James W. Stout, M.D., M.P.H.
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James W. Stout, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.A.P.
Personal Data:
Date of Birth:January 18, 1956
Place of Birth:Augusta, Georgia
1974 - 1978B.S. (Biology) Roanoke College, Salem, Virginia
1979 - 1981M.A.T. (Science and Math Education) Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
1982 - 1986M.D. Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
1989 - 1991M.P.H. University of Washington School of Public Health, Seattle, Washington
Postgraduate Training:
1986 - 1987Intern, Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital Medical Center, University of Washington; Affiliated Hospitals, Seattle, Washington
1987 - 1989Resident, Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital Medical Center, University of Washington; Affiliated Hospitals, Seattle, Washington
1989 - 1991Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholar, University of Washington,
Seattle, Washington
Professional Experience:
1991 - 1993Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado
1991 - 1993Attending Physician, Child Health Clinic and Inpatient Referral Group,
The Children’s Hospital, Denver, Colorado
1992 - 1993Director of Research, Section of General and Emergency Pediatrics, The Children’s Hospital, Denver, Colorado
1993 – 1994Staff Pediatrician, Virginia Mason Clinic, Seattle, Washington
1994 – 1999Medical Director, Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic and Garfield/Nova Teen Health Center, Seattle, Washington
1994 – 2001Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Washington
1995 – presentDirector, Asthma Clinic and QI Programs,
Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic, Seattle, Washington
1996 – 2002Director, Childhood Asthma Study Team, Seattle, Washington
1998 – presentCo-Founder, National Initiative for Children’s Healthcare Quality (NICHQ), an independent non-profit organization founded in 1999 and headquartered in Boston.
2006 – presentFounder and Director, Interactive Medical Training Resources (iMTR), Child Health Institute, Seattle, Washington
1998 – 2001Adjunct Assistant Professor of Health Services, University of Washington
1999 – 2002Co-Founder and Senior Associate, National Initiative for Children’s Healthcare Quality (NICHQ).
2001 –2007Adjunct Associate Professor of Health Services, University of Washington
2001 –2007Associate Professor of Pediatrics, University of Washington
2007 -Professor of Pediatrics, University of Washington
2007-Adjunct Professor of Health Services, University of Washington
Fellowships, Awards, and Honors:
1986Lange Medical Publications Student Award for Excellent Performance
1986Saunders Medical Publications Award for Class Presidency
1989 - 1991Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholar
1992Young Investigator Award Finalist, Society of Adolescent Medicine
2004 - 2007University of Washington, Innovator Recognition Program
2013 University of Washington Innovator Showcase Poster Session “People’s Choice” Co-winner, with BiliCam team
License to Practice:
1989 - presentWashington State License #26149
1986-2013Washington State Medical Association
1986 - presentAmerican Academy of Pediatrics
Ambulatory Pediatric Association
Teaching Responsibilities:
University of Colorado
Child Health Clinic Core Lecture Series, 1991 – 1993
Child Health Clinic Clinical Preceptor
Valley Medical Center (Renton, WA)
Pediatric Instructor and Consultant, Valley Family Practice Residency Program, 1993 -1994
University of Washington/Seattle Children’s Hospital
UW Hospital Newborn Nursery-Clinical Preceptor, 2001-present.
Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic (OBCC) - Clinical Preceptor, February 1994 – present
OBCC Asthma Clinic Lead and Preceptor-1995-present
Providence family practice residents: Outpatient asthma management 2003-present
Seattle Children’s Hospital, Clinical Preceptor, February 1994 – 2001
Pediatric residents’ noon conference series 2002-present
Pediatric Residency Global and Community Health Track lecture series faculty 2009-present
Asthma faculty, Washington State Collaborative 2007-2009
NICHQ lead asthma faculty: 1998-2009
Committees and Organizational Responsibilities:
Local Responsibilities:
Bowman Gray School of Medicine
Medical Class President, Junior and Senior years (1984 - 1986)
AAMC Organization of Student Representatives
School Representative (1983 - 1986)
Southern Region Chair (1985 - 1986)
National Advisory Board (1985 - 1987)
Editor, Southern Region Magazine (1985)
Physical Diagnosis Tutorial Program, creator of program and volunteer tutor
Children’s Hospital, University of Washington
Residency Training Committee (1986 - 1989)
Residency Selection Committee (1988)
Project Lead, Asthma Management Critical Elements of Care (1995-1996)
Director of distance learning project planning at Seattle Children’s Hospital (2004 – present)
Maintenance of Certification Leadership Committee (2013-present)
University of Washington
Advisory Board member, Maternal Child and Health Bureau, “Nursing Leadership Enhancement for Culturally Competent Care: Children and Adolescents with Special Health Care Needs, Families and communities, (1998-2003)
ISMS/III advisor and reviewer (ongoing)
Chair, MPH thesis committees (Halperin, McPhillips, Martinez, Inoue)
Graduate School Representative, Dissertation Committee (various UW schools)
University of Colorado (1991 - 1993)
Director of Research, Section of General and Emergency Pediatrics
Coordinator, 3rd Year Pediatric Outpatient Clerkship
Academic Advisor, University of Colorado Pediatric Housestaff
Research Advisor, University of Colorado Pediatric Housestaff Academic Track
American Lung Association of Washington (1998)
Member, Advisory Group for Asthma Clinical Research Center and Data Coordinating Center
Regional Responsibilities:
- Executive Chair, Children’s Health Improvement Collaborative. Sponsoring agency: Public Health Seattle & King County, and various funding sources. October, 2004-2009
National Responsibilities:
- National Institutes of Health:
Steering Committee Member, Inner-City Asthma Study (ICAS), 1996 –2006.
Chair, ICAS Publications and Presentations Committee, 1999 –2006.
- Member, Program Committee, Scientific Assembly on Allergy, Immunology, and Inflammation of the American Thoracic Society, 2000 – 2001.
- Planning group and faculty: Improving care for adults and children with asthma. Institute for Healthcare Improvement Improving Chronic Illness Care Series, 1999 – 2000.
- Chair, National Asthma Collaborative. Sponsoring agency: Bureau of Primary Healthcare. Administering agency: Institute for Healthcare Improvement. June, 2001 – September, 2002.
- Chair, California Asthma Initiative Asthma Learning Collaborative. Sponsoring agency: California Department of Public Health. Administering agency: National Initiative for Children’s Healthcare Quality. February, 2001 – June 2002.
- Chair, National Asthma Collaborative. Sponsoring agency: American Academy of Family Practice. Administering agency: National Initiative for Children’s Healthcare Quality. February 2002 – March 2003.
- Member, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality(AHRQ) Reducing Disparities in Asthma Steering Committee and Expert Faculty. January 2004-2006.
- Member, National Institutes of Health: NHLBI Asthma Guidelines Implementation Panel 2005-2007
- Technical Consultant, New York State Asthma Plan 2006-2009 (New York State Health Department)
- Technical Consultant, California State Asthma Management Reimbursement Initiative (The California Endowment). 2005-2006
- Sapphire Award Selection Committee, The Blue Foundation, Florida. 2005-2009
- Member, NIH/NHLBI National Asthma Guidelines Implementation Panel 2007-2009
- Member, Strategic Policy and Advisory Council, National Initiative for Children’s Healthcare Quality (NICHQ) 2005-2009
- Asthma Outcomes Congress (NIH-sponsored conference to unify asthma outcomes) End-User Discussant, Respiratory Physiology Group. March 15-16, 2009, Bethesda, MD.
International Responsibilities:
- Member, Board of Directors, National Respiratory Training Center 2008-present
- International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG) Research sub-committee 2008-present
- IPCRG Distance Education sub-committee 2010-present
1.Stout JW, Rivara FP. Schools and Sex Education: Does it Work? Pediatrics. 1989;83(3): 375-379.
2.Stout JW, Kirby D. The Effects of Sexuality Education on Adolescent Sexual Activity. (Invited Author) Pediatric Annals. 1993;22(2): 120-126.
