Agency Name / Contact Name / Unit Number / Contact / Day on site / Program offered / Referrals
CNIB- Canadian National Institute for the Blind /
  • Roxanne Hazell-Blackman - RN
Specialist, Low Vision / 107 / 647-849-1540
/ Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm / Low vision clinic (appointment only) / Appointments are pre booked through another CNIB office.
Referral forms are available at reception (need a doctor to fill out)
Volunteers will be there on certain days to answer any questions. If Roxanne isn’t in any appointments, she is also available.
VHA Home Healthcare /
  • Roseanna V. Wirt
  • Sonia Nizzer-B.S.W., R.S.W.
Client Services Coordinator, UW
Community Support Programs
  • Colleen Kearny
  • Sam Kwan
/ 104 / 647-849-1546

  • Roseanna: Mon-Tues. and Thurs.-Fri.
  • Sonia and Colleen: Wed’s from 1-4pm
/ Volunteer Component of the Parent Relief Program: recruit volunteers who provide in home personal support to mom’s at risk or those who have post partum depression
Also be doing a support group for mom’s but these clients come from VHA’s existing clients in the area / For Parent relief program: referrals go from the hospital to Toronto Public Health to VHA
Call Rosanna if people have any questions about VHA or if they are interested in volunteering
John Howard /
  • Lei Xu-Community Engagement Worker
  • Stephanie Douglas-Record Suspension Worker
  • Karen Mitchell-Addiction Worker
  • Chris Iantorno-Manager of Scarb Serv. and PAR Program
  • Dharmvishal Barot-housing counsellor's
/ 102 & 110 / 647-849-1541

/ Monday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm - Lei and Stephanie (Record Suspension)
Tuesday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm - Lei and Stephanie (Record Suspension)
Wednesday 10:00 to 4:00 pm - Lei and Chris (PAR intakes)
Thursday 10:00 to 4:00 pm - Lei and Dharmvishal (housing worker)
Friday 10:00 am to 2:00 pm - Lei and Karen (Addiction Program) / Record suspension; pardon applications; domestic violence supports, housing supports for men in conflict with the law; addiction counselling for those in conflict with law / Programs are mostly for men and mostly for those who are in conflict with the law.
If residents are interested in learning more about John Howard and whether they qualify for their programs, direct people to Lei. If she isn’t available any other staff members can support.
We will be starting our PAR group in January (Thursdays 6-7:30 pm). We have also booked the meeting room Fridays 1-3 pm for ourharm reduction information sessions.
Tropicana /
  • Sandra Morris -Team Leader
  • Racquel Williams Green - Youth Work Leader
/ 109 /
647-849-1543 / Tuesdays 10:30am to 5:00pm (They will be increasing their office hours in the near future)
/ Summer Jobs for youth
After School Program
Counselling for everybody
Kitchen program for newcomers
Youth Support worker / Summer Jobs for youth (15 to 18 years)
Hard to reach youth (15 to 18 years)
Family Association for Mental Health Everywhere (FAME) /
  • Paul O’Donnell
  • Nicole Levy
/ 103 /
/ Monday – Friday but is in and out of the office / FAME mandate is to support family members or ‘caregivers’ who deal with someone with a mental health issue. If walk-ins seek help for their own mental health issues FAME is not mandated to take them on as clients though I could help guide them to the help they seek. / Queries from walk-ins at the front desk should call Paul at 416-913-2144
ACESS Employment /
  • Atul Madan
  • Tanveer Sheikh
/ 108 / 647-849-1542

/ Staff and dates will be determined later. Staff will rotate. / Point of assessment and referral for employment services / If people have questions and someone is on site, you can send client down to their office or call the staff to come up front
Youth L.E.A.P.S /
  • Liban Abokor – Managing Director
  • Rahma Siad- Togane– Programs Coordinator
  • Falak Mojbata –Project Consultant
/ 114 / 647-849-1545

