
Inter-League Games

These Softball Rules were approved and adopted on April 1, 2016.


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Membership: Inter League teams shall consist of Waterford Little League and East Lyme Little League (ELLL) in the 11/12 division. The teams shall be balanced (dependent upon total registrants) with a minimum of nine players per team. Games will be divided evenly and held at each league’s facilities.



Local League Softball Rules: Our Local League Softball Rules shall be utilized in conjunction with the Official Regulations and Playing Rules for Softball, and/or the Operating Manual, as published by Little League Baseball, Incorporated, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, for the current season, and shall serve as a supplemental document, subject to annual review and approval, with or without modification, by our Local League membership. During the season at the 1/3 and 2/3 marks, all coaches, managers and softball commissioners shall meet and discuss the current status of the games. Adjustments to the softball rules can be made and approved by group and implemented for follow in games.

Team Responsibilities:

1)Both teams shall prepare the field prior to each game; drag or rake field, line foul lines and batters box, open press box, raise flag, and read the Little League Pledge prior to the start of each game.

2)Home team shall install the appropriate pitching mound prior to the game. The distance for the 9/10 division shall be 35 feet and for the 11/12 division shall be 40 feet.

3)Home team shall provide 2 game balls per game.The softball shall be marked “Little League” and 11” for the 9/10 year old division and 12” for the 11/12 year old division.

4)At WLL South Complex (Rotary Field) and ELL (Vet’s Field), game start time will be 5:30pm Monday through Thursday and 5:30 and 7:30 Friday evenings. Weekend game times will vary. The visiting team shall take the infield for warm ups from 5:00 to 5:10, and the home team shall take the infield for warm ups 5:10 to 5:20. Batting cage time will be assigned based on availability.

5)At WLL North Complex (Sutera Field) and ELL (Field 4/Vet’s Field), game start time will be 5:30pm Monday through Friday. The visiting team shall take the infield for warm ups from 5:00 to 5:10 and the home team shall take the infield for warm ups 5:10 to 5:20. Batting cage time will be assigned based on availability.

6)Pitchers shall be limited to five warm up pitches. Opposing catcher shall be allowed to warm up pitcher if needed.No coach shall warm up any pitchers from the mound or at warm up stations.

7)Both teams shall cleanup the field after each game; drag or rake field, close press box, remove flag and store, empty garbage cans and sweep dugouts.

8)BORROWING RULE: Any teams with less than nine (9) players and a minimum of (7) players to start a game shall ask a player(s) from another team, but within the same division, to complete a roster of nine (9). The borrowed players will come from a pool of players managed by the WLL Player Agent and the ELLL Player Agent. The borrowed player(s) cannot play an infield position, pitch, or catch. The borrowed player(s) shall bat last in the lineup. Teams starting games with less than nine (9) players expecting a late arrival shall take an out in place of that player until the position is filled.


1)Umpires shall be setup and paid by the Home team.

2)If no umpires are scheduled or show up, alternate umpires may be used to complete the game.

Constitution and Bylaws:

Each league is responsible for there own Constitution, Bylaws, Insurance and Safety plan. Each league can determine uniform format and color, but recommendations can be discussed by the Softball Committee.


9/10 Yr Old Softball Division:Player Pitch Minor League Softball Division for Little League age 9-11 year old participants.

1)Game scores shall be posted; Division standings shall be maintained; and Playoff and/or Tournament games shall be played.

2)Game length shall not exceed six (6) innings or two (2) hours in duration. Games shall not start prior to 5:30 during the week. No inning shall start after the 2 hour time limit has expired.

3)Double Header games shall be played only on Fridays and weekends. Games shall start at 5:30 and 7:30 unless otherwise agree upon. The game time limit shall be 1 ½ hours, therefore, no inning shall start after the 1 ½ hour time limit. If the 1st game does not complete the last inning by the 2 hour time limit, the scores will revert back to the last completed inning. The team playing the second game shall split the warm-up with home team taking the field first. The second game must start at 7:30.

4)Four (4) coaches shall be allowed to coach first and third base, dugout and pitcher during a game. The pitching coach shall not provide any coaching while on the mound. First base shall be without a base coach if a team has fewer than four coaches present.

5)Home team shall designate which coach shall pitch to both teams.

6)A continuous batting order shall be utilized which shall include all players on the team roster present for the game batting in order. The side is out when the defensive team completes three (3) putouts in its half-inning.

