PRESENT:Mayor Jan Reimer.

Aldermen J. Bethel, M. Binder,

B. Campbell, C. Chichak, R. Hayter,

K.B. Kozak, P. Mackenzie, B. Mason, S. McKay,

H. Paull, L. Staroszik, L. White.


R. Picherack, City Manager.

J. Basey, City Solicitor.

U.S. Watkiss/John K. Woychuk, Office of the City Clerk. J. Schnablegger/R. Millican, Transportation Department.

The meeting convened at 3:00 p.m.

The Special meeting of City Council was called in accordance with Section 43(l) of the Municipal Government Act (Chapter M-26) to hold public hearings on the transfer of the Edmonton municipal Airport to the Edmonton Regional Airports Authority.

Mayor Reimer welcomed everyone to the Special Meeting.

1.Regional Airports Task Force Proposal to Transfer the Edmonton Municipal Airport to the Edmonton Regional Airports Authority.

RECOMMENDATION:That the proposal, subject to the considera-

tions included in the body of the report, be approved as a basis for detailed negotiations with the Regional Airports Task Force for the transfer

February 26, 1990397

of the Edmonton Municipal Airport to the Edmonton Regional Airports Authority.

Members of Council considered a report prepared by the Transportation Department, dated January 17, 1990.

Mr. J. Schnablegger, P. Eng., General Manager, Transportation Department gave an overview and short summary of the proposal to transfer the Edmonton Municipal Airport to the Edmonton Regional Airports Authority and outlined the Department's concerns.


A.1.Regional Airports Task Force Association

Mr. P. Watson, on behalf of the Regional Airport Task Force Association, was made a presentation. Copies of the Task Force's proposed amendments were distributed.

Alderman Kozak entered Council Chambers.

Messrs. P. Watson and R. Gilbertson answered Council's questions.

Alderman White left the meeting and returned a few minutes later.

Alderman Chichak left the meeting.

Aldermen Bethel and McKay left the meeting.

Alderman McKay re-entered Council Chambers.

Members of Council agreed to hear the specific requests to make representation during the afternoon portion of the meeting, specifically, A.4, A.6, A.15, A.21, B.1 and C.1.

A.4.City of Leduc

Mayor Maurice Fitzpatrick made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

Alderman Staroszik left the meeting.

A.21.Nisku Business Association

Mr. Zachary made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

Alderman Staroszik re-entered Council Chambers.

February 26, 1990

February 26, 1990399

MOVED Alderman Binder - White

That the the presentations from those, who specifically requested to be heard during the afternoon portion of the meeting, be heard until concluded.

FOR THE MOTION:Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, Campbell, CARRIED

Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, Mason, McKay,

Paull, Staroszik, White.

ABSENT:Aldermen Bethel, Chichak.

A.6.University of Alberta

Mr. D. Norwood made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

Alderman White left the meeting.


B.1.Donald G. MacKinnon

Mr. D. MacKinnon made his presentation in opposition to the proposal.


C.1.Civic Service Union #52

No persons present.

Alderman Mackenzie tabled a copy of a letter addressed to Frank Zaprawa, President, Civic Union #52 from the majority of the employees at the municipal Airport, dated February 26, 1990 and read the following into the record:

The undersigned of Union #52 employees at the Municipal Airport wish to go on record that we are in support in principle of the proposed transfer of the Municipal Airport from the control of the City of Edmonton to the Edmonton Regional Airports Authority.

It is the concensus of the undersigned majority of CSU #52 employees that the proposed Airports Authority will provide our membership with expanded career and benefit opportunities beyond that which is available as employees of the City of Edmonton. To this end, we request that you support our position and work towards a favourable employee transfer agreement that must include the following items:

1.Each employee would be given an offer of employment from

the City of Edmonton at the same time an offer is

provided from the proposed Edmonton Regional Airports

Authority. The offer of employment from the City of

Edmonton should be at the same level of responsibilities

and pay classification as that which is existing for the

particular employee.

2.Each employee should be granted a one-year period of

opportunity after the official date of the Airport

transfer to reassume employment with the City of

Edmonton. The employee should be able to assume the job

position as offered by the City of Edmonton to that

particular employee prior to the official date of


3.The employees wish to at least maintain the current

benefits provided under the current collective bargaining

agreement including wages, medical/dental plans, vacation

entitlements, pension plan and the compressed hours of

work program.

In summary, it is the desire of the undersigned employees that the CSU #52 Executive work in cooperation with the City of Edmonton, the City of Edmonton Transportation Department and the Edmonton Regional Airports Authority in facilitating a smooth transfer of the Airport employees to the new organization.


