PTFA Minutes to Meeting

Tuesday 3rd February 2015 at Dunsford School

Present: Ruth Alphey, Becca Squire, Sue Chambers, Debbie Forsyth, Zoe Crumby, Martin Best, Kate Carruthers, Jo Todd

Apologies: Mike West, Leanne Hetherington, Jane Pike

Still need to make appointment for bank to sort signatories on PTFA account.

Need to get someone to sign PTFA accounts. Will Ivor Pincombe do it again?

Leavers tiles - ready to be put up. Sue will bring in to school.

Steven will put up shed sign, when he has time.

Pizza workshop - to be postponed

Bag to School - do we want to continue with it? Yes, is a good way to get rid of old clothing etc and it raises money. Becca to book up for May 15.

Xmas - the school would like to say thank you for the children’s parties, presents, and to the parents who made the brownies for the party (Jo Todd, Ruth Parker, Zoe Crumby, Rachel Hone)

Xmas Raffle raised £327.26

Treasure Hunt - Martin can’t do as he is away, so this will be postponed

Ballroom Dance

Shall we have another? Yes, if Martin & Karen don’t mind hosting.

Need to have more people to make it a profitable fundraiser. Need better advertising, leaflet drop in village, notice in bus stop, etc. Last year it was held on a football world cup day, so that probably stopped many from coming.

Longdown or Dunsford village hall? LD more expensive and further for most people to travel, but is bigger and has bar.

Martin to chat to Karen and decide what to do.

Dunsford Show

Next meeting - Tuesday 10th Feb 8pm at Sue’s house.

Waiting for Stags to see if they will sponsor us (£1000?)

Main event - Street Motion (Free runners).

Becca and Debby went on an event holders course which was very useful, and they will be able to bring their new found skills to the meetings!

Not sure which field it will be held in as yet. If not in field by river, then H&S issues with other field.

Zoe and/or Debby to start checking emails on Dunsford Show.

Need to get someone from Class 1 to sit in this year as this committee been doing for a while.

Maybe Hannah Phipps?

Maybe have a meeting at the school, rather than at someone’s house.

Funding Requests

Due to lack of a social/ fundraising secretary we are limited to the amount of fundraising events we can hold, we cannot just rely on a good Show each year, this is always very much weather dependant, therefore, in order to maintain a healthy balance in our account to cover unforeseen pool maintenance and other outlays ahead of the Dunsford Show, we need to be a bit careful on our spending.

Lego - MrsAlphey requested money to buy Lego to use at a lunchtime club. Can buy online (10kg - 2nd hand) £200. Committee agreed to pay £150 towards Lego. A request will also go out to parents to see if anyone has spare to donate to school. Becca kindly offered to donate a box full!

Forest School - Mr Stewart will need some kit for his forest school, as he’s nearly finished he course. Could do a separate fund raiser for this.

Thrive - could they have some money to help children who have emotional problems etc. to buy things that children could make/do to keep them happier. A kitty of money to buy things that each particular child would enjoy. Agreed £50.

Book Bags - MrsAlphey asked if the PTFA would pay for a book bag for all new children to the school. We could put details of the PTFA in the book bag. Sue to compile a PTFA welcome bundle. And also PTFA members could meet and greet the new parents so that new parents get to know the PTFA members and feel more inclined to join. Maybe a welcome coffee morning in early September. Friday best day as Daffodil building free.

Dunsford Show needs 2 x barbecue and another robust tent (probably second hand) - we could hire these out ourselves to get additional funds.

Print copies of PTFA minutes and send out or pin on notice board.

Social event at the beginning of school year to get children & parents together. Rounders game/barbecue.

Swimming pool donations - Zoe to sort Gift Aid forms.

Quiz - children and adults quiz night as a fundraiser, looking for someone to run it, maybe April or May time. 6:30 to 8pm on a Saturday.

Pamper Chef night - open to the village, to raise some money for the PTFA, Becca will look into. Maybe to be organised just after Easter holidays.In the village Hall. Raffle.

Easter Event - Friday 27th March

Egg rolling

Hard boiled eggs to decorate - ask parents to bring in two eggs each

Bonnet or hat competition & parade - choc egg as prize

Next PTFA meeting - Tuesday 17th March 7:30pm