Basic Plan FairfieldCountyEOP



Buckeye Village

Fairfield County, Ohio



Whereas, Buckeye Village has been or is immediately threatened by (a natural/man-made/technological hazard and/or nuclear or conventional attack) as described below, and:

(Give date, time, situation assessment and duration of hazard) and;

Example: A severe thunder storm stuck Buckeye Village during the hours of 3AM–10AM, Saturday, June 14, 20__. The storm caused significant flooding of approximately 26 houses and two businesses. Wind and lightning knocked down trees causing major damage to utility lines (power, telephone and cable). At 5:30AM Mayor Jones declared that a state of Emergency existed and requested the County’s assistance. At 6:30AM Saturday, June 14, 20__ a shelter was opened at the Buckeye Middle School.

Now therefore, I, the Mayor of Buckeye Village, declare that a state of emergency exists in the Village and that I hereby invoke and declare those portions of the Ohio Revised Code which are applicable to the conditions and have caused the issuance of this proclamation, to be in full force and effect in the county for the exercise of all necessary emergency authority for protection of the lives and property of the people of Buckeye Village and the restoration of local government with a minimum of interruption.

Reference is hereby made to all appropriate laws, statutes, ordinances and resolutions, and particularly to Section 5915 and Chapter 3750 of the Ohio Revised Code.

All public offices and employees of Buckeye Villageare hereby directed to exercise the utmost diligence in the discharge of duties required of them for the duration of the emergency and in execution of emergency laws, regulations, and directives – state and local.

All citizens are called upon and directed to comply with necessary emergency measures, to cooperate with public officials and disaster services forces in executing emergency operations plans, and to obey and comply with the lawful directions of properly identified officers.

All operating forces will direct their communications and requests for assistance and operations to the EmergencyOperationsCenter.

In witness, whereof, I have here unto set my hand this _____ day of ______, 20 ___.


Barney Jones

Mayor of Buckeye Village

NOTE: Commissioners must declare for the Townships. Chief Elected Officials of Villages or Cities can declare for their jurisdictions. If the event is a county-wide emergency the Commissioners may declare for the entire county then only that declaration will be needed.

Tab 7 - Sample –Jurisdictional Emergency Proclamation, page 1



Fairfield County, Ohio



Whereas, Fairfield County has been struck by and is still threatened by a severe thunder storm which caused significant damage to several communities within the County as described below, and;

(Give date, time, situation assessment and duration of hazard) and;

Example: A severe thunder storm with high winds stuck the Villages of Baltimore,Millersport, Pleasantville and Thurston and Liberty, Pleasant, Richland and Walnut Townships including the Buckeye Lake area. The storm struck during the hours of 3AM and was full force until 10AM, Saturday, June 14, 20_. The storm caused major flooding and significant wind damage to at least 26 houses and two businesses. The high winds knocked down trees causing major damage to utility lines (power, telephone and cable). At 8:30AM,Saturday, June 14, 20__ the Red Cross opened shelters at four area schools. Other communities within the county have also suffered considerable damages

Now, therefore, we the Fairfield County Board of Commissioners, declare that a county-wide state of emergency exists in Fairfield County and that we hereby invoke and declare those portions of the Ohio Revised Code which are applicable to the conditions and have caused the issuance of this proclamation, to be in full force and effect in the county for the exercise of all necessary emergency authority for protection of the lives and property of the people of Fairfield County and the restoration of local government with a minimum of interruption.

Reference is hereby made to all appropriate laws, statutes, ordinances and resolutions, and particularly to Section 5915 and Chapter 3750 of the Ohio Revised Code.

All public offices and employees of FairfieldCounty are hereby directed to exercise the utmost diligence in the discharge of duties required of them for the duration of the emergency and in execution of emergency laws, regulations, and directives – state and local.

All citizens are called upon and directed to comply with necessary emergency measures, to cooperate with public officials and disaster services forces in executing emergency operations plans, and to obey and comply with the lawful directions of properly identified officers.

All operating forces will direct their communications and requests for assistance and operations to the EmergencyOperationsCenter.

In witness, whereof, we have here unto set our hand this _____ day of ______, 20 ___.


Chairman, FairfieldCounty Commissioners





Tab 7 - Sample –County Emergency Proclamation, page 2

Basic Plan Revised October 1, 2009