A.15.Banister Continental Ltd.

Mr. Allan S. Olson made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

Council recessed at 6:30 p.m.

Council reconvened at 7:25 p.m.


A.2.Edmonton Air Services Authority

Mr. Douglas Tadman, Chairman of the Authority, made the presentation and answered Council's questions.

Alderman McKay entered Council Chambers.

A.3.Town of Vegreville

No persons present.

February 26, 1990

County of Parkland

A representative from the County answered Council's questions.

County of Leduc

No persons present.

A.S.Edmonton Northlands

Mr. Robert Westbury, Vice-President, Edmonton Northlands, made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

Alderman Kozak entered Council Chambers.

Alderman Kozak left the meeting.

Alderman Bethel left the meeting.

Alerman Mackenzie left the meeting.

A.7.R.W. Chapman

Mr. Chapman was not in attendance.

A.8.Edmonton Downtown Development Corporation

Mr. A. Preiksaitis, President, Edmonton Downtown Development Corporation, made his comments and answered Council's questions.

Alderman Kozak re-entered Council Chambers.

Alderman Mackenzie re-entered Council Chambers.

Alderman McKay re-entered Council Chambers.

A.9a)Edmonton Research Park

A.9b)Raylo Chemicals Division of Terochem Laboratories Ltd.

No persons present.

A.10.Westin Hotel

No persons present.

A.11.Edmonton Chamber of Commerce

Mr. F. Windwick made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

Alderman Paull left the meeting and returned a few minutes later.

Alderman White left the meeting.

February 26, 1990

A.12.Richard C. Fraser

Mr. Fraser made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

Alderman White re-entered Council Chambers.

A.13.KPMG Peat Marwick

Mr. Michael G. Moroney, Principal, KPMG Peat Marwick, San Francisco International Airport, made his presentation. Mr. Moroney and Sheri Ernico answered Council's questions. Copies of "Selected Statistics Top 100 U.S. Airports" were distributed.

Alderman Staroszik left the meeting and returned a few minutes later.

Alderman white left the meeting and returned a few minutes later.

Alderman Bethel left the meeting and returned a few minutes later.

Alderman Paull left the meeting.

Alderman Kozak left the meeting and returned a few minutes later.

Alderman Mackenzie left the meeting.

Alderman Paull re-entered Council Chambers.

Alderman Kozak left the meeting.

Alderman White left the meeting.

Alderman Kozak re-entered Council Chambers.

A.16.W.J. Watts

Mr. Watts made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

Alderman Mackenzie re-entered Council Chambers.

Alderman White re-entered Council Chambers.

A.17.Edmonton Convention Centre Authority

A.30.Edmonton Convention and Tourism Authority

Mr. E. Kolesch, Edmonton Convention Centre and Mr. R. Antonson, Edmonton Convention and Tourism Authority, made a joint presentation.

A.18.Northwest Drug Company Limited

No persons present.

A.19.Corbitt McCormick Sales Ltd.

February 26, 1990

Mr. E. McCormick made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

A.20.Kingsway Business Association

Mr. Donald L. Grimble, the Association's representative, made his presentation and answered Council's questions. Copies of the presentation as well as a letter from Michael Procter Mayor of the Town of Peace River, dated February 23, 1990, were distributed to all members of Council.

Mr. J. Schnablegger, P. Eng., answered Council's questions.

A.22.Alberta-Pacific Forest Industries Inc.

No persons present.

A.23.PCL Construction Inc.

No persons present.

Alderman McKay left the meeting.

MOVED Alderman Mackenzie - Chichak

That Council convene on February 27, 1990 from 8:30 a.m. to noon to continue the Public Hearings.

AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman Mackenzie - Kozak

That Council convene on February 27, 1990 at 7:00 p.m.

FOR THE MOTION:Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Campbell, CARRIED

Chichak, Mackenzie, Paull, Staroszik,


OPPOSED:Aldermen Binder, Hayter, Kozak, Mason.

ABSENT:Alderman McKay.

MOTION AS AMENDED put and declared.

FOR THE MOTION:Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Campbell, CARRIED

Chichak, Kozak, Mackenzie, Paull,

Staroszik, White.

OPPOSED:Aldermen Binder, Hayter, Mason.

ABSENT:Alderman McKay.

Council recessed at 11:30 p.m.

February 26, 1990

The recessed meeting of City Council convened at 7:10 p.m. with the Deputy Mayor, Alderman Campbell, in the Chair.

Aldermen Bethel and Staroszik were absent.

