The Education Content Style Guide has been put together to ensure Zoos Victoria’s Education Program Pages are consistent across property programs, pages are easily optimised for mobile viewing and teachers and students are provided with adequate information regarding our programs and conferences. Please follow all aspects of the guideline when creating new program pages or editing existing pages.

This document should be used in conjunction with the Zoos Victoria Website Style Guide.

Programs Page

Program pages, including student conference pages, must include the following sections, unless otherwise specified:

Program Title

Name of the program.

This should accurately reflect what the program is about.

Program titles need to be a maximum of 4 words.

Header Image

Header images should be photo(s) from the program. If there are no suitable photos, please choose an image of an animal that is covered in the program.

Photos need to be 620px wide by 380px high and uploaded in JPEG format.


Synopsis of program.

What is the program about and what will students learn?

Summarise the program into 150 characters or less(including spaces).

Program Description

Go into more detail about the program and how it will run. What students will learn?What can they expect to do within the program?

Students and teachers should be able to read the description and envisage accuratelywhat will happen during the program; what will they see and do, and what will they come away with? Use dot points to summarise key points and break up paragraphs of text.

Program descriptions need to be amaximum of 600 characters.

Learning Outcomes

For programs that meet curriculum requirements, please list these, in dot point form.

Before You Visit

If the program has any pre-requisites for the students/teachers to complete before attending the program, including materials they need to bring on the day, list them here.

This section should be in dot point form.

Make sure you include relevant documents to download, or links to visit.

After Your Visit

All programs need to have this section. This can either provide further materials available to download or links to the Act Wild website or relevant pages within the Zoos Victoria website (animal profile pages, conservation pages, and priority native threatened species).

This section should be in dot point form.

Ensure wording and links are tailored to match the program.

Example 1 – if the program focuses on threatened species, including the Eastern Barred Bandicoot:

Learn more about Zoos Victoria’s priority native threatened species, including the Eastern Barred Bandicoot and visit Act Wildto discover actions you can take to help prevent wildlife extinction.

Example 2 – if the program focuses on conservation:

Understand how Zoos Victoria is making a difference locally and globally through community conservation campaigns and identify ways you can take part to help save wildlife.

Program Details

Located on the right hand side of the program page. All sections should be included, unless stated otherwise.

Year Level / Display the Year Level this program/conference is suitable for
Duration / Display how long the program/conference runs for
Restrictions / List any restrictions to the program/conference
Example: Limited to 40 students.
Cost / Display how much the program costs, plus any additional fees or conditions to this cost
Example: $15.70 plus school entrance fee
Availability / Please list the day(s) the program is available
Example: Monday to Friday / Wednesday, Thursday / Every Tuesday
(Optional except for student conferences and programs that run at certain times of the day) / For student conferences
Please list the start and finish time of the conference
Student Ratio / List the student to teacher ratio, and any restrictions.
Example: 10 students to 1 teacher (covered in cost of program). Additional teachers will incur admission costs.
Program Type / Self-guided
Zoo Educator Led
Student Conference
What to bring / If students/teachers are required to bring anything for the program, please list these there.
If they need to print out notes, or do research etc, highlight this here, then include more details under “Before you visit”
Booking Details
(All programs/conferences must include the supplied text) / For school programs
To book this program, please call: <phone number>.
Receipt and confirmation will be emailed upon payment.
For more information, please download and complete the program enquiry form.
For student conferences
To check availability and book, please call 03 9285 9406.
Receipt and confirmation will be emailed upon payment.
Property / Select which property the program is available at

Additional Tips

Document filenames

  • Must not contain spaces or special characters when uploaded to the Zoos Victoria website
  • Must follow the naming convention:

property-description-programtitle.fileextension (For Example: hs-dreamingtheindigenousway-background.pdf)


When adding a document as a link, ensure the linked text provides an accurate description of the document (in most cases, the document title would suffice – do not display the document filename) and ensure the file size of the document is displayed in brackets, even if the link is part of a sentence.
For example: Download and read through the Background Notes (960 KB) before your visit.

Key words

Program summaries and descriptions should include one or more of the following key words:

Explore / Learn
Analyse / Discover
Make connections

In addition to the above, and where appropriate, include one or more of your property-related key words:

Healesville Sanctuary / Melbourne Zoo / Werribee Open Range Zoo
Australian Wildlife
Natural environment
Endangered species
Captive Breeding / Conservation
Endangered Species
Unique wildlife
Breeding programs
Australian Wildlife / Conservation
Endangered Species
Endangered Ecosystem
Australian Grasslands
African species
Breeding programs

Ensure additional key words are included in program descriptions that match outcomes set by VEYLDF and AusVELS; such as:

Natural Environments
Australia’s engagement with Asia / Show respect
Impact of human activity
Challenge based
Connection to community
Interdisciplinary / Influence views
Work together
Causes and effects
Cross-curriculum priorities
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
History and culture

Note: Key words listed are a guide only and do not form a definitive list from which you need to choose from.

Example Program


Saving international wildlife, locally


Discover how human activity has had a negative impact on wildlife in South-east Asia and how this can be changed through actions taken in Victoria.


Led by a Zoo Education Officer, you will be taken on a tour through Trail of the Elephants, where you will come across Sumatran Tigers, Asian Elephants and Sumatran Orang-utans.

Along the way, students will learn how the unsustainable production of palm oil is affecting habitats, posing the biggest threat to the survival of orang-utans and tigers, and how they may be contributing to this cause.

Students will develop an appreciation for wildlife overseas,learn how the palm oilsituation can be resolved – through the introduction of certified sustainable palm oil – and how they can help care for and protect these species, right here in Victoria.

Learning Outcomes

  • Addresses AusVELS levels 7-10 standards
  • Supports cross-curriculum priorities of sustainability
  • Addresses achievements in the domains of Science, Interpersonal Development, Personal Learning, Civics and Citizenship, English, Humanities, Communication and Thinking Processes.

Before you visit

  • Visit the Orang-utan animal profile page and learn how many Orang-utans are estimated to be left in the wild.
  • Download and print theWildlife: Facts and Myths worksheet, ready for your students to complete during the program.

After you visit

  • Learn more about Zoos Victoria’s Don’t Palm Us Off campaign and watch our Orang-utans and Siamang Gibbons right from your classroom at the Act Wild website.

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