- Stout JW, White LC, Rogers L, McRorie T, Morray B, Miller-Ratcliffe M, Redding GJ. The Asthma Outreach Project: A Promising Approach to Comprehensive Asthma Management. Journal of Asthma 35:1, 119-127, 1998.
- Redding F, Stout JW, Martinez P, Morray B, Stamey D, Lewis T, Hamilton L, White L, Berliner M. Prevalence of Asthma and Respiratory Symptoms among Alaskan Native Children. Pediatric Research. 43:4 part 2 of 2, A335, 1998.
- Stout JW, Liu LL, Sullivan M, Grossman D. Asthma Prevalence among American Indian and Alaska Native Children. Public Health Reports 114:3, 257-261, 1999.
- Christakis D, Bibus D, Stout JW, Stewart L, MacDonald JK, Zerr D, Gale JL. Providers’ Perceptions of an Immunization Registry. American Journal of Preventative Medicine 17:2, 147-150, 1999.
- Norris G, Pong SNY, Koenig JQ, Larson TV, Sheppard L, Stout JW. An Association between Fine Particles and Asthma Emergency Department Visits for Children in Seattle. Environmental Health Perspectives. 107:6, 489-493, 1999.
- Shay DK, Liu LL, Stout JW. Bronchiolitis-Associated Hospitalizations among United States Children, 1980-1996. JAMA. 282:15, 1440-1446, 1999.
- Lewis T, Redding G, Martinez P, Morray B, Stamey D, Randels S, Hamilton L, White L, Grunwald S, Stout JW. Spirometric Correlates of Respiratory Symptoms in Alaskan Native Adolescents. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 159:3 part 2 of 2, A149, 1999.
- Karakoc F, Stout JW, Morgan W. Environmental Control Measures for Inner-City Children. Journal of Respiratory Diseases for Pediatricians. 2:2, 90-96, 2000.
- Krieger JW, Song L, Takaro TK, Stout JW. Asthma and the Home Environment of Low-income, Urban Children: Preliminary Findings from the Seattle-King County Healthy Homes Project. Journal of Urban Health. 77:1, 50-67, 2000.
- Liu LL, Stout JW, Sullivan M, Solet D, Shay DK, Grossman DC. Asthma and Bronchiolitis Hospitalizations among American Indian Children. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. 154:10, 991-996, 2000.
- Solet D, Stout JW, Liu LL, Krieger J. Childhood Asthma Hospitalizations--King County, Washington, 1987-1998. MMWR. 49:41, 929-933, 2000.
- Stout JW, White LC, Redding GG, Morray B, Martinez P, Gergen PJ. Differences in asthma prevalence between samples of American Indian and Alaska Native children. Public Health Reports. 116:1, 51-57, 2001.
- Vojta PJ, Randels SP, Stout JW, Muilenberg M, Burge H, Mitchell H, O’Connor G, Zeldin D. Effects of Physical Interventions on House Dust Mite Allergen Levels in Carpet, Bed and Upholstery Dust in Low-Income, Urban Homes. Environmental Health Perspectives. 109:8, 815-819, 2001.
- Feldman KW, Stout JW, Inglis AF. Asthma, Allergy and Sinopulmonary Disease in Pediatric Condition Falsification. Child Maltreatment 7:2, 125-131, 2002.
- Ludman E, Curry S, Grothaus L, Graham E, Stout J, Lozano P. Depressive Symptoms, Stress, and Weight Concerns among African American and European American Low-Income Female smokers. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 16:1, 68-71, 2002.
- Shapiro GG, Stout JW. Childhood Asthma in the United States: Urban Issues. Pediatric Pulmonology. 33:1, 47-55, 2002.
- Crain EF, Walter M, O’Connor GT, Mitchell H, Gruchalla RS, Kattan M, Malindzak GS, Enright P, Evans R, Morgan W, Stout JW. Home and Allergic Characteristics of Children with Asthma in Seven U.S. Urban Communities and Design of an Environmental Intervention: The Inner-City Asthma Study. Environmental Health Perspectives. 110:9, 939-945, 2002.
