1. No alcoholic beverages will be permitted on the premises at any time.
  1. St. Peter’s Church is a smoke-free facility. Smoking is not permitted on the premises at any time.
  1. Decorations must be fastened in such a manner as not to deface property (no scotch tape), and must be removed immediately following the function. Decorating is to be done on the requested day, unless approved by the Church Board.
  1. When working on special projects, cover the table when using paint, markers, glue, etc. Clean up any spills or marks from the table and floors. The use of any type of glitter products is prohibited from use.
  1. An adult must be present at all times to supervise children and will be responsible for any damage occurred under supervision.
  1. Any broken or damaged equipment must be replaced in kind.
  1. The elevator is only to be used by adults or supervised children.
  1. The sanctuary is for worship and choir practice only and is not a play area. The use of the sanctuary for any other event must be first approved by the Church Board.
  1. The auditorium must be left as found. If the kitchen is used, it must be cleaned and all dishes, utensils, etc. returned to their original places. No food/drink shall be left in the refrigerator/freezer. Bring your own dish towels and cloths with you when using the facility.
  1. Any supplies or food put in the refrigerator or freezer by groups or organizations must be marked with the name of the group and contact person.
  1. Individual members of St. Peter’s Church will not be permitted to have money raising projects in the building, for personal gain. Any groups or organizations not affiliated with St. Peter’s Church will not be permitted to have any money raising projects in the building for personal gain.
  1. All arrangements for outside catering must be made with the WASP Kitchen Committee.
  1. Garbage services are provided by the church. All garbage must be placed in the proper receptacles. Bags may be placed by the rear fellowship/social hall doors provided the social hall is not in use.
  1. Maximum occupancy for social hall with tables is 120 people, with chairs only is 240 people.
  1. St. Peter’s Church Board shall be the governing body to enforce all rules. In the event of a situation not covered by the rules, action shall be taken by the Board.


Before exiting the building, please do the following:

  1. Make sure all lights are turned off; including restrooms, closets, hallways, and stairways.
  1. All trash or scrap relating to any special project along with papers belonging to your organization is to beplaced in the proper receptacles or bagged and placed by the rear fellowship/social hall doors.
  1. Check restrooms to see that water spigots are turned off and not dripping, trash is in the receptacles and lights are turned off.
  1. Make sure all windows are closed and properly locked.
  1. Check to see that all coffee pots are unplugged, cleaned and returned to place of storage; stove is cleaned and burners and oven is turned off; and all electrical devises are turned off.
  1. Make sure all doors are locked and properly closed before exiting the building.

All Groups and Organizations of St. Peter’s Church, Mantzville

  1. There is no charge for using any part of the building for meetings.
  1. Any group not having regular meeting nights must notify the Church Secretary one week in advance of the desired meeting date.
  1. Any equipment or material moved from one room to another must be returned immediately after use.
  1. A $25 fee will be charged for the opening & closing of the facility for events. This fee should be made payable to the church sextons/janitors. This fee does not apply to weddings & wedding rehearsals.
  1. All groups in this section will be permitted to sponsor or hold dances or parties in the auditorium, provided they are properly supervised. The auditorium and the kitchen must be cleaned and left in good order. No food/drink shall be left in the refrigerator/freezer.


(Fees for Wedding Receptions listed separately and noted at the bottom of the next page)

Individual members in good standing at St. Peter’s Church, Mantzville, using the auditorium for showers, birthday parties, etc., will be asked to make a $30.00 donation payable toSt Peters Church. Donations will be accepted into the Current Fund from all Organizations.

A security fee of $50.00, payable to St. Peter’s Church, will be held for use of the social hall and returned 2 days after the scheduled event if cleaned properly and as approved by the sexton. (Cleaned means as found prior to the event; spills cleaned up, floor dry & wet mopped, food and drinks removed, etc.).

The office personnel is responsible for receiving and holding the security deposit.

Should any deficiencies be noted, the security fee will be held to cover cleaning or damage costs.

The Board of Trustees or its designee will notify the individual of the findings.

If no deficiencies are noted, the office personnel will void the check and return it to the individual.

