Griffith Avenue and District Residents Association Submission on EPR METROLINK


GADRA welcome the Metrolink project and hope that, through real open and transparent consultation, the project will deliver a world class metro into the future.

  • We would expect that local Residents will be treated as equal to other stakeholders and that all mitigation factors will be used to reduce impacts on residents during construction phase and eliminate impacts during operational phase.
  • We expect that TII respond in a timely manner to all questions, with full disclosure of information to all residents, provided in an easilyunderstood manner. We request that TII treat all residents with respect and with understanding, given the significant stress residents, many of whom are elderly, are experiencing since hearing of the plan to tunnel beneath their homes.
  • Given the elderly demographic in our area, we request that TII communicate important details, such as any changes to EPR and important dates in the process, bymail drop in the affected areas.
  • We are requesting that the tunnels are run at a depth that ensures minimum disruption during construction and that eliminates the possibility of post- construction impactsi.e. the least number of homes are tunnelled beneath at a depths that will eliminate the possibility of impacts during the operational phase.
  • We request that TII chose a route that maximises the use of roads and unoccupied areas for the tunnels
  • We need TII to be aware of the dual sewage system in place, which uses old clay pipes, and fresh water system that, in some areas, are still using Victorian lead pipes. Residents have real concerns that the Tunnelling will damage these pipes under homes.
  • We are requesting that use of explosives and blasting only occurs only by day
  • We are requesting that throughout the build, and into the operational phase, that air quality is monitored in our area with daily readouts available for residents.
  • GADRA are requesting the immediate appointment of anIndependent Expertto advise all residents along the full route. An Independent Expert was paid for by RPA during old Metro North
  • We are requesting that a Public Health Specialist be part of the EIA team, and that the EIS will contain a section specifically focused on Human health
  • We are requesting the establishment of a Residents Charter for all residents affected by the construction and operation of Metrolink
  • We expect that the issue of vermin control to be addressed fully in the EIA
  • We are requesting that a 24 hour manned phone line be in place so issues can be dealt with in real time. As this project will have many contractors and many agencies involved we are requesting that TII retain ownership of the project and any issues arising so that they are the designated point of contact for residents through the construction phase and on through the operational phase for many years.

Planned Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) Launch site

GADRA, on behalf of the 1000 homes that we represent, do not feel that the Na Fianna pitches are suitable to launch the TBMs.

In our opinion, best international practice would dictate that the TBM launch site is a site that is:

  1. A non occupied greenfield site
  2. Well serviced by a road/motorwaynetwork
  3. Situated away from homes and schools
  4. Close to where the spoil is to be disposed of-allowing the spoil to remain underground for as long as possible
  5. With good storage facilities for spoil, water, and with appropriate facilities for staff welfare

The pitches at Na Fianna do not meet these criteria for a TBM launch site, and therefore this launch site must be moved.

  • We feel the location of this site, which is in the middle of a residential area surrounded by homes on three side and three schools, is not acceptable.
  • The road network around Na Fianna is unsuitable for the level of truck movements that would be required
  • Access for residents into their homes would be curtailed
  • Our valuable bus routes would not be able to use Mobhi Road. This would have a significant impact on residents,especiallyour elderly residents who rely on this mode of transport.
  • The noise pollution and disruption would be considerable and difficult to tolerate.
  • We could not support this site being a 24 hour site and would lobby to have this site a daytime only site.
  • The movement of trucks carrying spoil 24 hours a day in and out would destroy our areaand residents along the northern and western boundaries i.e. Homefarm and Mobhi road would have their home lifesignificantly impacted
  • This site would be in use for 6/7 years, which residents would struggle to bear with
  • The TBM would also finish in this site, which would require another large excavation at the end of the project or, even worse, the burying of the TBM into the ground forever on this site. We would strongly object to this on environmental grounds.
  • We have residents who are house bound along the Na Fianna boundary wall , and would be subjected to this construction site on a continuous basis for 6/7 years
  • We do not believe that residents with respiratory issues would be able to continue to live along the boundary of this site and would be forced to leave their homes- This is unacceptable
  • We are requesting that an alternative TBM site be used.
  • We request to be informed of any change to the TBM launch site

Planned Station

GADRA feel it is important that a station is situated in our area, along the present EPR, and would not support a change to a Shaft instead of a Station. The positioning of this station must be agreed by all parties, including local residentsand land owners and land users. Any change in the position of this planned station must not increase the number of homes tunnelled beneath. We would hope that, during the design process, the present number of homes with tunnel beneath themcould be reduced.

  • GADRA request that, should Na Fianna be used for the station site as proposed, the planned works on this site be only carried out by day – with no night time works taking place
  • We request that noise monitoring be put in place with daily read outs, and a real time action plan/procedure to be in place should these limits be exceeded.
  • GADRA have concerns as to noise from24hour water pumping equipment and this needs to be addressed in the EIS
  • We request that air quality be recorded at the site and surrounding environs i.e. Mobhi road Homefarm road etc. throughout construction, with daily readouts of same and action if limits are breached.
  • Our area is subject to surface water flooding and the loss of green areas could exacerbate this problem- this needs to be addressed in EIA to the satisfaction of all Residents
  • We object to night time cement pours
  • We request that this be a dark site at night with minimal lighting only
  • We request that this site be made secure and not allow access to residents’ homes from the site.
  • We have made a further submission in relation to design features at this site requesting only one ventilation shaft positioned away from homes- Our Station submission was sent to TII 7/4 /18
  • We request that all residents close to station box are included in the Mitigation process and are compensated for hardship.
  • We request a plan for Vermin control to be put in place agreed and implemented for this site
  • We request that this be designated a quiet station when operational, from 9 pm
  • We request to be informed of any plan to changes to the position of this station site

Route/ Alignment

  • GADRA request that the least number of homes are tunnelled beneath, and that the tunnels are at a sufficient depth as to minimise impacts during both the construction and operational phases.
  • We welcome the planned use of roads to tunnel under, and would expect that the use of roads be a feature of the final alignment.
  • GADRA request to be informed of any changes to route or alignment immediately
  • At present in our area with EPR no homes are subject to CPO, which is welcomed. According to TII current communications, it is expected that 30 homes are to be tunnelled under – we would not accept an increase in this number, and would hope through design that this number could be decreased.
  • Should the zone of influence spread to a house that is part of a terrace –we request that the full terraceof houses are included
  • Homes in our area are over 100 years old, many without a significant foundation, and residents have real concerns about damage to homes and garden walls etc. GADRA want this addressed during Design stage to ensure no damage arises and that high risk residences are identified and monitored more closely. Should any damage occur to homes / property, this needs to be addressed and repaired/ replaced in a timely manner to the satisfaction of the resident.
  • There are many underground streams and rivers in our area and residents have concerns that the works will impact on these rivers undermining foundations of homes- we need this addressed in the EIA
  • Our area has a dual foul and surface water system, mainly consisting of clay pipes which, while functioning adequately at present, could be liable to crack or move during tunnelling causing huge problems in our area-. This was an issue in the last project and needs to be addressed prior to RO
  • We would hope that the depth of tunnels could be increased to over 25 meters under homes. We need Independent Expert Advice as to bestinternational practice.
  • We note that there is no emergency cross over tunnel in our area and welcome this – we would not accept the crossover tunnel under homes in our area or in any other residential areas.

This submission was prepared without access to Independent Expert Advice and without answers from TII to some questions which we have submitted. Therefore GADRA reserve the right to further supplement this submission once this information becomes available regardless of ‘closing dates’ set by TII.