- Stout JW. Is Primary Prevention of Allergy-Mediated Asthma a Viable Idea? Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. 156:10, 967-968, 2002.
- Peterson J, Sterling YM, Stout JW. Explanatory Models of Asthma from African-American Caregivers of Children with Asthma. J. Asthma. 39:7, 577-590, 2002.
- Curry SJ, Ludman EJ, Graham E, Stout JW, Grothaus LC, Lozano P. A Randomized Trial of a Pediatric-Based Smoking Cessation Intervention for Low-Income Women. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. 157:3, 295-302, 2003.
- Wallace LA, Mitchell H, O’Connor GT, Neas L, Lippmann M, Kattan M, Koenig J, Stout JW, Vaughn BJ, Wallace D, Walter M, Adams K, Liu L-JS. Particle Concentrations in Inner-City Homes of Children with Asthma: The Effect of Smoking, Cooking, and Outdoor Pollution. Environmental Health Perspectives. 111:9, 1265-72, 2003.
- Wright RJ,Mitchell H,Visness CS,Cohen S,Stout J, Evans R,Gold DR. Community Violence and Asthma Morbidity: The Inner-City Asthma Study. Am J Public Health. 94:4, 625-632, 2004.
- Lewis TC, Stout JW, Martinez P, Morray B, White L, Heckbert SR, Redding GJ. Prevalence of Asthma and Chronic Respiratory Symptoms among Alaska Native Children. Chest. 125:5, 1665-1673, 2004.
- Morgan WJ, Crain EF, Gruchalla RS, O’Conner GT, Kattan M, Evans III R, Stout JW, Malindzak G, Smartt E, Plaut M, Walter M, Vaughn B, Mitchell H. Results of a Home-Based Environmental Intervention among Urban Children with Asthma – The Inner City Asthma Study. New England Journal of Medicine. 351:11, 1068-1080, 2004.
- O’Conner GT, Walter M, Mitchell H, Kattan M, Morgan WJ, Gruchalla RS, Pongracic JA, Smartt E, Stout JW, Evans R, Crain EF, Burge HA. Airborne fungi in the homes of asthmatic children in low-income urban communities: The Innter-City Asthma Study. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 114:3, 599-606, 2004.
- Gruchalla RS, Pongracic J, Plaut M, Evans R, Visness C, Walter M, Crain E, Kattan M, Morgan W, Steinbach S, Stout JW, Malindzak G, Smartt E, Mitchell H. Inner City Asthma Study: Relationships Among Sensitivity, Allergen Exposure, and Asthma Morbidity. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 115:3, 478-485, 2005.
- Kattan M, Stearns SC, Crain EF, Stout JW, Gergen PJ, Evans R III, Visness CM, Gruchalla RS, Morgan WJ, O’Connor GT, Mastin JP, Mitchell HE. Cost Effectiveness of a Home-Based Environmental Intervention for Inner-City Children with Asthma. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 116(5): 1058-1063, 2005.
- Kattan M, Crain EF, Steinbach S, Visness CM, Walter M, Stout JW, Evans III R, Smartt E, Gruchalla RS, Morgan WJ, O’Connor GT, Mitchell HE. A Randomized Clinical Trial of Clinician Feedback to Improve Quality of Care for Inner-City Children with Asthma. Pediatrics. 117: 1095-1103, 2006.
- Stout JW, Visness CM, Enright P, Lamm C, Gail Shapiro GG, Gan VN, Adams GK III, Mitchell HE. Classification of Asthma Severity Testing in Children: The Contribution of Pulmonary Function Testing. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 2006;160:844-850
- Lewis, C. Stout, JW. Toothache in US ChildrenArch Pediatr Adolesc Med.2010;164(11):1059-1063.
- Neff JM, Clifton H, Park KJ, Goldenberg C, Popalisky J, Stout JW, Danielson BS. Identifying Children with Lifelong Chronic Conditions for Care Coordination Using Hospital Discharge Data. Academic Pediatrics 2010;10(6): 417-423.