All Individuals, groups, and organizations not belonging to St. Peter’s Church, Mantzville, (nor affiliated with St. Peter’s Church, Mantzville):

  1. A sponsoring member of St. Peter’s Church must be present at all times.
  1. Fees:Auditorium$50.00

Any small room 20.00

Kitchen 20.00

Janitor 50.00

  1. Any exceptions to the above fees must be approved, prior to the event, by the Church Board. All fees must be paid in advance of the function.
  1. Request for use of the facility must be made at least two weeks in advance, to the Church Secretary, for approval by the Church Board.
  1. More than one group may use the facilities on the same date, if room arrangements do not conflict.
  1. Individual or group must specify at the time of request, to the Church Secretary, what equipment is needed in the room.
  1. Groups must give an approximate number of attendees. Maximum occupancy for social hall with tables is 120 people, with chairs only is 240 people.
  1. If the fellowship hall kitchen is used, it must be cleaned. No food/drink shall be left in the refrigerator/freezer. The Commercial (new) kitchen is unavailable for use.
  1. Individuals and Groups must provide their own place settings and cooking utensils. (Exception to this will result in an added charge for use of the place settings or cooking utensils.)
  1. Garbage services are provided by the church. All garbage must be placed in the proper receptacles or bagged and placed by the rear fellowship/social hall doors.

Wedding Receptions

  1. Available facilities (for members) may be used for wedding receptions, with the same fee schedule as listed above.
  1. Available facilities (for non-members) may be used for wedding receptions, with the following fee schedule:


Kitchen 50.00

Janitor 50.00


  1. Available facilities for members and non-members may be used for funerals, with the following fee schedule:

1 day funeral service (use of 1st floorand sanctuary) - $50.00

1 day funeral service (use of 1st floor, sanctuary & fellowship hall) - $100.00

2 day funeral service (use of 1st floor and sanctuary) - $100.00

2 day funeral service (use of 1st floor, sanctuary & fellowship hall) - $150.00

  1. These fees may be collected through the Funeral director.
  2. All fees will be paid directly to the Church Sexton/Janitorial staff

NOTE: All fees with the exception of the funeral fees are paid in advance.

The above rules were approved by St Peter’s Church Board on July 15, 2001.

Revisions and amendments approved by St Peter’s Church Board on May 20, 2012

Revised Sexton Fee Schedule & Garbage removal policy changes approved by SPUC Board on May 19, 2014

Revised “Fees for Hall Rental St Peters Members” section - $30 donation payable to St Peters church and deposited into current fund changes approved by SPUC Board on August 18, 2014

Revised Sexton fees for “Funerals” approved by SPUC Board on October 27, 2014



Before exiting the building, please check off and initial after doing the following and return to the mail slot on the church office door:

____ Make sure all lights are turned off; including restrooms, closets, hallways, and stairways.

____Floors and tables are clean.

____Kitchen is clean and all dishes and utensils have been washed and returned to their original place.

____ All trash or scrap relating to any special project along with papers belonging to your use of the social hall must be placed in the proper receptacles or bagged and placed by the rear fellowship/social hall doors.

____All food items are removed from the refrigerator.

____ Check restrooms to see that water spigots are turned off and not dripping.

____Make sure all windows are closed and properly locked.

____ Check to see that all coffee pots are unplugged, cleaned, and returned to place of storage; stove is cleaned, and burners and oven are turned off; and all electrical devises are turned off.

____ Make sure all doors are locked and properly closed before exiting the building.


Please use this space to let us know if you noticed any electrical equipment not working properly. Report any broken or damaged equipment, items, etc. (We appreciate your honesty with regards to this matter and your willingness to make restitution or replacement.) We do our best to keep all devises functioning properly so your input would be very helpful.





Name of Individual or Organization

Contact Person for Organization



Requesting the use of

(Specific room or part of building)




How many in group

Equipment needed:PianoKitchenOther

(Please list)


Sponsor’s Signature Date:

Applicant’s Signature Date:

For office use only:

Payment Received by: Date:

Approved by: Date:

Donation Amount paid: ______Check # ______

Security fee Amount paid: ______Check # ______

accesibility Amount paid: ______Check # ______

Security deposit returned date: ______Initials: ______

If not, reason: ______