Jenna Tomayko

Sociology 102

Journal #8

Racial diversity is necessary yet controversial.

The United States of America, also known as the melting pot of the world, is home to a variety of different cultures and ethnicities from around the world. Most of the American population, apart from Native Americans who are currently a minority, immigrated to this country at one point in time. While the majority of the population is Caucasian hundreds of other ethnicities exist within our extremely diverse culture. The diversity present in America in my opinion is a valuable resource in the advancement and growth experienced in our society and often is taken for granted.

Diversity fosters innovation in an environment filled with the various opinions and ideas of individuals that come from all different walks of life that have valuable and uniquely different perspectives to bring to society. This combination of conflicting ideas and beliefs aids in the improvement of society in all aspects when compared against one another. Without diversity our society would most likely be more close-minded about certain worldly issues they might have otherwise embraced. Living in such a close proximity to such an array of cultures promotes a fusion between a diverse group of people which more often then not enhances their way of life. Cultural diversity is necessary to breed creative and innovative ideas and to spark collaboration between different societies.

While cultural diversity in my opinion is necessary in societyit can unfortunately be extremely controversial as well. The world has come a long way in terms of racial equality however racism still exists and is deeply rooted in society. Even in today’s day and age certain cultures and races continue to face discrimination. The United States historically has experienced racial inequality and while it has improved drastically it still remains a large issue in America and around the world. Many people strongly oppose diversity for various reasons. Some might have been raised with certain beliefs about other cultures that are too strong to overcome while others many just fear the unknown and are too skeptical about other cultures due to the implanted judgmental opinions of today’s media. Whatever the reason there still remains a large portion of society that hasn’t yet or isn’t ready to fully embrace and appreciate other cultures for the valuable beliefs and ideas that they have to offer.

As stated in my brief statement sentence I believe cultural diversity is necessary and healthy in the positive development of a society yet the negative beliefs and judgments present in American continue to deter or even destroy the possibility for that to happen entirely. These deeply rooted beliefs Americans have about other cultures breed tension within our society that inevitably boils over and erupts on occasion. This tension is one of the most counterproductive and destructive cancers in the world. It prevents our society from experiencing healthy growth and prosperity and forces society to harbor harmful emotions toward other human beings. I don’t believe that any one person can truly live in our society without experiencing some of the emotions towards other individuals to a certain degree whether it consciously or subconsciously however it is when we as people let the emotions materialize into something much more damaging such as racial bias or discrimination. Society hasn’t, nor will it, be able to function properly without the acceptance of different cultures. When society becomes able to dispose of their preexisting beliefs and not only unbiasedly perceive different cultures but appreciate their value in this world then it will be able to achieve its full potential and develop together as a people.