Dr the Honourable Rosanna WONG Yick-ming, JP (Chairman)

Dr the Honourable Rosanna WONG Yick-ming is Chairman of the Hong Kong Housing Authority. She is also a Member of the Executive Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and a past Member of the Legislative Council.

Dr Wong is Executive Director of the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, a position that she has held since 1980. Over the past 20 years, Dr Wong has been very active in a wide range of social and political concerns. Dr Wong sits on a number of committees and public service bodies associated with the formation of public policy and is also patron of a number of social service and charity organisations. She has been the recipient of many awards, both locally and internationally, including receiving one of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons Award in Hong Kong and being honoured as Global Leader for Tomorrow.

The Honourable LEE Wing-tat

The Honourable LEE Wing-tat is a Member of the Provisional Regional Council. He is Chairman of the Legislative Council掇 Housing Panel. Mr Lee has been actively involved in promoting a democratic political system for Hong Kong and in improving living conditions for residents both in public and private housing. He is a Member of the Central Executive Committee of the Democratic Party and the Party掇 spokesman on housing.

Mr Daniel LAM Chun, JP

Mr Daniel LAM Chun is a chartered building surveyor and Chairman of DCL Consultants Limited. He is a Member of the Appeal Board under the Hotel and Guesthouses Accommodation Ordinance, Appeal Board under the Bedspace Apartments Ordinance, Appeal Board under the Clubs (Safety of Premises) Ordinance, Council of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre and is also Chairman of the Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators. His past public services include membership of the Authorized Persons* and Structural Engineers* Registration Committee, the Land and Building Advisory Committee and the Construction Advisory Board. He was also a consultant to the World Bank on the Urban Land Management Study of the People掇 Republic of China and a past President of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors. He serves as Chairman of the Building Committee of the Housing Authority.

Mr YEUNG Ka-sing, JP

Mr YEUNG Ka-sing is a human resources management and development professional. He serves as Chairman of the Human Resources Committee of the Housing Authority. He is also a Member of the Hong Kong Housing Society, Standing Commission on Civil Service Salaries and Conditions of Service, Standing Committee on Disciplined Services Salaries and Conditions of Service, Rehabilitation Advisory Committee, Urban Services Appeals Board, Administration Appeals Board and Careers Advisory Board of The University of Hong Kong. He is also a Member of the Estate Agents Authority and the Chairman of its Licensing Committee.

Mr Anthony WONG Luen-kin, JP

Mr Anthony WONG Luen-kin is Centre Director of Caritas Social Centres (Yaumati and Fanling) and

Co-ordinator of Caritas Hospitality Services. As a social worker, he has been actively involved in community development and in assisting fishermen to solve their housing problems. He was a Member of

the Regional Council, an appointed Member of the Shatin District Board, and a Hong Kong District Affairs Adviser. Currently, he is the Vice-president of the Shatin Arts Association and serves as Chairman of the Housing Authority’s Complaints Committee and Special Committee on Clearance of Kowloon Walled City of the Housing Authority.

Dr Joseph CHOW Ming-kuen, JP (resigned on 28.1.2000)

Dr Joseph CHOW Ming-kuen is a professional civil and structural engineer. He is the Managing Director of JMK Consulting Engineers. He was born in Shanghai, educated in Hong Kong and trained in the United Kingdom. Dr Chow is the Chairman of the Hong Kong Engineers Registration Board and the Senior Vice-president of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. He is also the Chairman of the Hong Kong Examinations Authority, Member of the Hospital Authority, Member of the Shanghai Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference as well as an Honorary Senior Superintendent of the Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force. He served in many other professional, academic and statutory boards and committees.

Mr Eddy FONG Ching, JP

Mr Eddy FONG Ching is a certified public accountant and senior partner in the international accounting firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers in Hong Kong. He qualified as a chartered accountant in 1972, also receiving an Honorary Doctorate in Civil Law from the University of Kent in 1997. Involved in the Authority’s activities since 1992, he serves as Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Housing Authority. Other local community services include serving as Director of the Applied Research Council and the Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation, Non-executive Director of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority and as a Member on the General Committee of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries.

