ACCE Policy Trust Spring Meeting

Santa Rosa, CA

Nov 2-3, 2016


Present: Mike Neal, Bill Miles, Bob Quick, Gary Toebben, Tara Barney, Betty Capestany, Michael Dalby, Tracey Osborne, Bill Connors

Staff: David Huntley, Stacey Breslin, and Jacqui Cook

Guests: Randy Gordon, Chairman of FBI; Cheryl Jones, AGIA

AGIA Report

Cheryl was pleased to announce that none of the ACCE insurance plans will see a rate increase moving into 2017! All the plans remain unchanged except for the Cigna dental plan which is being enhanced. The dental plan is increasing in-network care benefits from 90/80/50/0 to 100/80/50/0, making the preventive care covered at 100% beginning in January 2017.

The fall open enrollment for the dental and vision plans is underway.

Cheryl then went over the plan renewal rates and marketing effort results. Most interesting was that there is an 18-20% purchase rate for those quoted. Of those requesting quotes, about half were new to purchasing ACCE insurance plans and the other half already had existing plans.

Stacey provided the current insurance plan statistics. The trustees requested that Stacey add the number of existing chambers in each product to this report going forward.

Stacey and Cheryl then shared with the trustees their concerns regarding the potential unknown administrative errors that could be happening at the local level (i.e. within the organizational Finance/HR departments). A challenge preventing FBI to have oversite/annual review at the local level is that, unlike the retirement programs, the employers are allowed some discretion regarding eligibility in the insurance programs. On the note of training, Stacey shared her frustration regarding the lack of respect that the finance/HR function seem to garner within the organizations. It seems the decisions regarding these functions is often made based on the lowest cost to the organization despite the fact that these functions represent the biggest financial risk for the employer. She asked the trustees for ideas to help change this erroneous perception regarding the importance of these functions, and the group came up with the following:

·  A “DON’T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU” letter from the BT to CEOs that describes (names removed) some of the issues Stacey and Chery have recently seen that could have had devastating effects on the organizational financials and possible termination of the executive.

·  New toolkits for onboarding, terminations, life events, and salary changes

o  Take info already in the Plan Admin manual and break into smaller pieces

o  Get sample procedure manuals and checklists, etc. that member organizations could use

o  3 Quick Tips to Reduce HR Functional Risk– from CEO to CEO

·  Breakout sessions at Convention regarding these risks and the importance of these functions – it was recommended that we market them as a CEO only or invite only to improve participation rates (i.e. play up exclusivity to get people interested in attending).

·  Research possibility of incorporating HR functional success into the ACCE COY or other awards program (i.e. stick + carrot).

Stacey was excited to begin developing and scoping these ideas out further with implementation occurring through 2017.

Additional Business

Mike asked Stacey for an update on the fall and spring 2017 meetings.

Stacey reminded the group that the spring 2017 meeting was scheduled for May 1-2, 2017 in St Martin. About half of the airfares had been purchased in those markets that had fall discounted prices. It was suggested that the next time for best fares would likely be in late February so those that had not yet booked were asked to keep an eye out and do so by then.

No fall 2017 date had been set so the group decided to modify the current Wed/Thu schedule to a Mon/Tue in November. The group agreed upon November 6-7, 2017 with a location TBD. Calls are typically held on the second Tuesday of February and August at 11 am ET/ 8 am Pacific which are:

·  February 14: Meeting request will be sent via Outlook

·  August 15: determination to be made at spring 2017 meeting if this should remain or be moved to an in-person meeting at ACCE Convention in July.

Meeting adjourned.