseph Barba. The motion carried unanimously, 5 - 0.

A motion was made by Mark Nash to ask the Town Council to waive the schematic design and final design review of the Dodd Middle School Kitchen Renovation Project Phase II and Phase III since they have already approved the various phases of this project and already seen and approved the phases. This motion was seconded by Joseph Barba. The motion carried unanimously, 5 – 0.


Chairman Purtill stated that he would like to see this Commission come up with a group of 3 design professionals that could be pre-approved so that when a design is needed for a roof project the Public Building Commission could go to these 3 firms. Chairman Purtill added that the design firms would be reviewed every few years.

Mr. Noewatne noted that the Request For Qualification should be going out this week for design professionals regarding future roof projects in Town.


Mr. Barba moved to adjourn this special meeting. Mr. Nash seconded. The motion carried unanimously, 5 - 0. The meeting adjourned at 6:28 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Mr. James Brennan, Secretary

Public Building Commission


Tracey Kozlowski