Federal Contractors Program

Achievement Table

The Achievement Table is designed to assist organizations covered by the Federal Contractors Program track their progress toward achieving full representation of the four designated groups: women, Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities and members of visible minorities. It gathers the data that was submitted by your organization for the previous compliance assessment and compares it to the data being submitted for the current compliance assessmentto determine whether reasonable progress was made towards decreasing areas of under-representation.

The Achievement Table is a Microsoft Excel workbook consisting of the following seven worksheets:

1)Workforce Analysis

2)Flow Data Analysis


4)Results for Women

5)Results for Aboriginal Peoples

6)Results for Persons with Disabilities

7)Results for Members of Visible Minorities

Before starting to complete the Achievement Table, you will need to gather the following information:

1)Results of your organization’s Workforce Analysis - Summary Reportgenerated in the Workplace Equity Information Management System (WEIMS) that wassubmitted for the previous compliance assessment and the one being submitted for the current compliance assessment.

2)The number of employees and designated groups hired, promoted and terminated (flow data) over the years between the previous and current compliance assessments at the national level. This data can be obtained from Forms 4, 5 and 6 generated for your organization in WEIMS or from your own records.

3)The short-term and long-term numerical goals that were established by your organization for the previous and the current compliance assessments.

Information is entered in the blue fields only.

In addition to these instructions, comments are included in the worksheets to assist you in completing the Achievement Table. Cells with comments have red triangles in the upper-right corners. If you rest the pointer over a cell that has a red triangle, the comment appears.

Annex Alists definitions of terms used throughout this document.

Part 1: Workforce Analysis

In the WorkforceAnalysisworksheet, you will be data entering the results from your organization’s Workforce Analysis – Summary Reports from the previous and the current compliance assessments.

You will start by data entering the results from the previous workforce analysis into the Workforce Analysis worksheet in the following sequence: women, Aboriginal peoples, members of visible minorities then persons with disabilities. Afterwards, you will enter the information in the same sequence from the current workforce analysis.

The following are the instructions for completing the WorkforceAnalysisworksheet.

Data from Previous Workforce Analysis

1)In cell A3 (column A row 3), enter your organization’s legal name.

2)In cell A4 (column A row 4), enter today’s date or the date that you completed the Achievement Table.

3)Start data entering the results from the previousWorkforce Analysis – Summary Reporton Women. Under the Date of Previous Workforce Analysis, year (YYYY), click cell C11 (column Crow 11). This will activate the drop-down arrow . Click the drop-down arrow and select the year used for the previous compliance assessment’s workforce analysis.

4)Click cell D11 (column D row 11) to activate the drop-down arrow for the month (MM). Click the drop-down arrow and select the month used for the previous compliance assessment’s workforce analysis.

5)Click cell E11 (column E row 11) to activate the drop-down arrow for the day (DD). Click the drop-down arrow and select the day used for the previous compliance assessment’s workforce analysis.

Table1: Women

6)Under column C, enter the number of all employees for each Employment Equity Occupational Group (EEOG) from the previous workforce analysisAll Employees #.

7)Under column D, enter the number of women employees by EEOG from the previous workforce analysisRepresentation #.

8)Under column E, enter the percentage Canadian labour market availability of women by EEOG from the previous workforce analysisAvailability %.

9)Under the Source, click cell C35 (column C row 35) to activate the drop-down arrow. Click the drop-down arrow and select the source of the availability data that was used for the previous compliance assessment’s workforce analysis.

Table 2: Aboriginal Peoples

10)Under column D, enter the number of Aboriginal employees by EEOG from the previous workforce analysisRepresentation #.

11)Under column E, enter the percentage Canadian labour market availability of Aboriginal peoples by EEOG from the previous workforce analysisAvailability %.

Table 3: Members of Visible Minorities

12)Under column D, enter the number of members of visible minority employees by EEOG from the previous workforce analysisRepresentation #.

13)Under column E, enter the percentage Canadian labour market availability of members of visible minorities by EEOG from the previous workforce analysisAvailability %.

Table 4: Persons with Disabilities

14)Under column D, enter the number of employees with disabilities by EEOG from the previous workforce analysisRepresentation #.

15)Under column E, enter the percentage Canadian labour market availability of persons with disabilities by EEOG from the previous workforce analysisAvailability %.

16)Under the Source, click cell C130 (column C row 130) to activate the drop-down arrow. Click the drop-down arrow and select the source of the availability data that was used for the previous compliance assessment’s workforce analysis.

Data from Current Workforce Analysis

1)Start data entering the results from the current Workforce Analysis – Summary Reporton Women. Under the Date of Current Workforce Analysis, click cell G11 (column G row 11) to activate the drop-down arrow for the year (YYYY). Click the drop-down arrow and select the year used for the current compliance assessment’s workforce analysis.

2)Click cell H11 (column H row 11) to activate the drop-down arrow for the month (MM). Click the drop-down arrow and select the month used for the current compliance assessment’s workforce analysis.

