June 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/192r0

IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs

IEEE 802.15 Wireless PANs


Venue and Hotel Information for the September 2000

IEEE 802-Motorola Interim Meetings in Scottsdale, Arizona USA

Date: June 27, 2000

Author: Richard Ditch

Scottsdale, AZ 85257 Phone: +001 480-441-0809
Fax: +001 480-441-0830 e-mail:

Joint IEEE Interim 802.11, 802.15 and 802.1 Standards Meetings

September 18-21, 2000

Hosted By:


Attached is a registration form for hotel reservations. Please fill out the information on the form and fax it to the Radisson Resort & Spa, Scottsdale. Be sure to indicate on the facsimile that you are with the “IEEE 802-Motorola” group, as we have reserved a block of rooms with a special rate of $139 + tax. This special rate will apply from from 4 days prior to and 4 days after based on availability.

Hotel Reservation Deadline: Thursday, August 10, 2000

Please note: Scottsdale is a very popular destination, and the hotel may fill up quickly. If you want to be guaranteed a room, please make your reservation by the above date. The conference rate will still be honored after this date, but on a space availability basis only.

Hotel Information: Radisson Resort & Spa

7171 North Scottsdale Road

Scottsdale, AZ 85253-3696


Direct Reservations Phone: 1-800-333-3333

Reservation Facsimile: +001 480-948-9843

Phone: +001 480-991-3800

Web- http://www.radisson.com/RAD/Hotel_Directory/hotelBioOne/0,2545,hotelID+%7B281%7D+hotelCode+%7BAZSCOTTS%7D+packageLevel+%7B3%7D+returnFlag+%7BhotelDirectory%7D+origin+%7BoriginBrowse%7D+locUni+%7B7099%7D,00.html

Hotel Reservation:

A one-night (room + tax) deposit or major credit card will be required to guarantee your reservation. There will be no room cancellation fee for reservations cancelled by 6:00 PM on the scheduled date of arrival. If reservations are NOT cancelled prior to prior to 6:00 PM, a “no-show” fee equivalent to one night’s room and tax charges will be assessed.

Meeting Registration:

The registration cost per attendee will be between $300-325. This fee covers meeting rooms, AV equipment, power hook-ups for laptop computers, lunch, a social reception, and morning and afternoon refreshments.

Transportation Information:

Location: The Radisson Resort & Spa Scottsdale is centrally located in the hub of Scottsdale, about 14 miles from Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport

Taxi: approximately $20

Directions to hotel:

From Sky Harbor Airport: Exit the east side of the airport on Sky Harbor Blvd. and follow signs to Loop 202 East. Take 202 East to Loop 101 North. Take 101 North to Indian Bend Road (ignore Indian School Road that you will come to first). Take Indian Bend Road West to Scottsdale Road and turn right (north) on Scottsdale. The Radisson Resort & Spa is immediately on the right.

Web resources:

Arizona Office of Tourism: http://www.arizonaguide.com/

Arizona Central (on-line news): http://www.azcentral.com/

Arizona Highways Magazine: http://www.arizonahighways.com/

City of Scottsdale: http://www.ci.scottsdale.az.us/

City of Phoenix: http://www.ci.phoenix.az.us/

The Heard Museum (Native American): http://www.heard.org/

Desert Botanical Gardens: http://www.mobot.org/AABGA/Member.pages/desert.html

IEEE 802-Motorola Group-Hotel Reservation Form

September 18-21, 2000 Scottsdale, Arizona USA

Radisson Resort & Spa

7171 North Scottsdale Road

Scottsdale, AZ 85253

Reservations: 1-800-333-3333

Reservation Facsimile: +001 480-948-9843

Phone: +001 480-991-3800

Group Name: IEEE 802-Motorola Interim Meeting – Scottsdale, AZ

Meeting Dates: September 18-21, 2000 / Group Code: IEEE 802-Motorola
Last Name: / First Name:
Arrival Date: / Arrival Time: / Departure Date:
Company: / Phone:
Address: / Facsimile:
City: / State/Country: / Zip Code/Country Code:
Credit Card Number (Visa, M/C, Amex) / Expiry Date:
Card Holder’s Name (as printed on card) / Card Holder’s Signature:
E-Mail address:

Group Rate (per night)

Please Check Type of Room Requested

_____ $139 Single occupancy + Tax per night

_____ $139 Double occupancy + Tax per night


Please print neatly in black/blue ink and return to:

Radisson Resort & Spa, Scottsdale

Via facsimile by August 10, 2000 to FAX number: +1-480-948-9843

Note: Please detach this form from the preceding pages before transmittal.

Submission page 3 R. L. Ditch, Motorola