47 Pine Hill

Centreville, AL 35042

MINISTER: Leonard Chance

(205) 926-7706


I want to talk about the things that God has in store for those that serve and win a Home in Heaven: and I did say WIN a Home in Heaven.

GENESIS 4:19—And Lamech took unto him two wives: the name of the one was Adah, and the name of the other Zillah.

We find the first man that goes out and gets his self two wife’s. A lot of things happened to ole Lamech because of his self! God didn’t make Adam two wives. He only made him one! He made one wife for one man and He gave one Christ for one Wife! I want you to remember that! “And Lamech took unto him two wives,” he married them both! The name of one was Adah and the name of the other was Zillah. Now that wasn’t the only sin Lamech did, he did more. He knew he was wrong, but he took two.

GENESIS 4:23-24—And Lamech said unto his wives, Adah and Zillah, Hear my voice; ye wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech: for I have slain a man to my wounding, and a young man to my hurt. If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold.

And he said hearken unto me ye wives of Lamech. If Cain is to be avenged seven times, truly Lamech is going to be seventy times seven. Your sins can mount up just as fast as you want to make them! He already has two wives. When you commit one wife for one sin, you’re going to commit more. One sin will always bring on another! Ole Lamech knew he was wrong. One sin will bring you to more sin. The next thing Lamech did was he killed a man: a young man. He all most got killed his self! One day your sins will find you out. The more sins you commit the more you’re going to commit! Ole Lamech out wounded his own self. You always hurt yourself; you have to get hurt when you break Commandments!

He knew he was breaking Commandments! The one sin brought another sin and this one almost got his life: it would have taken his Soul too! We live in a day where the Devil is sparring nobody! When you commit one sin you’ll commit more! We call ourselves Holy people! We have to Walk Holy! Live Holy! Be Holy! We have to Prove Holy! We can’t wear Holiness on our sleeves! We can’t say I’m Holy over the door and let that be Holy! Holy is Holy! If you’re a Servant of the Lord, you have to prove it!

If you get to Heaven you have to prove it. That’s what the Lord is looking for today: people that love all the way Home! There is no place to stop. There’s nowhere to sit down and no time to be slack! These days are very deceitful! Everybody claims to have Salvation but you have to do more than claim! You have to Walk Holy! You have to Live Holy! You have to Be Holy! You have to Speak Holy! We must not be as Lamech and go out and commit one sin, then go out and commit another, until you get overwhelmed. You may be the one to lose the next round!

1 SAMUEL 15:22—And Samuel said, Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.

Samuel said unto Saul: this was Samuel’s job! God sent Samuel to tell Saul his sin! Saul had his excuses. He blamed it on the people, but Saul was the man God had in charge! And Samuel said unto Saul; does the Lord delight in burnt offerings? What does God delight in? He delights in Salvation! He delights in the Holy Word! He delights in the Body of Christ Preaching, Walking True and Living the Way God gave the Church to Walk in for over a hundred years! “Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice,” behold, to Obey is better than sacrifice! “And to hearken than the fat of rams.”

1 SAMUEL 15:23—For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, he hath also rejected thee from being king.

Ole Saul thought he was doing just what God wanted: many people do! They think they’re doing just what God wants. But Samuel was sent to Saul to tell him he hadn’t obeyed the voice of the Lord! Saul said it was the people; Saul was King, the people, Samuel, the people! When Samuel told Saul, Saul said; pardon my sin!

1 SAMUEL 15:25—Now therefore, I pray thee, pardon my sin, and turn again with me, that I may worship the Lord.

There is no pardon for sin! Pardon my sin. We find too many people today pardoning sin! There is no way to pardon sin; it has to be Washed Out! It has to be Cleansed! It has to be Purified! You have to learn to Walk Right! You have to learn to give, go, and be Right! Samuel pardon my sin, I have sin, I have sinned! It wasn’t Samuel who could pardon his sin! Saul disobeyed, he knew better! You have people today that know better! Some have been in the Church for many, many years and lived like they just heard about it yesterday! There is no pardon for your ill doing! Samuel didn’t pardon Saul’s sin. It wasn’t something Samuel could do!

1 SAMEUL 15:26—And Samuel said unto Saul, I will not return with thee: for thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, and the Lord hath rejected thee from being king over Israel.

When you reject: I will not return with you. I’m not going to go back, I’m not going to return with you. It is not up to me to pardon your sin, Saul! It wasn’t Noah’s job to drag all the animals in the Ark! All he did was leave the door open. It was up to God to bring who He wanted in the Ark! It was up to God to choose who was coming in that Ark! The Door stood open for seven more days. When everything was in the Ark that was supposed to be there, by God bring the: Noah didn’t go out and grabbed up animals. They came as the Sprit of God drew them and the Ark was full! It was God that shut the Door and it was God who opened the Door!

Saul had to admit he has sinned! You let ole Agag live. He was told to go and kill Agag and kill out the Amalekites: God sent him on a mission! Saul let the people; it was the people. That’s what he told Samuel, it was the people; I had to listen to the people! Saul didn’t think he was doing wrong. He thought that everything was in his conner, his control. Many people thank that today. Even individuals that sit on the bench every Sunday, they think everything is in their own control! God held you as the individual over your own obedience. And He held Saul for his own disobedience! God didn’t blame the people; He blamed Saul! God is not going to blame everybody else; He’s going to blame you! When this Red Horse began to go; you can see the anti today. You don’t have to go out and hunt it. Anti-Christ is covering the earth because it’s that spirit. Everybody wants to go to Heaven but they don’t want to do, give, go, or be anything to get there! If God depended on you, how far would the Church go? Have you ever thought about that?

