Anderson Road Runners ClubSeptember 2005 Pacer


Newsletter of the Anderson Road Runners Club

September 2005

Anderson Road Runners Club Wraps up

Youth Cross Country Conditioning Program for 2005


Anderson Road Runners ClubSeptember 2005 Pacer

In June, Mark Volk and myself showed up at Mounds State Park not knowing how many young harriers would sign-up for the 2nd year of the Anderson Roadrunners Youth Cross Country Program (XCCP). Our new director, ARRC member Bob Hart, had stepped up to take care of administrative needs and boy were we glad to have him.

Last year’s program of 16 kids paled to the challenge of the 34 individuals that would step up to accept the 9 weeks of training at Mounds State Park. The whole idea of training at a great park like Mounds, running on trails, and getting a chance to run with other kids their own age that like running also was just to cool to pass up. With new running shoes, technical running gear, and even sport watches with split timing, these youngsters were full of energy and ready to go.

With a new large group of enthusiastic harriers, we knew right away we needed help. ARRC members Hank Gerhart and Mike McCreery stepped up as coaches and with the help from other ARRC members we managed not to lose any kids in the least not permanently. Some ARRC members donated time to help while others brought drinks during what seemed to be the hottest summer on record. All help was appreciated.

Our kids ran in heat, rain, mud, over water (sometimes through it), logs and rocks. We steadily built them up with twice a day stretching, plyometrics, and lots of push-ups...their favorite. Each Thursday, our kids came out to Shadyside Lake for the weekly 1-Lap Race and a chance to show how their training had progressed. We saw kids set new Personal Records week after week and having a blast while doing it.

Many rivalries began among these youngsters as it was fun to see our sport take hold of the next generation of runners. This year many of the kids focused on beating the coaches as well as beating their personal bests. Friendly challenges were issued and strong races were run. All were winners.

At the conclusion of our program all entrants received a certificate and "mileage shirt". Each youngster accounted for their mileage through the use of their own personal logbook and submitted updates to us weekly to be recorded. We had youngsters that ran between 100 and 300 miles in this short 9 week period. They all seem to have lots of energy at that age.

Following the awards ceremony for our youth. The coaches were given gifts of appreciation from the parents and children of the program. We as coaches were truly blessed by a great group of kids, parents, and ARRC members. We even managed to have a cookout and lake outing courtesy of ARRC members Keith and Barbara Hamilton. How can we forget fundraising at the Midnight Parade or huddled in the rain under a tent at "Cruis'N Anderson".

Finally, I want to personally thank everyone that pitched in and helped this year. I sometimes feel like we have a Booster Club out there and it sure feels great to have people like ARRC member Tammy Dale always thinking of ways to keep it fun. Now we must turn these trained running enthusiasts over to their schools and wish them our very best for their Cross Country Seasons. I hope the coaches and members of the Anderson Roadrunners have helped to contribute to their success and we as coaches look forward to seeing them return in October to run for our own ARRC Youth Racing Team...To ALL GOOD LUCK ! and I will see you on the trails !!

Perry Knox

Coach, Anderson Roadrunners Youth Cross Country


Anderson Road Runners ClubSeptember 2005 Pacer

ARRC Members Trek to Oregon

for some High Altitude Marathoning


Anderson Road Runners ClubSeptember 2005 Pacer

If you have been around Shadyside on Thursday Nights for the 1-Lap races and talking to some of the ARRC members then you know that we have a couple of guys doing a marathon in all 50 states plus D.C. Last year ARRC member Terry Spoo completed his quest and was awarded a special plaque by the ARRC congratulating him on his achievement. Still in pursuit of the "50 + D.C." challenge are ARRC members Jack Stepp and Tony Martin. I have the privilege of training with these guys on some of their long training runs on weekends and listening to the adventures they have encountered during their pursuit...some of the stories are worth listening to.