- Lozano P, McPhillips HA, MD, MPH, Hartzler B, Andrea S. Robertson AS, Runkle C, PhD; Kelley A. Scholz KA, Stout JW, Kieckhefer GM.Randomized Trial of Teaching Brief Motivational Interviewing to Pediatric Trainees to Promote Healthy Behaviors in Families.Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. 164(6):561-566. 2010.
- Schermer TR, Akkermans RP, Crockett AJ, van Montfort M, Grootens-Stekelenburg J, Stout JW, Pieters W. Effect of e-learning and repeated performance feedback on spirometry test quality in family practice. A cluster trial. Annals of Family Medicine 2011; 9(4): 330-336.
- Latzke-Davis B, Stout JW, Smith K, Solomon C, Garrison MM, Mangione-Smith R. Effectiveness of Spirometry Fundamentals™ for increasing the proper use of spirometry in patients with asthma and COPD. Primary Care Respiratory Journal. 20(4): 441-447, 2011.
- Stout JW, Smith K, Zhou C, Solomon C, Dozor AJ, Garrison MM, Mangione-Smith R. Learning from a Distance: Effectiveness of online spirometry training in improving asthma care: a cluster randomized trial. Academic Pediatrics. 12(2): 88-95, March/April 2012.
- McDonnell J, Williams S, Chavannes NH, Correia de Sousa J, H Fardy HJ, Fletcher M, Stout JW, Tomlins R, Yusuf OM, Pinnock H. Effecting change in primary care management of respiratory conditions: a global scoping exercise and literature review of educational interventions to inform the IPCRG’s E-Quality initiative. Primary Care Respiratory Journal. 21(4): 431-436, December 2012
- O’Laughlen MC, Rance K, Stout JW. Understanding Spirometry in Primary Care. Journal of Asthma and Allergy Educators, V.4: December 2013, pp. 282-289
Other Publications/Original Work:
- Asthma Outreach Project: A Case Management Partnership at Work. Stout JW, Rogers L, 1999. This is a manual written and published through grants from the Community Care Network and the American Lung Association of Washington. It has been distributed to several physician groups regionally and nationally in the context of asthma quality improvement.
- Spirometry Fundamentals multi-media tutorial (Powell H. and Stout J., 2006) distributed for license both on-line and CD-ROM. through University of Washington Center for Commercialization (C4C), 2006-present. Licensed in the U.S., Canada, and The Netherlands, where the Dutch version of Spirometry Fundamentals is a compulsory component of spirometry training and certification for general practice technicians in The Netherlands.
- Spirometry 360 Interactive Online Training and Feedback. (J. Stout Founder and Lead)
Licensed through University of Washington C4C, 2009-present to primary care practices throughout the U.S.
4. Procedural Pediatric Sedation multi-media tutorial. (Klein E. 2012). Being employed as the sedation credentialing tool at Seattle Children’s Hospital, 2013-present.
Scientific Presentations:
1.Stout JW, Anderman CR: Are School-Based Clinics Serving the High Risk Student? Ambulatory Pediatric Association National Meeting, May, 1991.
2.Stout JW, Anderman CR, Inui TS, Koepsell TD, Rivara FP, Higginson G, Brindis CD, Cheadle AD: Oregon’s School-Based Clinics: Are They Meeting the Needs of the Students? Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program National Meeting, November, 1991, Ft. Lauderdale, FL; and Society for Adolescent Medicine National Meeting, March, 1992, Washington, DC.
3.Stout JW, Kaplan DW, Coray G, Mascovich S, Brindis CD: Elementary School-Based Clinic Services: A Promising Approach for Reaching Minority Youth. Western Ambulatory Pediatric Association, May, 1993, Carmel, CA; and American Public Health Association, October, 1993 National Meeting, Section of School Health Education and Services, San Francisco, CA.
