Salmon River Booster Club Minutes, Tuesday, November 6, 2007, 5:30 PM, Salmon River HS Library

Leslie Ader, President called the Salmon River Booster Club meeting to orderat 5:35 pm.

Attending: Tonya Ormsby, Wendy Hook, Leslie Ader, Michelle Huttash, Lynda Mann, Shari Medley, Brenda Baugh, Teresa Mignerey, Rhonda Damon, Cindy Carlson, Susan Shepherd, Virginia Brady, Dr. Carl Morgan

A motion was made by Dr. Carl Morgan to accept October 2, 2007 meeting minutes as presented, the motion was seconded by Teresa Mignerey, Leslie called for discussion, a vote was taken and the motion carried.

A motion was made by Dr. Carl Morgan to accept October 23, 2007 Special Meeting Minutes as presented, the motion was seconded by Shari Medley, Leslie called for discussion, a vote was taken and the motion carried.

The Chairperson’s Report, was given by Booster President Leslie Ader.

There have been some concerns regarding length and organization of Booster meetings. Leslie invited Dr. Carl Morgan, District 243 Superintendent, to address the club members regarding meeting structure. Dr. Morgan introduced the club to the suggested school board guidelines he feels are effective.


Step One: Agenda

Plan in advance what is to be discussed and what actions are to be taken.

Preparation-research information and be prepared to share the results of that research to support the action, or prompt a particular action.

Step Two: The Flow

Organization-a well-planned agenda will drive an effective meeting

Preparation-Provide information ahead of time and insist that committee members and officers who are reporting to the group also be adequately prepared

Communication-Set agenda at the beginning of the meeting and then stick to it, don’t keep bringing in new topics for discussion and/or consideration.

Control-The chairman should establish ground rules for discussion and enforce them. (i.e., only one person talk at a time, stick to the topic at hand and don’t bring in unrelated information, be respectful of others, etc.).

Limit the amount of time a topic may be discussed, ask for opinions other than first one expressed, only speak once on a topic until others have spoken once, and stick to the time limit.

Step Three: The Order of Business

Follow a standard procedure for each action item (e.g., introduce topic, motion, second, discussion, vote)

Loosely following Robert’s Rules of Order helps to keep things moving forward

Stick to the Agenda

Follow ground rules

Step Four: Communication

Use email with officers and members to canvas for agenda items two or three weeks in advance of the meeting.

Send an electronic agenda to all members with email prior to the meeting.

Send prompt replies and unapproved minutes to members quickly after the meeting.

The Keys are: Planning and preparation, effective communication before and during the meeting, and prompt follow up on action.

Leslie will follow these steps, understanding that this meeting is more informal than a school board meeting, but recognizing the need of some order to the meetings. Susan Shepherd, Sgt @ Arms will give time reminders, which will be set on the agenda, throughout meetings to keep time accurate.

Lynda Mann was appointed as the decorating chairperson.

Shari made a motion to spend the same amount of money for balloons and

Put the balloons in the same area as before (up and down the school street), the

Motion was seconded by Teresa Mignerey; Leslie called for a vote and the

Motion carried.

Booster-Student helpers were discussed. It was decided that Wendy and Michelle would attend the next ASB meeting Tuesday, Nov. 12 at 10:00 AM, and discuss having the ASB Sgt @ Arms be in charge of recruiting volunteers. A list of times and dates would be given to the ASB officers to fill. No incentives, prizes or awards should be necessary, considering that the Booster Club is a support group for their activities and they should be willing to help out when possible.

We have nine (9) volunteers signed up for Saturday’s game in concessions and apparel. Some would be contacted to come in early for set up and then they would not have to stay and clean up or close.

Shari Medley volunteered to head up pig raffles sales after football season closes. In the mean time Susan Shepherd is picking up the money from the cans placed around town. This would be one of the time slots and dates that we would present to ASB to fill for us.

Assigning an assistant for Apparel Chairman, Brenda Folwell, has been tabled until she is available for comment and discussion.

Wendy Hook, Treasurer gave her report.

Budget overview-Beginning balances:

Check book balance$7157.57

CD Balance 8,229.47


Earmarked funds:

a. Donations carry forward(470.95) FB,Track, Weight training

b. Scholarship(500.00) 2nd Semester

c. Learning through movement (300.00)


Beginning balances:15,387.04

Earmarked funds: 1,270.95

Total available funds:$14,116.09

Send a thank-you card to Brenda’s mom for donations and time spent helping.

We reviewed the ledger and answered questions raised. We will rename the column for the accountant and attorney to professional fees.

Activity fund money has been transferred to district 243, the account is now closed.

BBQ totals-cost for wheels-Eric is looking in castor, Ms. Haslam can have them done before Basketball, and cost is $50.00. A motion was made to pay $50.00 for wheels by Lynda Mann, seconded by Brenda, voted and the motion carried.

Salmon River Booster Club Scholarship Guidelines Update-Payment Options: “The preferred method of payment to the scholarship recipient is for the check to be written directly to the educational institution. In the case that the educational institution is not able to process the scholarship monies, the scholarship funds will be paid directly to the scholarship recipient.”