As Jack Stepp is approaching the finish of his quest with Tony Martin not far behind, I thought it might be fun to go on one of their "trips" the next stop on the marathon trail.....BEND, OREGON !! Now I am sure you are scrambling for your atlas by now to find the place, but I can tell you that it is a town of 65,000 smack in the middle of NOWHERE !! at the foothills of the Deschutes National Forest. We arrived in Boise, Idaho in the middle of the night after a delay in Minnesota...but that is another story...and drove through Oregon through what is described as "High Desert" is barren, dry, and that is all you can say about it other than it is without houses, trees, etc..for as far the eye can see. As you approach Bend, you start to see snow capped mountains in the distance and then as if to cross a line drawn by mother nature, you arrive in a town with green grass and life. Bend, Oregon is a tourist town that is filled with beautiful homes and condos used by vacationers seeking mountain fun in the National Forest such as Biking, Hiking, Running, Mountain Biking, Rafting, and Skiing.

We arrive midday and after packet pick-up from a bustling downtown head to the course for a little"recon" and happen on the Race Director, Wade Miller marking off the course riding his Mountain Bike. He was the nicest fellow, and was obviously in great condition as he is a personal trainer in the area and a biking/running enthusiast. He described the course as uphill from the start (about 2500 feet elevation) to about 11 miles then the hills get "Brutal"....yes his words were "Brutal"...that hill was 3 miles long and climbed over 1800 feet !!! We all looked at each other with wide eyes laughing at the insanity of it all! But, this is Oregon, and Jack and Tony needed the state. Oh and if I failed to mention it so far, that this is a "Trail Marathon"...described as: The course is going to be a great mix of terrain, surfaces, vegetation and views. You'll have at least three bridges to cross over Tumalo creek; one is a half log and another a covered bridge. You'll cross a canal that may or may not still have a bit of water in it in August. You'll have some nice cinder forest service roads and some great windy (as in curvy, not blustery!) single track to run on. You'll see aspens, ponderosas, other pines and clearings of manzanitas. You'll catch some peaks at Mt. Bachelor, Tumalo Mountain and maybe even Broken Top and The Sisters. (The Sisters are 3-10,000ft+peaks to the west of the course).There will be a couple nice short steep technical sections of single track before hitting the old forest service roads which will continue the upwards trend. At the halfway point you catch the Mrazek trail and have downhill single track the rest of the way to the finish. It'll be a windy, fast and fun return to Shevlin Park.

They sure make it sound good don't they!!! No where in the description does it describe the course as "Brutal" with a "3-Mile Hill" !! Anyway, the next morning it was a blustery sub-40 degree morning and I was "shirtless" (and going hypothermic) as we awaited the signal to start the 2005 Haulin' Aspen Trail Marathon. Tony and Jack were ready and pretty relaxed, you could tell it was "business as usual" to these seasoned 50 staters. I could spend another 1000 words describing each of our experiences with this race, but I just want to tell you that we all did well and completed this tough challenge. We all had "the hill" story of how we conquered it, and Jack fell in the second half and took a pretty good hit to the head losing his sunglasses...rumor has it that Sasquatch has been spotted with a new pair of shades running around the forest!! There was great food and drinks at the finish and lots of stories. I had never seen so many runners with cuts, scrapes and bruises along with a medical tent very busy tending to everyone. This was quite an experience and the view at 6000 feet was something that made the journey worth the price of admission.

I got to know Jack and Tony a little better on this trip and experienced first hand what these guys do to achieve this tremendous goal. If you have a chance to run with Jack, Tony, or Terry, it would be worth your time to share the stories with these guys. If you have even more interest, their next marathon is in October in Atlantic City, New will be Jack's final marathon for his quest.

Finally, I want to thank them for having me along. I feel like I can share some of this story with them and others. Even though it was just one marathon, I got a taste of what these guys are trying to achieve and it is monumental. Good luck Jack and Tony, congrats to Terry...I wish you all the best.