4.Stout JW, Brindis CD, Jeffers BW, Higginson G: The Association Between Adolescents’ Use of Oral Contraceptive Pills and Condoms, and Their Visits for Reproductive Health Care. Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program, November, 1993 National Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, FL; and American Public Health Association, October, 1993 National Meeting, Section of Population and Family Planning, San Francisco, CA.
5.Haverkamp KS, Stout JW: Health Status Indicators in a Mexican Orphanage. Presented at University of Colorado Department of Pediatrics 1993 Poster Session, and American Public Health Association, October, 1993 National Meeting, Section of International Health, San Francisco, CA.
6.Stout JW, White LC, Cheadle A, Alexander T, Brindis C, Rivara FP: A Controlled Study of the Health Impact of School-Based Health Centers. Health Services Plenary Session, Ambulatory Pediatric Association May, 1996 National Meeting, Washington, DC.
- Stout JW, White LC, McRorie T, Morray BH, Miller-Ratcliffe M, Redding GJ: The Impact of a System of Coordinated Care on Health Care Use by High Risk Minority Children with Asthma. Ambulatory Pediatric Association May, 1996 National Meeting Poster Presentation, Washington, DC; American Thoracic Society International Conference Poster Presentation May, 1996.
- Redding G, Stout JW, Martinez P, Randels SP, Morray B, Stamey D, et. al.: Prevalence of Asthma and Respiratory Symptoms among Alaska Native Children. Poster presentation to the American Pediatric Society Annual Meeting, May, 1998.
- Bibus D, Stewart L, MacDonald JK, Seattle King CO. Department of Public Health; Kauffman MJK, Christakis D, Gale JL, Satia J, University of Washington School of Public Health; Stout JW, Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic and Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center: Provider Switching and Child Immunization Coverage. Presented to the CDC National Immunization Conference, July, 1998.
- Stout JW, Rogers L: Reality-based Asthma Care: Asthma Management Strategies Targeting Underserved Children. Poster presentation, American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, November, 1998.
- Morray B, White LC, Randels SP, Martinez P, Stout, JW, Redding GJ: Health Perception and Utilization among Alaska Native Adolescents with Asthma. Presented to the American Lung Association/American Thoracic Society International Conference, April, 1999.
- Lewis T, Redding GJ, Martinez P, Morray B, Stamey D, Randels SP, Hamilton LP, White LC, Grunwald S, Stout J: Spirometric Correlates of Respiratory Symptoms in Alaska Native Adolescents. Presented to the American Lung Association/American Thoracic Society International Conference, April, 1999.
- Stout JW, White LC, Redding GJ, Morray B, Martinez P, Gergen PJ: Differences in Asthma Prevalence among a Sample of Alaska Native and American Indian Middle School Students. Presented to the Pediatric Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting, May, 1999.
- Liu LL, Stout JW, Sullivan M, Solet D, Shay DK, Grossman DC: Asthma and Bronchiolitis Hospitalizations among American Indian Children in Washington State. Poster presentation, Pediatric Academic Societies’ 1999 Annual Meeting, May, 1999.
- Young JC, Gray DT, Stout JW, Bell MA: School-Based Health Centers: Insurance Status and Adolescent Utilization of Services. Pediatric Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting, May, 1999.
- White LC, Stout, JW, Huebner CM, Connell F. A case study of an innovative program to improve pediatric asthma management in primary care practices. Presented at the American Public Health Association Meeting, Chicago IL. November, 1999.
- Vojta PJ, Lang A, O’Connor G, Randels SP, Stout JW, Harb M, Mitchell H. Zeldin DC; Effects of physical interventions on group I mite allergen levels in carpet and bedding dust in inner city homes. American Thoracic Society Annual Meeting, May, 2000.
- Gruchalla RS for the ICAS group; Allergy skin test results of 942 urban asthmatic children: the inner city asthma study (ICAS). AAAAI Annual Meeting, May, 2000.
- Morgan WJ for the ICAS group; Inhaled anti-inflammatory therapy for asthma: the inner city asthma study (ICAS). American Thoracic Society Annual Meeting, May, 2000.
