Salford Parish Council

Newsletter 2014

Salford Fete: August 2013

Salford Parish Council

Chairman: Nicholas Hill

Vice-Chairman: Steve McBride

Councillors: Rachel Caldin

Nigel Colston

Hilary McGlynn

Clerk: Carol Ross, email:

Tel: 641414


The Clerk writes:

Salford Parish Council meets in the Village Hall at 7.30pm on the third Tuesday of every month, withthe Annual Parish Meetingbeing held on the third Tuesday in April (this year on Tuesday, 15 April). Members of the public are encouraged to attend all these meetings. The agenda and minutes for each meeting are displayed on the village notice-boards and are also on the village website.

Nick Hill has now been Chairman for two years, and a new Chairman and Deputy Chairman will be elected at the May meeting. Nigel Colston continues to serve on both Parish and District Councils.

The area covered by the Parish Council runs approximately from Southerndown Nursing Home up to the Stow road junction. Local matters are discussed at each meeting, and we are in regular touch with the District and County Councils about issues such as planning, fly-tipping, rubbish collection, and highway problems. We are consulted and kept informed on a wide range of subjects by the County and District Councils. Our website contains all official Parish Council documentation, including minutes of meetings, budget and financial documents, code of conduct, and details of planning applications. We also publicise other events such as Church services and village functions on the website, so do let us know about such items so they can be included.

Our main income from the District Council, the precept, has stayed the same for the last few years. This pays for such things as insurance, village maintenance, the Clerk’s salary, and accountancy fees, among other expenses. Also Oxfordshire County Council gives us a grant towards our grass-cutting. Under the S137 rule, which allows us to give to organisations which directly benefit the village, we have again given small donationsto The Villager Community Bus Service and the Lawrence Home Nursing team, and we also intend to give some money to the Village Hall to help with maintenance expenses, as in previous years.

The Parish Council are responsible for general village upkeep, and we are very grateful to both Richard Lane and Steve Newman for keeping the grass and verges in good shape during the summer. Two major expenses this past year have been a new mower, and also a new noticeboard for the upper end of the village, erected in October. The Parish Council is responsible for the playground, and carries out regular informal inspections and an annual RoSPA inspection. The surfaces need upgrading and some of the equipment needs re-painting, and this will be carried out in the next few months. We are very grateful to our County Councillor, Hilary Biles, for enabling us to benefit from a Big Society grant towards this work.

This time last year there was a problem with water trickling down Cooks Lane, which took a while to sort out. It turned out to be due to a pipe blockage caused by the fitting of a water meter by Thames Water some time ago. The ditch at the back of The Leys has had a recurrent problem with stagnant water, and this has improved thanks to some clearing by Cottsway Housing in November. At the request of the Parish Council, the white lines have been re-painted at the junction of the Stow Road and the A44 opposite the Greedy Goose; thanks are due to County Councillor Biles for her assistance with this.

Since March last year we have been invited to comment on seven planning applications (three of which were amendments of previous applications). All were approved by WODC.

As usual, we have been well supplied with salt from the Highways Department, but unusually we have not had to use it (so far!) as the winter has been unusually mild, though very wet. Fortunately no serious flooding has occurred in the village.

Salford Fete was held on 31 August. Once again the weather was more than kind which made a big difference to the numbers coming along. Particular thanks go to the Fawdry family for loaning their field which provides such a wonderful location in the centre of the village. Thanks are also due to JCB for bringing the mini-diggers, providing much fun for young and old alike, and to the many local organisations who donated such a wonderful array of raffle prizes. Together with the large band of Salford residents who helped in so many ways, these contributions all went to make the Fete a very enjoyable occasion. The Dog Agility competition and Fun Dog Show once again took centre stage, providing much amusement for both dog-owners and spectators. Together with the popular tug-of-war, slow bike race, youth events and children’s races plus the Village Hall teas, barbecue, stalls, and raffle, the event was a great success. The total amount raised after costs was just short of £3000 and, after a retention for future capital purchases, the amounts donated were as follows: £1,100 to Salford Church, £650 to Salford Village Hall, and £850 to Lawrence Home Nursing Team.

Willie Ross and his Fete Committee deserve enormous thanks for their hard work and flair.

We have heard from the County Council that work has begun on the Chipping Norton exchange to deliver faster broadband. We have asked that it should include Salford. The website for updates is

At the end of this letter you will see the (unaudited) income and expenditure for the current financial year. When the accounts have been audited they will put on the website and also be available to view. We are grateful to Chris Druce for acting as internal auditor.