7)Every player on the roster, present at the start of a game shall participate in each game so as not to miss two (2) consecutive defensive innings. There shall be free substitution of players at the beginning of each inning.

8)Little League Softball pitching rules shall be utilized by all Major League Softball Division teams.

  1. The 9/10 player shall pitch a maximum of three innings per game.
  2. A pitcher hitting three batters in one inning and four batters in a game shall be removed from pitching for the balance of the game. If the batter is hit by a pitched ball that hits the ground first, the batter shall take first base. The batter shall make reasonable attempt to avoid being hit by pitch still applies.
  3. When the batter reaches ball four, the designated coach shall pitch to the batter. The strike count shall remain as is and the batter can be struck out by called or swinging strikes.
  4. During coach pitch, any batted ball that hits the coach shall be declared a dead ball. The batter shall advance to first base and any players occupying the bases shall advance accordingly.
  5. During coach pitch, the player pitcher shall stand inside the pitching circle at the 11 o’clock and 1 o’clock positions. With a left-handed batter, pitcher shall stand at the 11 o’clock position. With a right-handed batter, pitcher shall stand at the 1 o’clock position. Chalk lines will indicate the position of player pitchers in the pitching circle.
  6. During coach pitch, catcher shall return the ball back to the pitcher not the coach.
  7. During coach pitch, the batter shall not bunt, bunting is allowed during player pitchingonly.
  8. No fake bunt/slash is allowed. Drag/slap bunting is permissible. Any player using the incorrect technique will be warned at 1st attempt, called OUT on any other attempt.
  9. During coach pitch, all other rules shall apply.

9)Defensive positions on the field shall make an attempt to rotate players so everyone plays at least one inning in the infield every game.

10)The strike zone shall be consistent between player and coach pitch. The strike zone shall promote and encourage the batter to swing the bat at hittable pitches. The coach pitcher should make every effort to pitch at the speed of the player pitcher currently in the game.

11)Base running and stealing shall follow Little League rules except for the following clarifications:

  1. Normal stealing is allowed during player pitch.
  2. Stealing is not allowed during coach pitch.
  3. Delayed and fake stealing will not be allowed.
  4. Stealing is limited to a maximum of two runs scored on passed balls per inning.

12)If after four (4) innings, three and one-half (3-1/2) innings if the home team is ahead, one team has a lead of ten (10) runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent. Subsequently, the game shall continue to be played and shall not exceed two (2) hours in duration. The "posting"of runs to the scoreboard shall cease for the remainder of the game.

13)Unless otherwise noted, game playing rules shall be in accordance with the Official Regulations and Playing Rules for Softball, and/or the Operating Manual, as published by Little League Baseball, Incorporated, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, for the current season.


11/12 Yr Old Softball Division: Player Pitch Division for Little League age 11-12 year old participants.

1)Game scores shall be posted; Division standings shall be maintained; and Playoff and/or Tournament games shall be played.

2)Game length shall not exceed six (6) innings or two (2) hours in duration. Games shall not start prior to 5:30 during the week. No inning shall start after the 2 hour time limit has expired.

3)Double Header games shall be played only on Fridays and weekends. Game shall start at 5:30 and 7:30 unless otherwise agree upon. The game time limit shall be 1 ½ hours, there for no inning shall start after the 1½ hour time limit. If the 1st game does not complete the last inning by the 2 hour time limit, the scores will revert back to the last completed inning. The team playing the second game shall split the warm-up with home team taking the field first. The second game must start at 7:30.

4)Three (3) coaches shall be allowed to coach first and third base, and dugout. First base shall be without a base coach if a team has fewer than three coaches present.

5)A continuous batting order shall be utilized which shall include all players on the team roster present for the game batting in order. The side is out when the defensive team completes three (3) putouts in its half-inning

6)Every player on the roster, present at the start of a game shall participate in each game so as not to miss two (2) consecutive defensive innings. There shall be free substitution of players at the beginning of each inning.

7)Little League Softball pitching rules shall be utilized by all Major League Softball Division teams.

  1. By Little League Regulation (IV)b, “A player may pitch in a maximum of twelve(12) innings per game. If a player pitches in seven(7) or more innings in a day, one calendar day of rest is mandatory. Delivery of a single pitch constitutes having pitched in an inning.”A player remaining in the game but moves to a different position can return as a pitcher anytime in the remainder of the game but only once in the same inning as she was removed.
  1. If after four (4) innings, three and one-half (3-1/2) innings if the home team is ahead, one team has a lead of ten (10) runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent. Subsequently, the game shall continue to be played and shall not exceed two (2) hours in duration. The "posting"of runs to the scoreboard shall cease for the remainder of the game.