Mr Raymond CHOW Wai-kam, JP

Mr Raymond CHOW Wai-kam is an architect by profession. He is a Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects, Royal Institute of British Architects, Royal Australian Institute of Architects and the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. He is Managing Director of Hutchison Whampoa Properties Limited. He has extensive experience in housing development, design and implementation. He has also served in various community service organisations over the years. He is a Member of the Fight Crime Committee, Executive Committee of the Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers, the Hospital Governing Committee of Ruttonjee Hospital, Criminal and Law Enforcement Injuries Compensation Board and an Adjudicator of the Immigration Tribunal.

Ms SIU Yuen-sheung, JP

Ms SIU Yuen-sheung is a Member of the Provisional Kowloon City District Board and chairs its Community Building Committee. She has been an owners* corporation chairman since 1985. She has also served on a number of committees including a mutual aid committee, area committee and the Kowloon City District Fight Crime Committee. In 1987, she was elected as the Best Chairman in the Ten Outstanding Owners* Corporations in Hong Kong. In 1988, she was the first female District Board Member elected in Kowloon City. She joined the Home Ownership Committee of the Housing Authority in 1990 and was appointed as a Housing Authority Member on 1 April 1996. She was appointed Hong Kong District Affairs Adviser in 1995. She is also a Member of the Estate Agents Authority, Kowloon Regional Advisory Committee of the Hospital Authority and an Adviser of the Panel on Film Censorship.

Mr Walter CHAN Kar-lok, JP

Mr Walter CHAN Kar-lok is a practising lawyer. He was appointed as a Member of the Complaints Committee and Appeal Panel of the Housing Authority on 1 April 1992 and later to the Housing Authority on 1 April 1996. He is also a Member of the Inland Revenue (Appeal) Board and Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal. Mr Chan also offers assistance to a number of Christian and charitable organisations. He serves as Chairman of the Home Ownership Committee of the Housing Authority.

Dr Anthony CHEUNG Bing-leung, JP

Dr Anthony CHEUNG Bing-leung is an Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Public and Social Administration at the City University of Hong Kong, specializing in public administration and public management. He was a civil servant before joining the City University in October 1986. He is active in public service and serves on a number of government advisory committees, including the Standing Committee on Disciplined Services Salaries and Conditions of Service. He was Member of the Legislative Council (1995-97) and Vice-chairman of the Democratic Party (1994-98). He is also a Director of the Hong Kong Policy Research Institute.

Mr WAN Man-yee, JP

Mr WAN Man-yee is a registered professional surveyor. Before establishing his property consultancy firm, M.Y. Wan and Associates Limited in January 1997, he worked for the Hong Kong Government for 10 years in land administration and as a property manager for 17 years in a public listed property group. He was first appointed as a Member of the Building Committee of the Housing Authority on 1 April 1994 and a as Member of the Authority on 1 April 1996. He is also a Member of the Hong Kong Housing Society and the Elderly Commission, a Council Member of the Federation of Youth Groups, and President of Youth Outreach, a charity for runaway youths.

Mr CHAN Bing-woon, SBS, JP

Mr CHAN Bing-woon is a solicitor and notary public. He was first appointed as a Member of the Authority掇 Appeal Panel in April 1994 and as a Member of the Authority on 1 April 1996. He is the Chairman of the Provisional Eastern District Board and a Member of the Provisional Urban Council. He is actively involved in community services and is Chairman of the Appeal Board (Amusement Game Centres) and Member of the Hong Kong Housing Society, Helping Hand, the Li Po Chun Charitable Trust Fund Committee and the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal Panel. He is also a Member of the Central Steering Committee on Fire Safety and a Member of the Independent Police Complaints Council. He was also a Hong Kong District Affairs Adviser. He serves as the Chairman of the Task Force on Private Sector Involvement of the Housing Authority.

