Haw River Civic Center Reservation Request

110 Stone Street, Haw River, NC 27258

Name: ______Address______


Home Phone______Business Phone______Cellular______

Date or Reservation______/Time From ______Until______

Purpose for Request______

Schedule of Fees
Fees / Resident / Non-Resident
2 Hours / $ 60.00 / $ 120.00
Each additional Hour / $ 12.00 / $ 12.00
All Day Rental / $ 120.00 / $ 240.00
Damage/Clean-up Deposit / $ 190.00 / $ 190.00
Key Deposit / $ 10.00 / $ 10.00

Rental Fee $______Damage/Clean-up and Key Deposits $______

Amount Paid $______Amount Due $______by _____/_____/_____

Read Rules Prior to Signing

1.  The Renter must be at least twenty-one (21) years of age.

2.  Civic Center Hours are 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.

3.  To reserve the Center a deposit of 50% is required. The full deposit is required two weeks prior to rental date. Cancellation of rental must be made two weeks prior to rental date or deposit will not be returned. If full payment has been made then 50% of the payment will be returned.

4.  Each Renter is responsible to leave the building as they found it. If you move tables or chairs they must be returned to the proper place in order to receive your cleanup deposit.

5.  The Renter is liable for any damage to the Haw River Civic Center or any other Town of Haw River property and for any injury sustained by any person whatsoever during or as a result of the Renter’s use of the Haw River Civic Center, whether by act, conduct or negligence of the Renter or by act, conduct or negligence of any other person who is on the premises during the Renter’s use of the said Haw River Civic Center. The Renter agrees to any extent the Town of Haw River is held liable for any injury or damage to any person or property as a result of Renter’s use of the Haw River Civic Center or other Town property, to indemnity the Town of Haw River for said liability and hold it harmless from payment of same.

6.  Revocation-The director or his designated official shall have the authority to revoke the rental of the Haw River Civic Center upon finding a violation of any rule or regulation or upon good cause shown.

7.  All trash and debris must be picked up and put in the waste receptacles outside building by your party. Floors are to be swept and mopped if needed. If cleanup is not properly performed by Renter, and the Town of Haw River has to do additional cleanup, the reasonable costs of said additional cleanup will be deducted from the Damage/Cleanup deposit of Renter prior to same being refunded to Renter.

8.  No Alcoholic Beverages or persons under the influence are permitted on the premises.

No chewing or smoking tobacco products are allowed inside the Center.

9.  The Renter is responsible for placing and/or repairing any property or equipment damaged as a result of Renter’s use of the Haw River Civic Center. This includes, but is not limited to, the building itself, tangible personal property and the grounds around the

Haw River Civic Center owned by the Town of Haw River. The damage/cleanup deposit will be used for any replacement costs or repair work required to be done by the Town of Haw River as a result of Renter’s damage to the premises. Any repair or replacement as a result of any damage done by Renter will be first approved by the Town of Haw River prior to Renter completing said repair or replacement. If Renter does not complete said repair or replacement within five (5) days after being instructed to do so by the Town of Haw River, the Town of Haw River will have the right to complete said repair or replacement and charge the Renter the cost of same.

10.  Renter agrees to be responsible for reimbursement to the Town of Haw River for any other costs incurred by the Town of Haw River as a result of Renter’s use of the rental premises, including attorney fees incurred by the Town of Haw River.

Renter or Agent Signature______Date______

Director or Agent Signature______Date______