Anderson Road Runners ClubSeptember 2005 Pacer

RACE CALENDAR See website for additional race information

Sept. 10
8:30 /
Miriam Project 5K, Anderson
Sept 17
10am /
Heel to Heal 10k run 5k walk Fort Harrison St Park Indy
Crohn’s Colitis Foundation 800-332-6029
Sep 17 /
Muncie Mini Marathon and 5k , YMCA Muncie
Sept 17 /
Darin Bryan 5K Run and Walk, Anderson
Sept. 24
8 am /
Parlor City Trot 10k run and walk 5k Kids Walk and Half Marathon, Bluffton

Sept. 24 /
Middletown 5k run and walk
Contact David Nichols
October 8 /
Applefest 5k Run Walk, Florida Station Church of God
October 15 /
Indianapolis Marathon, Half Marathon & Lawrence 5K
Nov 6 /
Run the Mounds – 5 mile Trail Run 5k Walk
Mounds State Park
Nov 19 /
Tree City Run 5k and 10k
Greensburg Decatur County YMCA
December /
Kris Kringle 4 mile
Memorial Park, New Castle

Crutches R Me

Greg Smith

Greetings Walkers, Runners, and the infinitely Curious!! It has been awhile since I last wrote. As Character builders go, this has been an eventful year for me. From the thrill of the Indianapolis Marathon to the agony of constant excruciating left knee pain, my very limited patience has been entirely drained. I switched Ortho-Dr’s a few times and finely found the Specialist I was looking for. Apparently a significant part of my knee problem stemmed from genetics along with over use. I have a five-degree bow-legged condition in both legs. This puts all of the stress on the inside half of the knee joint. Several of the Doctors that I went to told me that they could replace my knee joint and then I would have to find other interests to occupy my time. Dr. Farr did a number of measurements and tailored my partial knee replacement to try to get me race-walking again. Now that I am a cyborg, with metal and plastic knee parts, I am anxious to try this thing out. I hope to drop the crutches in a few weeks. As the Terminator so eloquently stated, ‘ I’ll be Back!!’

As much as my knee constantly hurt before, I am so pleased that it only hurts while I am working out. The absence of constant pain is a tremendous relief! Pain just wears you down and out. You just don’t feel like doing anything. I am now working out two or three times a day with a regimen of leg exercises and stretches. I am also doing a little stationary bike. My favorite torture exercise is to lay on my stomach, and with a luggage strap, pull the ankle of my left knee towards the thigh as far as I can stand, and hold it for forty seconds. I do that five times each session.

There are several walks coming in the near future. The Miriam Project 5K September 10th, the new Middletown 5K September 24th, The Applefest 5K October 8th, Walk the Mounds November 6th , and the Kris Kringle in December. All of these races feature walking awards. As walkers, let us support these races that have walks. The Mounds will have five-year age groups for the primary walking age groups this year.

Thanks for the kindness and the cards after my surgery! They were a real blessing! I hope to start training for the fall walks here soon.



Anderson Road Runners ClubSeptember 2005 Pacer

September 2, 2005
Q95 Rock N' Run 30K
253 Finishers
Tom Corda 2:49:35 9:06 Avg/Mile 128thOverall 19/32 Division
Bud Stiffler 3:24:06 10:57/Mile 222nd Overall 1st Age Division

August 27, 2005

Run for the Bone 4-miler

216 Finishers

Tommy Goodson 25:53 2nd AG

Lori Goodson 38:27

Ron Harmening29:55

Debbie Smith 33:48

Selma Bluebird Days 5k Twilight run/walk-August 27th, 2005- Selma, IN
Glenn Davis-first male age 65-69
Jerry Pierce-first male 55-59
Ann Morris-first F 45-49(2nd overall)-23:28PR

Bears of the Blue River Festival 10K
Shelbyville Aug. 27
Nick Cross -- 41:28 (3rd overall)
Dino Series- Sat., August 20, 2005

- Westwood Park, New Castle, IN
5k results:
Kathy Wehrley-first female 45-49
WrayJean Cornwell-second female 45-49
Gene Chandler-first male-70-74
Chet Paskiewicz-third male -45-49
15K results:
Ann Morris-first female 45-49

Haulin Aspen Trail Marathon,

Bend Oregon, August 14, 2005

136 Finishers

Perry Knox 3:26:58 6th Overall/1st Age Group

Tony Martin 3:44:47 12th Overall/1st Age Group

Jack Stepp 4:32:08 53rd Overall/4th Age Group

Gaston Lions' Club 3rd annual 5k run/walk- August 13, 2005- Gaston, IN
Chet Paskiewicz-first male overall
Ann Morris -first female overall
Mike McCreery-first male age 60-69

