Minutes of meeting held

At Crown Court, Newton Road, Tilbury

Thursday4th Dec 2014

Present: Apologies:

R I Barnard-Hill Nicola Dean Debbie Quick Anne Barnard-Hill Polly Billington

Cllr Worrall R Baker Annie O’Brien J Merrigan P Lawrence Kate Williams

Ray Smith Terry Brown Clare Baldwin

J Bennett Jack Doodes Cllr Liddiard S Quick

Rita Copeman Sue Kane

B Vaughan Cllr Okunade

M Mcgregor Polly Billington

J Mcgregor D Waterman

G Hammond L Morgan

1.Welcomes and apologies- Welcomes and apologies noted.

2. Speaker –Sue Kane introduced herself, attending to discuss Sheltered Housing. Sue explained that from 1/12/14 Sheltered Housing Officers (SHO) had taken on a new role which involves them overseeing an area/sector rather than one Complex and in January they will also be covering Estates Management duties.

Sue explained that Residents had previously been given certain options regarding Service Charges. The result was that a new Service Charge will be paid by new residents but existing residents wont pay the charge. The changes should help the Council taylor services for individual residents giving the options for daily or weekly visits by a SHO. However, this will mean the SHO’s wont be on site at any one Complex all day.

One resident complained about the inconsistency of SHO’s at some Complex’s.

Sue reported that under the new changes SHO’s should be more consitant.

Cllr Worrall asked if the Complex Notice Boards could be used to advertise when the SHO’s will be on site. Sue explained that it may be difficult to outline precise times but could give an estimate.

George asked if there was information on which flats would be going back to Stock. Sue reported that a Scrutiny meeting was being held the following week and after that she would have more idea.

Residents raised concerns regarding the length of time it takes for calls to be answered by the Call Centre. Sue suggested the Forum may want to ask Tina Mitchell, Call Centre Manager to attend a Forum meeting to discuss this.

One resident asked what was happening to the current Warden flats at the Complexes. Sue reported that some have been let to organisations such as Family Mosaic or to house residents for one to one rehab or with safeguarding issues.

Sue is happy to be contacted via the SHO’s if residents have any further questions.

Cllr Worrall then introduced Ian Rydings from Thurrock Council Asset Management Office, whom she had invited to discuass the Leisure Centre.

Ian reported that he had looked back at the Forum minutes of August 2013 when he had last attednded to discuss the Leisure Centre and its conversion to flats, looking at options for a Community/Leisure space and reporting on discussions with Impulse Leisure. Ian also confirmed that in April 2014 the Covenant on the Leisure Centre had been signed off by Thurrock Council without the knowledge of the Tilbury Cllrs.

Barney and Colin reported that they had been led to believe by Catherine Blow that a Consultation would take place regarding use of the Community Space on the Developers plans.

Les asked why if there had been the possibility of the Developers having to go to Court to get the Covenant lifted this hadn’t been followed as it may have given the Community a better opportunity to challenge it.

Jack reported that the Ground floor space is of no use to the Developer as flats cannot be put there so giving it to the Community is a cheap option. Jack asked what the Council gained by signing off the Covenant. Ian reported that the Council were given a 75 year rent free lease on the 3000 square foot space and for it to be fitted out for community use. However, the community would need to fund the running of it. This could be achieved through renting the space out to local groups.

Colin reported that some of the community have now accepted the flats will be built but want to get the best outcome for the ground floor space to be used by the community.

Cllr Worrall wondered whether some of the money available for Hubs could be used for this space. It is important that the community gain a useable space. Ian reported that the Developers have signed to fit metal shutters and CCTV around the space. Barney reported that the Hub Steering Group are looking to get a space in the Library for the Hub up and running by Feb 2015.

Cllr Liddiard reported that maybe it would be advisable to have a small team of residents who can move a consultation forward. Barney , Ray, Cllr’s Worrall and Liddiard are happy to work with Ian and maybe Natalie Warren on arranging a meeting with the Developer and feedback to the Forum.

3. Minutes of last meeting – Read and agreed.

4. Matters arising – Barney gave feedback on the meeting with the Port over on the site of the Distribution Centre attended by himself, Cllr Liddiard and Steve Q. The Port confirmed Travis Perkins are taking the first Warehouse which should be completed by June 2015 and 6 other business’ are interested in premises. Long and Short stay parking with toilets will be available and the Police will have more powers to move Lorries from the roadside.

Concern was raised regarding the lack of safe paths and crossing options for pedestrians using Asda and the fact there are no street lights leading up to the roundabout. Barney reported that the Police have raised safety concerns regarding an underpass to Asda and Debbie has e mailed Charles Blake of Roxhill for feedback on this and the street light issue.

Cllr Liddiard reported that he has been contacted by a Tilbury resident, Mr Godfrey regarding using/updating the Changing rooms on the Daisy Field but is waiting for more information.

Barney reported that the shrubs that needed cutting back and Horses on the Daisy Field are still issues.

Barney also reported that he is planning to speak with the PCSO’s as the scheduled Community meetings haven’t been taking place.

Les asked about the shin rails still outstanding for installation around the Anchor Field. A rep from Housing reported that a mistake had seen them installed around the field in Fleming Road instead.

Action: Cllr Worrall to follow up with an email this eve.

Jack asked, if more rails were now being ordered would it be possible to see the quote in advance as he knows a reputable professional who would be able to supply cheaper.

Bob reported that he was aware of the additional Pollution Meters being put in around Tilbury but that the Port is also installing a Bio Mass plant which can cause bad smells. Barney reported that he had attended a meeting where information was given that smells can be easily controlled.

Cllr Worrall wondered if someone from the Council could attend a future Forum meeting to discuss the meters and Bio mass issues.

5.AOB –Colin reported that the Ferry will be out of action for 6 days in December while work is being carried out on the Pontoon. Buses are being put in for Gravesend in its place.

Cllr Liddiard asked that residents continue to log smells from the Sewerage Treatment Plant for the campaign currently being headed by Polly Billington.

A resident raised concerns regading the state of the old St Chads site.

Action: Cllr Worrall asked that the Housing rep present take this forward and Cllr Worrall will also send an e mail this eve.

Jack raised concern regarding the flats that will be put up on the current Market Square as this is currently well used for parking and will leave no space for this once the flats are built. Cllr Worrall reported that there will be a Consultation regarding this. Jack aslo reported that he had experienced a number of issues with the Councils new on line reporting system. A report he had made regarding collection of Wheelie bins was reported as having been dealt with when it actually took a week to get sorted.

Bradley introduced himself, currently working on an “Active Tilbury Project” for 14-25 year olds sponsored by Sport England. The Official launch will take place in Jan 2015 and Bradley will send more details out to the Forum for circulation.

Bob raised concern regarding Blood Tests at the Tilbury Health Centre.

Action: Cllr Okunade to take this forward with Healthwatch Thurrock.

A reminder for everyone that the Tilbury Chrstmas Lights event takes place tomorrow from 4pm. Happy Christmas to everyone.

Next Meeting-Thursday Feb 20157pm Crown Court Newton RdTilbury