/ Will confirm hours but most likely 9am or 10am to 6pm Monday - Friday / Work with youth (13-29 years) around educational needs (in neighbourhoods of DP, SLAM and KGO):
  1. Programming with small academic programs
  2. In school transitional programming with TDSB
  3. Investing and supporting existing educational programs
  4. Mentorship and internship
/ Nothing concrete figured out in hub. The hub will be their admin and drop in office where youth can connect.
Extramile Ministries /
  • Lito Paras
/ 105 /
/ Monday – Thursday, hours fluctuate / Work around financial literacy: counselling and educational information on budgeting, savings, etc.
Also --Procuring needed materials for other programs in the Hub. i.e. bread for the food bank etc. / Weekly classes will be scheduled as soon as we get settled in. One on one, personalquestion and answers sessions isoffered by appointment due to confidential/private reasons.
Newcomer Centre /
  • Hanifa Kassam -Manager, Newcomer and Settlement Services
  • Jamillah Mananghaya -Settlement Coordinator
  • Lakshmi Rajan -Workshop/ESL Facilitator/Coordinator
  • Aleem Sufi -Community Events and Outreach Coordinator

/ Newcomer Centre open from 9am to 5pm. Schedules of individual staff vary. / - Information on Housing, Employment, Health Care, Transportation, Legal Services, Education, Language Training, Recreation, Immigration and Sponsorship, Applying for Citizenship, etc.
- Newcomer Orientation Sessions
- Employment Support: Job Search Support, Labour Market Guidance, Resume Writing Support, Career Networking, and Interview Preparation
- Solution - Focused Counselling
- Translation and Interpretation Services
- Computer, Telephone, and Fax Available for the Public
- Seniors’ Cafés
- English Conversation Classes
- Citizenship Prep Test Workshops
- Health and Wellness Workshops
- Personalized Settlement Needs
- Assessment and Action Plan / Eligibility: Permanent Residents, Live-in Caregivers, Protected Persons, and Convention Refugees
Transportation assistance is provided to eligible participants for some programs and workshops
Multi Systemic Therapy (MST) /
  • Denise Grieve –manager
  • Senait Zeweldi
  • Melissa Caldwell
  • Jonathan Boxill
  • Michael MacDonald
/ 106 /

/ Schedules fluctuate / For details, see attached MST flyer.
Counselling support for families and at-risk youth who are experiencing multiple problems
Linked to Therapist who are available 24 hours a day. Length of treatment averages 2 to 5 months / They are NO LONGER ACCEPTING new clients.
Action for Neighbourhood Change /
  • Malsan Gananendran - ANC Dorset Park Project Coordinator
/ 113 / / Days on site fluctuate depending on what is happening in community / Community engagement; supports Dorset Park Neighbourhood Association / Call Malsan to come speak to resident.
Multi Expressions Project Coordinator /
  • Raeetha Raveendranathan
/ 113 / / Days on site fluctuate / Mural and spoken word program for youth / Youth who are interested can contact Rae to register (through email or phone)
PIERR Coordinator /
  • Donna Robinson
/ 113 / / Days on site fluctuate / Parenting and safety workshop series. / Any resident who is interested can contact Donna directly. If she is not in her office, they can email or phone her
Dorset Park Resident Office /
  • Donna Bernotas
  • Suganthine Sivakumar
  • Abeer Ali
/ 112 / / Days on site fluctuate.
Must sign in for Key / Office of the Dorset Park Neighbourhood Association. DPNA does a variety of community projects and events. / Any resident that is interested in getting more engaged in their community can connect to this group. If no one is in the office, tell person to leave name and number
Food Bank /
  • Christine Markwell
/ Intake: 647-849-1544
/ Tuesday – appoint.
Wednesday: 2-4:30
Thursday andFriday
10 to 3:30pm / Interested residents need to go through intake (either through direct line or through food bank volunteer at front desk)
Forced Marriage /
  • Shirley Gillett
  • Michelle Davis
/ 111 /
/ Office hours fluctuate
Women’s English Circle /
  • Abeer Ali
/ Women’s English Circle. Open to anyone who wants to learn. Childcare is provided / November 5 until December 14, Monday and Tuesday, 9 to 12pm
January 8th to June 11th
Ontario Early Years Programs (ACSA)- Itinerant Service /
  • Vasanti Persaud
  • Eva
/ Program
Room: 1 / / TuesdaysThursday 1pm-3pm
Wednesday:9am-11am and 1pm-3pm / OEYC (Ontario Early Years Centre) Program is for children 0-6 years old and their parent/caregiver. / Any children 0-6 and their parents/caregivers can register


Agency Name / Contact Name / Unit Number / Phone Number / Day on site / Program offered / Referrals
Transcare Community Support Services /
  • Shawn Cadieux
/ 416-750-9885 ext 278
/ To be determined / Seniors supports. Will be doing a once a month foot care clinic