- Ludman E, Curry S, Grothaus L, Graham E, Stout J, Lozano P. Design, implementation and acceptance of a pediatric-based smoking cessation intervention for low-income women. Society of Behavioral Medicine, April, 2000.
- Ludman E, Curry S, Grothaus L, Graham E, Stout J, Lozano P. A comparison of stress, depression, and weight concerns between African American and Caucasian low-income smokers. Society of Behavioral Medicine, April, 2000.
- O’Callahan C, Stout JW, White L, Joy P, Hester K, Heinrich P. Pediatric asthma quality improvement in American Indian and Alaskan Native Primary care Practices. 12th Annual Indian Health Service Research Conference, April, 2000.
- Stout JW, Crain EF, for the Inner City Asthma Study Group. The influence of health insurance on asthma care quality among inner-city children. APA/AAP joint meeting, Boston, MA, May, 2000.
- Crain EF, Stout JW, for the Inner City Asthma Study Group. Does the quality of asthma care for inner-city Hispanic children vary by the caretaker’s primary spoken language? APA/AAP joint meeting, Boston, MA, May, 2000.
- Stout JW, Smith K. “Spirometry 360: Interactive, On-line Training and Feedback.” Poster Presentation at Tenth Annual International Summit on Redesigning Clinical Office Practice. March 22-24, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Stout JW, for the Inner City Asthma Study (ICAS) group. Classification of asthma severity in children: the contribution of pulmonary function testing.Fourth International International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG) bi-annual conference, Seville, Spain, May 28-31 2008
- Stout JW, Schermer T. Spirometry Fundamentals: a computer-based guide to lung function testing. The American and Dutch experience to date. Fourth International International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG) bi-annual conference, Seville, Spain, May 28-31 2008
- Stout JW, Mangione-Smith R. Development and implementation of a spirometry distance training program.Fourth International International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG) bi-annual conference, Seville, Spain, May 28-31 2008
- Stout JW, Dozor AJ, Smith K. Spirometry 360: Interactive online training and feedback. Fifth International IPCRG World Conference, June 2nd-5th, 2010, Toronto CA
- Stout JW, Smith K, Mangione-Smith R. Learning From a Distance:A cluster randomized trial to improve asthma care through interactive online spirometry training and feedback European Respiratory Society 2010 Annual Congress, September, Barcelona Spain.
- Dozor AJ, J.W. StoutJW, K. Smith K, ZhouC, C. SolomonC, R. Mangione-Smith Learning From A Distance: A Cluster Randomized Trial Of A Program To Improve Asthma Care Through Interactive, Online Spirometry Training And Feedback. American Thoracic Society 2011 International Congress, Denver CO.
- Dozor AJ, Smith K, Stout JW. A Novel Approach To Interactive Online Training and Feedback. American Thoracic Society 2011 International Congress, Denver CO.
- Stout JW, Smith K, Culver B, Dozor AJ. Spirometry 360 On-line Training and Feedback: Spring 2011 Course Results and Future Plans. European Respiratory Society Annual Congress, September 2011, Amsterdam, NL.
- Stout JW, Hsu C, Smith K, Mangione-Smith R. Predicting Success in Implementing a Distance Quality Improvement (QI) Intervention for Asthma. European Respiratory Society Annual Congress, September 2011, Amsterdam, NL.
- Stout JW, Patel S, Larson EC, Goel M, Burges D, Rosenfeld M. SpiroSmart: Development of a Mobile Phone-Based Spirometer with Feedback Capability. International Primary Care Respiratory Group Scientific Meeting, Uppsala Sweden, May 2013.
- Stout JW, Hancock K, Crockett A. Enabling Online Spirometry Training and Feedback from the US to Australia: E-Quality Program Results. International Primary Care Respiratory Group Scientific Meeting, Uppsala Sweden, May 2013.
- Taylor JA, Stout JW, Larson EC, de Greef L, Goel M, Patel S. Preliminary Assessment of a Novel, Non-Invasive Technology to Estimate Bilirubin Levels in Outpatient Neonates. Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Vancouver BC, Canada, May 2014.