Grants are available to commemorate the 1st World War anniversary, and the Parish Council would like to erect something appropriate. This will be discussed at the Annual Parish Meeting in April, and suggestions welcomed.

Village Hall

Willie Ross, VH Committee Chairman, writes:

The hall continues to be well used with an average of 30 events taking place every month. Regular events vary from Keep Fit sessions for adults, ‘sports’ classes for 3 – 5 yr olds, and weekly private table-tennis sessions. These provide a steady income which helps towards the running costs and provides a foundation for the hall to be used for village and private functions.

Village functions held during the year include: Teas for visitors to NGS gardens open in June; The Fete Village Show and Teas in August (adding a net £436 to fete funds); a Coffee Morning in September organised by Sam Bayliss which raised £276 in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support; a much-enjoyed dinner-cum-social evening for the over 70s in December organised by Rachael Hill and Tina Farrell; and the annual Quiz Night organised by the Village Hall Committee in January, which raised a net £634 for hall funds. A Bingo Night scheduled for last spring didn’t attract enough custom to be viable and we are hoping for a better response this coming Friday 9th May.

The hall has also hosted a number of private functions throughout

the year, many held by Salford residents, and feedback has been

consistently positive. The hourly rate for residents is now £6.75 which covers the use of all facilities. These include tables and chairs for 80, plus ample crockery, cutlery and glasses; fully-equipped kitchen; two table-tennis tables; piano; and indoor youth cricket nets. (Bookings – 641414).

Needless to say the hall requires regular maintenance and this year we shall be repairing and repainting all the external walls, in addition to fixing a number of internal requirements. As always, we’re very grateful to Danny Stevens for his maintenance and repairs work; also to Sarah Weston for cleaning the hall so efficiently and to Ray Timms for his grass-cutting and ground-clearing contribution.

During the year the Committee lost Doreen Herrington to well-earned retirement. We can’t thank her enough for the many, many years of service she has given; and it’s pleasing to see her maintaining a link with her monthly ‘Singing for a Cuppa’ sessions. However this left a committee of only four – myself as chairman; Tim Dowling as treasurer; plus Nicki McBride and Serena Rogers. Since then PJ Seccombe has kindly agreed to join and Sylvie McKay is also hoping to return. But we would welcome two or three additional members and anyone interested is very welcome to talk to any member of the committee.

St Mary’s Church

Gilly Barnard writes:

The Village Church Council continues to oversee care of the building and the churchyard. The Council is most grateful to those

who clean the church, decorate it, and mow the churchyard,

though some more mowers would be appreciated. Latterly we have been delighted to welcome back Rosemary Roberts to play the organ for our services.

But the most important news this year is the appointment of Rev. Dr. James Kennedy as Team Rector of the Benefice (Chipping Norton), of which our 5-Villages is a part. James Kennedy will have pastoral responsibility for Salford.

We were sad to lose Rev. Andrew Keith and his wife Judi, who

retired at the end of November. Andrew had worked hard for the 5-Villages for seven years. There was a farewell supper for them at Little Compton Village Hall.

Fund-raising events have included the teas at Chastleton Churchyard; these have proved a most important addition to funds, while demonstrating Christian outreach. The teas are immensely appreciated by the customers, and enjoyed by the volunteers. St. Mary’s was also most grateful for the generous contribution assigned to the Church from the Village Fete.

There were three weddings in the Church during the last year, and one baptism.

Very much appreciated was a visit by the Burford Chamber Choir for a Christmas Carol Service. Easter and Christmas always attract bigger congregations, with the Church being beautifully decorated. Our Good Friday hour of meditation, readings, and hymns has been over many years a much-appreciated part of the Easter weekend. Harvest Festival was celebrated at a family service, followed by refreshments in the Church.

Coffee and biscuits are on offer at the end of all services, and everyone is very welcome to stay for chat.

Income and Expenditure 1.4.13-31.3.14

Income £

Opening balance3141

Precept (including electoral


Bank interest 1

VAT refund 149

Grass-cutting grant 904

Big Society Grant1000

Total Income 11268

Expenditure £



OALC subscription133

Newsletter copying 22

Internal auditor 65

External auditor 0


RoSPA inspection 78

Clerk’s salary 2593

Village hall hire 71

Clerk’s expenses 19

Mower 947

Electoral expenses 73

Website domain 7


Total expenditure 6685

Balance to carry forward 4583