3)Click cell I11 (column I row 11) to activate the drop-down arrow for the day (DD). Click the drop-down arrow and select the day used for the current compliance assessment’s workforce analysis.

Table5: Women

4)Under column G, enter the number of all employees for each EEOG from the current workforce analysisAll Employees #.

5)Under column H, enter the number of women employees by EEOG from the current workforce analysisRepresentation #.

6)Under column I, enter the percentage Canadian labour market availability of women by EEOG from the current workforce analysisAvailability %.

7)Under the Source, click cell G35 (column G row 35) to activate the drop-down arrow. Click the drop-down arrow and select the source of the availability data that was used for the current compliance assessment’s workforce analysis.

Table6: Aboriginal Peoples

8)Under column H, enter the number of Aboriginal employees by EEOG from the current workforce analysisRepresentation #.

9)Under column I, enter the percentage Canadian labour market availability of Aboriginal peoples by EEOG from the current workforce analysisAvailability %.

Table7: Members of Visible Minorities

10)Under column H, enter the number of members of visible minority employees by EEOG from the current workforce analysisRepresentation #.

11)Under column I, enter the percentage Canadian labour market availability of members of visible minorities by EEOG from the current workforce analysisAvailability %.

Table8: Persons with Disabilities

12)Under column H, enter the number of employees with disabilities by EEOG from the current workforce analysisRepresentation #.

13)Under column I, enter the percentage Canadian labour market availability of persons with disabilities by EEOG from the current workforce analysisAvailability %.

14)Under the Source, click cell G130 (column G row 130) to activate the drop-down arrow. Click the drop-down arrow and select the source of the availability data that was used for the current compliance assessment’s workforce analysis.

Part 2: Flow Data Analysis

In the FlowDataAnalysis worksheet, you will be data entering the results from your organization’s ‘PDF’ versions of Form 4 (Permanent Full-time and Part-time Employees Hired), Form 5 (Permanent Full-time and Part-time Employees Promoted) and Form 6 (Permanent Full-time and Part-time Employees Terminated) at the national levelfor the period between the previous and current compliance assessments.

You will start by data entering the results for permanent full-time employees then permanent part-time employees for hires, promotions then terminations into the Flow Data Analysis worksheet in the following sequence: women, Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities then members of visible minorities.

The following are the instructions for completing the FlowDataAnalysis worksheet.

Data from Form 4 – Employees Hired

1)Under the Start Date of Flow Data, year (YYYY), click cell D8 (column D row 8). This will activate the drop-down arrow. Click the drop-down arrow and select the starting year used for the flow data. It is recommended to use the same year as the one used for the previous compliance assessment’s workforce analysis.

2)Click cell E8 (column E row 8) to activate the drop-down arrow for the month (MM). Click the drop-down arrow and select the starting month used for the flow data. It is recommended to use the same month as the one used for the previous compliance assessment’s workforce analysis.

3)Click cell F8 (column F row 8) to activate the drop-down arrow for the day (DD). Click the drop-down arrow and select the starting day used for the flow data. It is recommended to use the same day as the one used for the previous compliance assessment’s workforce analysis.

4)Under the End Date of Flow Data, year (YYYY), click cell H8 (column H row 8). This will activate the drop-down arrow. Click the drop-down arrow and select the end year used for the flow data. It is recommended to use the same year as the one used for the current compliance assessment’s workforce analysis.

5)Click cell I8 (column I row 8) to activate the drop-down arrow for the month (MM). Click the drop-down arrow and select the end month used for the flow data. It is recommended to use the same month as the one used for the current compliance assessment’s workforce analysis.

6)Click cell J8 (column J row 8) to activate the drop-down arrow for the day (DD). Click the drop-down arrow and select the end day used for the flow data. It is recommended to use the same day as the one used for the previous compliance assessment’s workforce analysis.

Table1: Women

7)Start data entering the results from Form 4 A– Federal Contractors Program: Employees Hired, Full-Time / National. Under column C of the Flow Data Analysis worksheet, enter the number of all permanent full-time employees hired by EEOG from Form 4 A, All Employees, Total Column (Col.) 1.

8)Under column D, enter the number of all permanent full-time women employees hired by EEOG from Form 4 A, All Employees, Women Col. 3.

Table 2: Aboriginal Peoples

9)Under column D, enter the number of all permanent full-time Aboriginal employees hired by EEOG from Form 4 A, Aboriginal Peoples, Total Col. 4.

Table 3: Persons with Disabilities

10)Under column D, enter the number of all permanent full-time employees with disabilities hired by EEOG from Form 4 A, Persons with Disabilities, Total Col. 7.

Table 4: Members of Visible Minorities

11)Under column D, enter the number of all permanent full-time members of visible minority employees hired by EEOG from Form 4 A, Members of Visible Minorities, Total Col. 10.