Shari makes a motion to adopt the “preferred method of payment”, the motion was seconded by Teresa, Leslie called for a vote, motion carried.

A motion to pay Tonya’s $25 gas money for picking up booster stuff for Nov. 2 –a motion was made by Teresa to reimburse Tonya $25.00, the motion was seconded Rhonda, a call for discussion changed the motion to $40 from $25, motion was amended by Teresa to reimburse Tonya $40.00 for gas money, Rhonda seconded the motion, Leslie called for a vote, motion carried.

A motion was made by Rhonda to pay Linda for balloons from Nov. 2 game, the motion was seconded by Susan, Leslie called for a vote and the motion carried.

Under Old BusinessLeslie addressed a Booster Website-Our own website with a link from the schools website, Sue will donate her time to build the site, it will be $8.95 monthly fee, the first month is $23.95 that reserves our domain, the fees will be put on Leslie’s credit card to be paid back quarterly. 5 e-mail addresses will be available for the officers that would be forwarded to their personal e-mail address, We will have a ‘Pay Pal account’, the orders would go to Wendy, and she would e-mail it to a designated person who would package and ship the orders out, the shipping would be a flat rate. We would have a ‘.org’ instead of a .com, ‘Pay Pal’ takes 4% of the sales, but only when sold, not like a monthly fee from Credit Card Co. Pictures can be uploaded to website from each game. A motion was made to have Leslie be the contact with Sue, for herto go ahead with the website, Shari seconded this motion, Leslie called for a vote and the motion carried.

Booster Mugs have been ordered and they were paid for with the concession account the concessions will be selling them with coffee or hot chocolate and will be collecting the money as they are sold. The profits will be in the concessions.

A Track Canopy is still an option that we want to pursue when track season gets closer this agenda item will be tabled.

ASB Sec. Andrea Hale reported that a football scoreboard cost is around $5000-7000 fora bare bones scoreboard, a nice scoreboard is $13,000. It was suggested that we start a fund;it was suggested 5%, to help it get started. Because of the cost, it would require collaboration with the athletic department, the ASB and District; this will be discussed at a later date.

A motion was made by Teresa to have a donation can at the concessions for each event for a “scoreboard fund”, the motion was seconded by Susan, Leslie called for a vote and the motion carried.

Discussion was had concerning the “Bob Harper Memorial plaque” to be placed in the gym. A brass plaque will be placed on the wall or the bleachers where he used to sit. This item was tabled until a location could be discussed with Dr. Morgan.

The “District Champ” banner that was made by Carolyn Friend needs to be paid for of the approved cost of $50. A motion was made to pay Carolyn $50.00 byShari, the motion was seconded by Tonya, Leslie called for a vote and the motion carried.

The Booster fundraiser play “Egad, A Woman in White” will continue as scheduled. Michelle Huttash will get with Cory to get the play books she is ordering and information about sets, etc. The Audition date will be December 19 at 6:00 PM in the Multi-purpose room of the High School. The tentative performance dates will be February 14, 15, and a Matinee on the 16th. These dates may change due to district basketball playoff results. A practice schedule will be given at the auditions; the schedule will be flexible according to needs of the cast.

Leslie addressed new business; the purchase of a memory key was negated because one was donated.

We will participate in the Craft Fair put on by the CCC on Nov. 30 & Dec. 1 at the Old Hardware Store, the hours on Friday 9-6 and Saturday 10-8. A motion was made by Brenda to join the craft fair and pay the $20 booth fee, the motion was seconded by Rhonda, Leslie called for discussion, it was decided that Michelle and the cheerleaders would organize the volunteers to man the apparel booth, Leslie called for a vote, the motion carried.

A motion was made by Cindy to change the last sentence in the Articles of Incorporation, Cindy amended the motion to include the changes to the last sentence in the Articles of Incorporation to say “in the event of dissolution, winding up, or other liquidation of the assets of this corporation, its assets shall be distributed to the Activities fund of the schools with the Joint School District 243.”, the motion was seconded by Tonya, Leslie called for a vote, and the motion carried. Wendy will send via e-mail, the site that Michelle can send the changes to the state.

Further changes to the amendments will be tabled until conflict of interest policy and the 501c 3checklist is consulted.

The State Football fundraiser is set for Nov. 14 at 7 pm. A planning session for the event will be Sunday, Nov. 11 at 3:00 at the High School Library.

Brad Neuendorf has requested a meal deal for the Kootenai team, coaches and cheerleaders. Concession will be provided for $6.00.

Coach Neuendorf explained the state game could be on Thursday or Friday at BSU and the earliest calendar date and time, possibly late afternoon.

A letter was read from John Dodie asking for support and interest in a future Riggins Cup Golf Fundraiser. This item was tabled for everyone to think about. Tonya will ask John to address the Boosters at the next meeting.

A motion to adjourn made by Tonya and seconded by Rhonda, Leslie called for a vote and the meeting was adjourned at 7:20 PM. The next regular board meeting will be held on Tuesday December 4 at 5:30 PM at the high school. A meeting agenda will be posted one week prior to the meeting.

Salmon River Booster Club Meeting Minutes posted by Michelle Huttash, Secretary, November 9, 2007.