Inspect and test switches, sensors, controls, actuator components, and circuits; adjust or replace as needed. Use electronic service tool to access and interpret customer programmable parameters.

Lesson Plan for

DIT 112 Diesel Engines

Course HS Title: / Diesel Engines / Program:
KCTCS Courses included in HS Title: (Lesson is prepared for course highlighted.)
KCTCS Course No. / KCTCS Course Title
DIT 112 / Diesel Engines
Introduction/Context / This lesson will instruct the student on how to inspect and test switches, sensors, controls, actuator components, and circuits, adjust or replace as needed, and use an electronic service tool to access and interpret customer programmable parameters. Knowledge of these techniques and the skills required to correct problems associated with this task are necessary for a student to acquire if they wish to compete for high paying, high skilled jobs in a Diesel Repair Facility. Entry level technicians need to be able to perform this task to 100% accuracy. Incorrectly performing this task can lead to an automobile accident or create customer satisfaction issues.
Prepared By / School / Date:
Grade Level / No. Students / No.IEP's: / Lesson Length:
Inspect and test switches, sensors, controls, actuator components, and circuits; adjust or replace as needed.
Use electronic service tool to access and interpret customer programmable parameters.
Given the proper tools and instruction, the student will be able to inspect and test switches, sensors, controls, actuator components, and circuits, adjust or replace as needed, use an electronic service tool to access and interpret customer programmable parameters, and pass a written test covering the task with 100% accuracy.


Skills Standards:
OH 001
OH 002
OH 003
OD 002
OD 003
OD 005
Common Core Technical Standards:
New Common Core Standards:
RST 11-12.2
RST 11-12 3


Teacher Designed Materials and Other Handouts

Textbooks and Workbooks

Author / Title/ISBN No. / Edition / Publisher / Pages
Knowles / Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Certification / Second / Delmar / 163-164
Various / Diesel Engines ASE Test Prep / Fourth / Delmar / 66


Quantity / Item / Source
As Needed / Scan Tool / Various

Content/Presentation/Demonstration Outline

Instruct students that modern truck electronic systems have stored information pertaining to customer options. These are used to change the operational characteristics of the control modules. Tell students that to access and reprogram this information, they should connect a scan tool to the diagnostic connector usually located under the dash on the driver’s side. This will provide a link with all programmable modules either directly or over a network protocol line.
Let them know that these links must be automatically compatible to generic scan tools by standards established by all automotive manufacturers and international governments. Explain that each manufacturer will provide necessary codes to make required changes to achieve proper operation of the vehicle and customer loaded requirements. A technician using a generic scan tool must use manufacturers’ listed codes.
Tell students that to reset the random access memory (RAM), they should disconnect the battery ground cable for a minimum of 5 minutes. Let them know that resetting the RAM will clear learned values the PCM has stored for adaptive systems such as idle and fuel trim. After RAM has been reset, inform them that the vehicle may exhibit certain driveability concerns. Explain that it will be necessary to drive the vehicle to allow the PCM to relearn values for optimum driveability and performance.
Instruct students that a handheld diagnostic tool may be used to test and diagnose the inputs and outputs in electronic circuits and obtain diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs). The voltage signals from the inputs are displayed on the diagnostic tool, and many of these tools also have the capability to display voltage waveforms from the input sensors. In some systems, tell students that the diagnostic tool may be used to command the PCM to operate specific outputs. Let them know that diagnostic tools with waveform capabilities will display voltage graphs of the outputs as they are turned on and off
Tell students that an example of an actuator test using the PCM is the injector solenoid tests that are performed with the key on and the engine off (KOEO). Inform them that when you select this test, the PCM actuates each injector solenoid in sequence and their operation may be verified because they are heard. Let them know that this is referred by one manufacturer as a buzz test.
Inform them that another example is performed with the key on and the engine running (KOER), and is referred to as a cylinder cutout test. Tell them that either one or multiple cylinders, when selected, are cut out and their effect on idle speed and their relative contribution to engine power output is calculated. Let them know that similar testing of actuators is available for not only the engine, but also other systems like ABS brake systems. Tell them that they can make a multitude of tests using a single attachment to the self-diagnostic terminal.


1 / Refer to content

Evaluation and feedback Prior to Testing or Lab Work

1 / Objective 1. / Formative assessment / Instructor will observe students as they practice the procedure to assure correct procedure and safety practices are being followed. A checklist will be utilized to chart student progress on the task. Questioning techniques will be utilized as necessary to demonstrate student comprehension / Adaptations and/or accommodations for special needs students will be added if required.

STUDENT ASSESSMENT:(Assess student progress with performance criteria.)

1 / Objective 1 / Summative assessment / written test questions on stated objective / adaptation and / or accommodations for special needs students will be added if required
IMPACT--Reflection/Analysis of Teaching and Learning: (How did students’ progress in relation to the state objectives? Was the instruction successful? Analyze samples of student work particularly that which is unsatisfactory, for the purpose of planning further instruction.)
REFINEMENT--Lesson Extension and Follow-up: (To be filled in as the lesson is modified during initial planning and/or during the teaching learning process.)