Table1: Women

12)Start data entering the results from Form 4 B – Federal Contractors Program: Employees Hired, Part-Time / National. Under column E of the Flow Data Analysis worksheet, enter the number of all permanent part-time employees hired by EEOG from Form 4 B, All Employees, Total Col. 1.

13)Under column F, enter the number of all permanent part-time women employees hired by EEOG from Form 4 B, All Employees, Women Col. 3.

Table 2: Aboriginal Peoples

14)Under column F, enter the number of all permanent part-time Aboriginal employees hired by EEOG from Form 4 B, Aboriginal Peoples, Total Col. 4.

Table 3: Persons with Disabilities

15)Under column F, enter the number of all permanent part-time employees with disabilities hired by EEOG from Form 4 B, Persons with Disabilities, Total Col. 7.

Table 4: Members of Visible Minorities

16)Under column F, enter the number of all permanent part-time members of visible minority employees hired by EEOG from Form 4 B, Members of Visible Minorities, Total Col. 10.

Data from Form 5 – Employees Promoted

Table 5: Women

1)Start data entering the results from Form 5A– Federal Contractors Program: Employees Promoted, Full-Time / National. Under column H of the Flow Data Analysis worksheet, enter the number of all permanent full-time employees promoted by EEOG from Form 5 A, All Employees, Total Col. 1.

2)Under column I, enter the number of all permanent full-time women employees promoted by EEOG from Form 5 A, All Employees, Women Col. 3.

Table 6: Aboriginal Peoples

3)Under column I, enter the number of all permanent full-time Aboriginal employees promoted by EEOG from Form 5 A, Aboriginal Peoples, Total Col. 4.

Table 7: Persons with Disabilities

4)Under column I, enter the number of all permanent full-time employees with disabilities promoted by EEOG from Form 5 A, Persons with Disabilities, Total Col. 7.

Table 8: Members of Visible Minorities

5)Under column I, enter the number of all permanent full-time members of visible minority employees promoted by EEOG from Form 5 A, Members of Visible Minorities, Total Col. 10.

Table 5: Women

6)Start data entering the results from Form 5B – Federal Contractors Program: Employees Promoted, Part-Time / National. Under column J of the Flow Data Analysis worksheet, enter the number of all permanent part-time employees promoted by EEOG from Form 5 B, All Employees, Total Col. 1.

7)Under column K, enter the number of all permanent part-time women employees promoted by EEOG from Form 5 B, All Employees, Women Col. 3.

Table 6: Aboriginal Peoples

8)Under column K, enter the number of all permanent part-time Aboriginal employees promoted by EEOG from Form 5 B, Aboriginal Peoples, Total Col. 4.

Table 7: Persons with Disabilities

9)Under column K, enter the number of all permanent part-time employees with disabilities promoted by EEOG from Form 5 B, Persons with Disabilities, Total Col. 7.

Table 8: Members of Visible Minorities

10)Under column K, enter the number of all permanent part-time members of visible minority employees promoted by EEOG from Form 5 B, Members of Visible Minorities, Total Col. 10.

Data from Form 6 – Employees Terminated

Table 9: Women

1)Start data entering the results from Form 6A– Federal Contractors Program: Employees Terminated, Full-Time / National. Under column M of the Flow Data Analysis worksheet, enter the number of all permanent full-time employees terminated by EEOG from Form 6 A, All Employees, Total Col. 1.

2)Under column N, enter the number of all permanent full-time women employees terminated by EEOG from Form 6 A, All Employees, Women Col. 3.

Table 10: Aboriginal Peoples

3)Under column N, enter the number of all permanent full-time Aboriginal employees terminated by EEOG from Form 6 A, Aboriginal Peoples, Total Col. 4.

Table 11: Persons with Disabilities

4)Under column N, enter the number of all permanent full-time employees with disabilities terminated by EEOG from Form 6 A, Persons with Disabilities, Total Col. 7.

Table 12: Members of Visible Minorities

5)Under column N, enter the number of all permanent full-time members of visible minority employees terminated by EEOG from Form 6 A, Members of Visible Minorities, Total Col. 10.

Table 9: Women

6)Start data entering the results from Form 6B – Federal Contractors Program: Employees Promoted, Part-Time / National. Under column O of the Flow Data Analysis worksheet, enter the number of all permanent part-time employees terminated by EEOG from Form 6 B, All Employees, Total Col. 1.

7)Under column P, enter the number of all permanent part-time women employees terminated by EEOG from Form 6 B, All Employees, Women Col. 3.

Table 10: Aboriginal Peoples

8)Under column P, enter the number of all permanent part-time Aboriginal employees terminated by EEOG from Form 6 B, Aboriginal Peoples, Total Col. 4.

Table 11: Persons with Disabilities

9)Under column P, enter the number of all permanent part-time employees with disabilities terminated by EEOG from Form 6 B, Persons with Disabilities, Total Col. 7.