August 13, 2005

Weaver Popcorn Kernel Classic 5K

165 Finishers

Ashley Dale 83rd Overall 1st A.G. 24:50

Allie Browning 88th Overall 2nd A.G. 25:07

Lucy Browning 155th Overall 7th A.G. 39:46

Denise Hall 120th Overall 3rd A.G. 29:20

Pat Miller 116th Overall 1st A.G. 28:50

Dylan Dale 41st Overall 1st A.G. 21:02

Dalton Morrison 47th Overall 3rd A.G. 21:25

Logan Rayl 69th Overall 4th A.G. 23:45

Isaac Miller 99th Overall 6th A.G. 26:22

Erik Spencer 110th Overall 7th A.G. 27:55

Michael Dale 57th Overall 3rd A.G. 22:27

Brian Rayl 68th Overall 5th A.G. 23:44

Mike Hall 31st Overall 7th A.G. 19:30

Mike Shelton 33rd Overall 8th A.G. 19:44

Mark Volk 35th Overall 10th A.G. 20:06

Wally Post 72nd Overall 9th A.G. 24:02

Frank Tuckerman 70th Overall 3rd A.G. 22:43

William Surbaugh 70th Overall 4th A.G. 23:53

Jack Hendricks 103rd Overall 8th A.G. 27:11

Bud Stiffler 111th Overall 9th A.G. 28:04

Bill Miller 140th Overall 11th A.G. 32:23

Chuck Bagley 143rd Overall 12th A.G. 33:14

Gene Chandler 109th Overall 1st A.G. 27:48

5K Walk

Vicki Johnson 14th Overall 1st A.G. 51:34

David Nichols 3rd Overall 38:19

Kathy Nichols 4th Overall (1st Female) 38:42

Greg Calahan 1st Overall (1st Male ) 34:42

Midsummer Madness Aug 13, Connor Prairie Tommy Goodson 20:16 7th overall, 1st AG Ron Harmening 23:442nd AG Debbie Smith27:03 3rd AG Lori Goodson 29:52


Anderson Road Runners ClubSeptember 2005 Pacer

Cicero Triathlon

Jason Quimby 21 out of 280 55:49.

Thursday Nights Winds Down as Club Gears Up for Mounds Race

Thursday nights sponsors -- we have Sept. 22nd open with no sponsor --- On Sept 29th,our last night the ARRC will be the sponsor. This will be our third year of having a social get together on the night of our last points race of the season. There will be many giveaways at the biggest drawing of the yearafter the race. You will not want to miss out on this last race. After we get through passing out the ribbons and all the goodies, then we will all enjoy food and fellowship with one another on the patio by the volleyball courts.

This years Run The Mounds will have an old look. We will start in the grass like we did years ago and stay on the grass or trails for the whole race. NO BLACKTOP this year other than crossing the road once. The Walkers course will be very close to last year’s course. The Runners will have a couple trails that we have not used much in the past. I think it will be a pleasant change and will be enjoyed by all. I will look forward to your comments after the event.

The Awards Presentation will have a new twist. Each first, second, or third place winners will receive a Gold/blue lanyard -- Silver/red -- Bronze/white medals. A picture will be taken of the three winners and will be e-mailed to each winner the next day or so after the race. The overall winners will also have their picture taken for e-mail. No e-mail address - no picture. Bob Kearns



Anderson Road Runners ClubSeptember 2005 Pacer

Household Finance

GMAC Mortgage

Anderson Family YMCA

The Running Company

GNC at the Mall

Pay Less Cross Street

Blimpies Subs and Salads

Old National Bank

Robert Loose Funeral Home

Rax Restaurant downtown

MAX 93.5/96.7 FM

WHBU 1240 AM

WERK Oldies 101.7/104.9 FM

1 2 One promotions

Gwinn’s Drug Store

Anderson Foot & Ankle Center

Anderson Center for Sight

Lutz Insurance

Jennifer Bridges Massage

Standt’s of Anderson

Copy Connection

Surbaugh and Son

The Herald Bulletin

Rayl Surveying and Engineering

Baylor and Associates, Inc.

Star China

Art’s Trim Shop