MOVED Alderman Binder - Chichak

That Mr. Balkwill from CUPE Local 30 be heard at this time.

FOR THE MOTION:Deputy Mayor Campbell, Aldermen Binder,CARRIED

Chichak, Kozak, Mackenzie, Mason, Paull.

ABSENT:Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Hayter,

McKay, Staroszik, White.

Alderman McKay entered Council Chambers.


C.3.CUPE Local #30

Mr. Kenneth Balkwill made his presentation and answered Council's Chambers.

Alderman Hayter entered Council Chambers.


A.24.Area Council #5

No persons present.

A.25.Edmonton Real Estate Board

No persons present.

A.26.Price Waterhouse

No persons present.

A.27.Shooters Hill Livestock Corporation

No persons present.

Aldermen Mackenzie and McKay left the meeting.

February 27, 1990404

A.28.Cook, Duke, Cox

Mr. W.J. Kenny made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

Alderman McKay re-entered Council Chambers.

Alderman White entered Council Chambers.

A.29Moved to B.1.

A.31.Nova, An Alberta Corporation

No persons present.

A.32.Edmonton Economic Development Authority

A representative from the Authority made the presentation and answered Council's questions.

A.33.Celanese Canada

No persons present.


B.3.Michael S.P. Collins and Associates Innovative Adult


Mr. Collins made his presentation and answered Council's questions. Copies of his presentation were distributed.

Alderman Mason left the meeting and returned a few minutes later.

Alderman Mason left the meeting.

Mayor Reimer entered Council Chambers.

Deputy Mayor Campbell vacated the Chair and Mayor Reimer assumed the Chair.

B.4.Edmonton Airport Association

Mr. R. Bradford, President of the Association, made his presentation and answered Council's questions. Copies of his submission were distributed.

Alderman Mackenzie re-entered Council Chambers.

Alderman Campbell left the meeting.

B.5.Canadian Helicopters Limited

February 27, 1990405

No persons present.

B.6.Edmonton Voters Association

Mr. J. Frigon made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

Alderman Campbell re-entered Council Chambers.

G.7.George C. Reid

Mr. Reid made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

Alderman Mackenzie left the meeting and returned a few minutes later.

Alderman McKay left the meeting.

B.8.E. Joseph McGoldric

Mr. McGoldrick made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

Alderman McKay re-entered Council Chambers.

Aldermen Binder and Kozak left the meeting and returned a few minutes later.

Alderman White left the meeting.

Alderman Mason left the meeting and returned a few minutes later.

Alderman Mackenzie left the meeting.

Alderman Chichak left the meeting.

Alderman White re-entered the meeting.

Alderman Kozak left the meeting and returned a few minutes later.

Alderman Mackenzie re-entered Council Chambers.

Alderman Chichak re-entered Council Chambers.

MOVED Alderman Mackenzie - Mason

That Council recess at 10:30 p.m. and reconvene on February 28, 1990 at 7:00 p.m.

AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman Kozak - Paull

That Council recess at 11:00 p.m. and reconvene on February 28, 1990 at 7:00 p.m.

FOR THE MOTION:Aldermen Binder, Campbell,CARRIED

Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie,

February 27, 1990406

Paull, White.

OPPOSED:Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Mason, McKay.

ABSENT:Aldermen Bethel, Staroszik.

MOTION AS AMENDED put and declared.

FOR THE MOTION:Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder,CARRIED

Campbell, Chichak, Kozak, Mackenzie,

Mason, Paull, White.

OPPOSED:Aldermen Hayter, McKay.

ABSENT:Aldermen Bethel, Staroszik.

Alderman McKay left the meeting.

Members of Council agreed to hear the presenters who were unable to attend the February 28th meeting.

B.12.Alberta Aviation Council

A representative from the Council made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

Alderman Mackenzie left the meeting and returned a few minutes later.

Alderman Campbell left the meeting.

Alderman Campbell re-entered Council Chambers.

MOVED Alderman Mackenzie - Kozak

That Orders of the Day be extended to complete the hearings for B.12 and C.2.

FOR THE MOTION:Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, Campbell, CARRIED

Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, Paull,


OPPOSED:Alderman Mason.

ABSENT:Aldermen Bethel, McKay, Staroszik.

Alderman Paull left the meeting and returned a few minutes later.


C.2.Carl Berg

Mr. Berg made his presentation.

Council recessed at 11:20 p.m.

February 27, 1990

The recessed portion of the Special Meeting reconvened at 7:05 p.m. with the Deputy Mayor, Alderman Campbell, in the Chair.

Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel and Staroszik were absent.


B.9.Edmonton Flying Club

Mr. James Irving made his presentation.

Alderman McKay entered Council Chambers.

B.10.James Greenhill

Mr. Greenhill made his presentation.

Alderman Chichak entered Council Chambers.

B.11.Muni-Air Committee

Mr. Richard Covlin made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

B.15.Canadian Airline Pilots Association

No persons present.


C.1.Civic Service Union #52

Mr. Frank Zaprawa, Union 52 President, made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

Alderman Chichak left the meeting.

C.4.Canadian Air Traffic Control Association

Mr. Dalin Woolley made his presentation.

Alderman Chichak re-entered Council Chambers and left a few minutes later.

Alderman Mackenzie left the meeting.

Alderman McKay left the meeting.

Mr. J.Schnablegger, P. Eng., answered Council's questions.

February 28, 1990

Alderman Mackenzie re-entered Council Chambers.

Alderman McKay re-entered Council Chambers.

Alderman Kozak left the meeting.

Alderman Kozak re-entered Council Chambers.

C.5.Courtyard Inns

No persons present.

C.6.Norman A. Baudisch

Mr. Baudisch made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

C.7.Joan Murchie

The request to be heard was withdrawn.

C.8.Union of Canadian Transport Employees

Mr. R. Brown made his presentation and answered Council’s questions.

Alderman Binder left the meeting.

C.9.Cooking Lake Flying Club

Mr. J. Hatfield made his presentation.

Alderman Binder re-entered Council Chambers.

Alderman White re-entered Council Chambers.

C.10.City Fire Fighters union No. 209

Mr. R. Hartman made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

Alderman Paull left the meeting.

Alderman Hayter left the meeting.

Alderman Paull re-entered Council Chambers.

Alderman McKay left the meeting.

Mr. Bentley (Task Force solicitor) answered Council's questions.

C.11.Edmonton District Labour Council

Mr. B..Stephenson made his presentation.

Alderman Hayter re-entered Council Chambers.

February 28, 1990409

Alderman McKay re-entered Council Chambers.

Alderman Mackenzie left the meeting.

Alderman Mackenzie re-entered Council Chambers.


B.13.Janice Hamilton

Janice Hamilton made a brief presentation, answered Council's questions and filed with the City Clerk a petition containing 1,821 signatures in opposition to the proposal.

MOVED Alderman White - Mackenzie

That Mr. Prentice from the Shooters Hill Livestock Corporation be permitted to make a presentation at this time.

FOR THE MOTION:Deputy Mayor Campbell, Aldermen Binder,CARRIED

Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie, Mason, McKay,

Paull, White.

ABSENT:Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chichak,


Alderman Paull left the meeting and returned a few minutes later.


A.27.Shooters Hill Livestock Corporation

Mr. John D. Prentice made his presentation.

MOVED Alderman Mackenzie - Kozak

That the Recommendation and proposed amendments from the Regional Airports Task Force Association, which address the financial concerns, be referred back to the Administration; that the Administration continue to negotiate with the Task Force to address the concerns expressed during the Public Hearings and that the report be submitted for Council's consideration at the regular meeting of City Council to be held on March 27, 1990.

AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman Kozak - Hayter

February 28, 1990

That the report be submitted for Councils consideration at the regular meeting of City Council to be held on April 10, 1990 and that all Council members be present.

Members of Council requested the amendment be split for voting purposes.

MOTION ON THE DATE put and declared.

FOR THE MOTION:Aldermen Hayter, Kozak, Mason.LOST

OPPOSED:Deputy Mayor Campbell, Aldermen Binder,

Mackenzie, McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT:Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chichak,



FOR THE MOTION:Aldermen Hayter, Kozak.LOST

OPPOSED:Deputy Mayor Campbell, Aldermen Binder,

Mackenzie, Mason, McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT:Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chichak,


AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman Binder - Hayter

That the proposal, subject to the considerations included in the body of the report, be approved as the basis for preparing a business plan for consideration of the possible transfer of the Edmonton municipal Airport to the Edmonton Regional Airports Authority.

Alderman Paull left the meeting and returned a few minutes later.

FOR THE MOTION:Aldermen Binder, Hayter, Kozak, Mason.LOST

OPPOSED:Deputy Mayor Campbell, Aldermen Mackenzie,

McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT:Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chichak,



FOR THE MOTION:Alderman Campbell, Mackenzie, McKay,CARRIED

Paull, White.

OPPOSED:Aldermen Binder, Hayter, Kozak, Mason.

ABSENT:Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chichak,