Chief Constable Olivia Pinkney
Our ref: / Direct dial: <DIRECT NUMBER>
Your ref:
Enquiries to: / Fax No:<FAX NUMBER>
Minicom textrelay:18001 101
Grievance Policy- Invite to formal stage- outcome meeting (individual)
**Text in bluewill need to be deleted before sending the letter.
Contact: HR Operations prior to sending this letter
Timescale: The Chair must where possible agree the time and date for the meeting with the individual. Further enquires /investigations must be completed within 20 working days.
Save:Save a copy of this letter electronically and send a copy of the letter to HR Operations.
Depending if an initial meeting was held:
Further to the formal stage initial meeting held on date
OR: if initial meeting not held:
Further to your letter of datein which you outline a formal grievance
All scenarios (include paragraphs below):
I would like to invite you to attend a formal stage outcome meeting. I have scheduled the meeting for date at time. The meeting will take place at <venue> however, if for any reason this is not suitable for you, please do let me know and we can arrange an alternative venue.
You have the right to be accompanied at the meeting by your Staff Association, Federation, Unison representative, or a Hampshire Constabulary work colleague.
I will be chairing the meeting, and will be accompanied by insert any other name and job titles>and <name>will be presentin the capacity of note taker.In the case of highly complex grievance cases provide name of minute taker.>
delete if not applicableAs per the Grievance policy, I have enclosed two copies of the documents (one for your representative) which are to be discussed at the meeting.
If you feel you need additional support, you may wish to contact the 24/7 Employee Support. This is a free, impartial and confidential service and is available to all individuals. It is designed to help you across a wide range of areas related to your work life or personal life.All calls are answered by qualified and experienced counsellors. You can contact Employee Support on freephone 0800 030 5182 (or 0161 836 9498 if calling from a mobile) at any time. Further information is available at
If you have any queries regarding the content of this letter, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
Full Display Name
Enclosed: Copy of the letter
insert names of other documentsif applicable