8)Unless otherwise noted, game playing rules shall be in accordance with the Official Regulations and Playing Rules for Softball, and/or the Operating Manual, as published by Little League Baseball, Incorporated, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, for the current season.


Practice Schedules – All Divisions of Play: A practice "master" schedule for Softball Division teams shall be generated, updated as necessary, and made readily available and distributed by the respective Softball Division Commissioner at the conclusion of the Major League Softball Division player drafts for each league. If necessary, and at the discretion of the respective Softball Division Commissioner scheduled practices may be superseded by Minor League Softball, and/or Major League Softball Division games.


Game Schedules – All Divisions of Play: A game "master" schedule for all Baseball and Softball Division teams shall be generated, updated as necessary, and made readily available and distributed by the respective Softball Division Commissioners at the conclusion of the Major League Softball Division player drafts for each league. Scheduled Minor League Softball, and/or Major League Softball Division “regular” season games shall not be superseded by make-up games or practices, but may be superseded by playoff and/or tournament games.


Make-Up Games: Make-up game “time-slots” for Minor League Softball and Major League Softball Division teams shall be scheduled and incorporated into the game "master" schedule. A cancelled game shall be made up in the first available make-up game “time-slot”, with the only exception, if doing so will subject a team to play two (2) games in one (1) day. In such case, this cancelled game shall be made up in the next available make-up game “time-slot”.


Playoff and/or Tournament Games: Playoff and/or tournament games for Major League Softball Division teams shall be scheduled and incorporated into the game "master" schedule. Playoff and/or tournament games for Minor League Softball Division teams shall not be permitted.

1)Tournament shall be held at the end of regular season. The tournaments shall be single elimination for both divisions.

2)Tournament selection shall be based on regular season results per division.

3)The championship for each division will be determined on the results of the tournament. Awards will be provided for each division champion (9/10 and 11/12). The cost for awards and end of season gathering will be divided evenly between the two leagues.

4)Tournament umpires will be scheduled based on master schedule.

5)Team responsibilities as defined above remain in effect.


Waivers:WLL & ELLL shall submit waivers for the 2017 season:

1)Letter from each president stating they are aware of the duration of title clause (keeping players in majors) but would like a waiver to allow 10 year old to utilize a 35 foot mound and 11 inch ball so that the league can structure softball teams with 9/10 and 11/12 division for district inter league games.

2)A waiver shall be submitted for teams with less than the minimum roster of twelve players if necessary.


Two-Way Tie
A. If there is a tie(s) for any place(s) in the standings, then the results of the in-season head-to-head competition shall be used to break that tie.

B. If ties still exist, then the Commissioner or his designee shall use a coin toss to break the tie.

Multiple-Team Tie (3 or more teams)
A.Three or more teams tied are viewed as a "mini-conference" when comparing head-to-head results. The team with the best record vs. the other teams in the mini-conference gains the advantage. If all the teams in the mini-conference have the same mini-conference record, proceed to B. below. If two or more teams, but not all, have the same best record in the mini-conference, only those specific teams advance to the next tiebreaker step.

After the top team(s) in a mini-conference is determined, the next team is ranked by its record in the original mini-conference. If there are two remaining teams tied by their record in the mini-conference, then head-to-head results will determine the higher seed. If the teams split their games then proceed to B below.

If there are three or more teams remaining tied by their record in the mini-conference, they would then form a new mini-conference and follow the procedure again starting at A.

B. The next step in breaking all or part of a mini-conference tie is each team's record vs. the team occupying the highest position in the league, continuing down through the division standings until one team gains an advantage.

C. When arriving at another group of tied teams while comparing records, use each team's record against the collective tied teams as a group (prior to their own tie-breaking procedure).

General Tie breaking rules
A. When comparingrecords for a tiebreaker, a win takes precedent over a tie, and a tie takes precedent over a loss. A tie is considered half of a win and half of a loss.

B. If ties still exist, then the Commissioner or his designee shall use a coin toss to break the tie.

TheseInter League Softball Rules were approved and adopted by Waterford Little League East Lyme Little Leagueon , 2017.

______WLLMajor Softball Commissioner’sName (Print) Major Softball Commissioner’s Signature Date


ELLL Softball VP’s Name (Print) VP’s Signature Date