Dr LAU Kwok-yu, JP

Dr LAU Kwok-yu is an Associate Professor and Programme Director of the BA(Hons.) Housing Studies Programme of the Department of Public and Social Administration, Hong Kong City University. He teaches courses on housing policy and administration and social policy at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. His current research focuses on housing affordability in Hong Kong and the reform of urban housing systems in China. Previously, Dr Lau worked as a community worker in older public housing estates, squatter areas and temporary housing areas. He was a Member of the Housing Affairs Committee of the Kwai Tsing District Board and has been an adviser to the Hong Kong People’s Council on Public Housing Policy

(now called the Hong Kong People’s Council on Housing Policy) since 1984. He is a Member of the Land Development Corporation Appeals Panel.

Mr Peter WONG Hong-yuen, GBS, JP

Mr Peter WONG Hong-yuen is a chartered accountant and senior partner of the accountant firm, Deliotte Touche Tohmatsu. He was President of the Hong Kong Society of Accountants from 1984 to 1985 and was elected Legislative Councillor to represent the accountancy functional constituency from 1988 to 1995. He is Chairman of the Social Welfare Advisory Committee, the Advisory Council on the Environment and the Hong Kong Retirement Scheme Association. He is also a Member of the Court of The University of Hong Kong, the Insurance Advisory Committee, the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Advisory Committee and the Commission on Strategic Development. Mr Wong was a Member of the Basic Law Consultative Committee, Steering Committee on the British Nationality Scheme and the Securities and Futures Commission. He was President of the Society for the Relief of Disabled Children and Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children, and is now Chairman of Resource, the Counselling Centre. He is also the President

of the Hong Kong Marine Conservation Society and has been the District Grand Master of Hong Kong and the Far East, English Constitution since 1991.

The Honourable Gary CHENG Kai-nam, JP

The Honourable Gary CHENG Kai-nam is a Member of the Legislative Council and Vice-chairman of the political party, Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong. He runs his own public relations firm and also acts as an external consultant for the public relations professionals Burson-Marsteller. He is deeply involved in numerous projects concerning public policy issues and corporate excutive training programmes, corporate image building and crisis management. He is Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Council Housing Panel. He has published a number of books on the Basic Law and Hong Kong’s transition to 1997 and had the honour of receiving one of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons Awards in 1989. He is a Member of the Standing Committee on Disciplined Services Salaries and Conditions of Service, Independent Police Complaint Council, Prevention Education and Publicity Sub-committee of the Actions Committee Against Narcotics, Steering Committee on Promotion of the Basic Law and the Estate Agents Authority.

The Honourable NG Leung-sing

The Honourable NG Leung-sing, born and educated in Hong Kong, is a Member of the Legislative Council. He received his diploma from the University of East Asia. With over 30 years* experience in the banking industry, he has worked as Assistant General Manager of the Bank of China, Hong Kong Branch; Deputy Managing Director of Trilease International Limited, a joint venture of the Bank of China, Societe Generale and the Bank of East Asia; and Deputy General Manager of the National Commercial Bank Limited, Hong Kong Branch. He is now Vice-chairman of China and South Sea Bank Limited. He was the Chinese Representative of the Sino-British Land Commission and Trustee of Hong Kong Government Land Fund from 1988 to 1997. Since 1992, Mr Ng has been a Member of the Corporation Contribution Programme Organisation Committee of the Hong Kong Community Chest. Mr Ng has been a Member of the Housing Authority and a Director of the Charity Fund of the Bank of China Group since 1996 and also a member of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Advisory Committee. Mr Ng serves as the Chairman of the Commercial Properties Committee of the Housing Authority.

Mr NG Shui-lai, JP

Mr NG Shui-lai is Director of Hong Kong Christian Service. He started his social work career in 1969. Since then he has initiated a number of pilot projects in response to changing needs in the community. He has been President of the Hong Kong Social Workers Association and is currently the Treasurer of the International Federation of Social Workers. He is also a Member of the Action Committee Against Narcotics, Social Welfare Advisory Committee, Consumer Legal Action Fund, Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal Panel and an Adjudicator on the Immigration Tribunal.