If God depended on you, how would the rest fair? Don’t think problems, you might find yourself in the middle of them! I’m going to give you the Bride of Christ. She’s not in the flesh here in Rev. 21:9 but right now the Bride of Christ is in the flesh. You have to ask yourself, will I see Her there? Will I see this Bride?

REVELATION 21:9—And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will show thee the bride, the Lamb’s wife.

And one of the Seven Angels came and said unto me; He’s talking to the Revelator. One of the Seven Angels having the seven vials, the last vials to be poured out on the earth! This Angel had the last seven vials to be poured out upon the earth! And he said to John; come hither and I will show you the Lamb’s Wife: not wive(s)! Come here and I will show you the Bride, the Lamb’s Wife! It might even have been the Lamb Himself that had the seven vials of the Last Days Plague to be poured out! You know what a plague is? Trouble! Problems! Sicknesses! Laziness! Don’t care! People don’t care today what they preach, what they say or what they do. They want you to believe them anyway!

I believe the Bible teaches us we are our own selves. We don’t have the Altar no more! We don’t have the Truth as it once was anymore! We make excuses for double marriage! We make excuses for sin that the Bible didn’t make! And Saul ran into a problem with God because he didn’t carry out the Word and the Law of the Lord! Come hither, do you want to see the Bride? Do you want to see the Lamb’s Wife? You have to come here! Come see what the Lord wants to show you, come back to Him! This is what He did for him. This is what the Lord did for ole John. Do you believe He’ll do it for you? You need to answer that for yourself!

You’re the only person that can make you go and see it by doing the Will of God, Worshipping Him and not staying home and going somewhere else! Do something for God! Do something for you! That’s what John had to do; he had to do something for him! Only one of the Seven Angels of God, which had the seven vials full of the Last, understand the Last Days Plague! And He talked with me, saying, come hither; I will show thee the Bride, the Lamb’s Wife!

REVELATION 21:10—And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God.

And He carried me into an excitedly Great and High…Mountain! A Great and High Mountain! That is the Church! It isn’t going to be a little bit of people; it’s going to be a Great and High Mountain. God will wash all the filth out of the Body of Christ: that’s yet to come! He’s going to have a Great and a Mighty High Mountain of People! He’s going to do better then what they’re doing today! You’re going to do better then what you’re living today if you be in that Mountain! There are a lot of things in store for you here if you overcome and win! And He carried me away in the Spirit; you have to get in the Spirit! If you’re not in the Spirit you’re not going! John had to go in the Spirit, couldn’t go in the flesh! The Church of God of Prophecy has to return to the old Standard, to the old way of Serving and Praising God! Today we don’t have the Flag, we have the logo, that’s about right, you’re going low if you go anywhere!

SONG OF SOLOMON 2:4—He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love.

Where is the Love? You can’t come to the Banqueting House staying home! You can’t come to the Banqueting going and doing everything else! Where is your Love? His Banner over me was Love!

PSALM 60:4—Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth. Selah.

Thou hast given a Banner, Banner, that’s the Flag, that’s not a logo, a Banner! God gave The Church of God of Prophecy a Banner that it may be displayed because of the Truth! Used to you’d see the Flag on the back window of people’s cars, there is no Flag flying now! You have to look hard if you ever see one! God gave that Banner for the displaying of the Truth! If you don’t fly the Banner you don’t have the Truth! Where is the Truth?

ISAIAH 13:2—Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain, exalt the voice unto them, shake the hand, that they may go into the gates of the nobles.

Lift ye up a Banner, this is the High Mountain of God! Lift ye up a Banner on the High Mountain, then you can shake the hand of the Nobles, people will come! God will have an Exceedingly Great and High Mountain! Ole John was carried away in the Spirit to a Great High Mountain, that’s the Church Christ built and bought! No man has the right to change the Word in no generation! “Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain.” Exalt the voice unto them, and then you can shake the hand of the Nobles as people will come and drink this Water of Life, Worship God and be a part of the Bride! That’s what the Lord wants today. He wants His Wife to get ready, ready, ready. And if you’re not getting ready, He’s not going to need you!

Now this Angel had the vial of seven, seven vials, seven plagues, you know what plagues are? You haven’t seen trouble yet! You haven’t seen this Bride yet! And He carried me away in the Spirit, and you have to be in the Spirit, to an exceedingly Great and High Mountain! I believe God is still going to fill the House of God with many, many, many people! He’s going to wash out the stubborn, the lazy, the old, and the cold and fill it up with people searching for more God, more Salvation for they want to see the Glory of the Lord!

This is going to be the place that the Bride of Christ today is going to dwell with the King of Glory forever! This is where The Church of God of Prophecy is going to spend Eternity with Her Husband! It’s going to be an exceedingly Great and High Mountain! You’re not going to find folks like Lamech there! You’re not going to find folks like Cain there! You’re not going to find Deceitful people there! You’re not going to find lazy people there! If you want to look Holy, act Holy, live Holy, and be Holy, get out of bed! Go to the House of God! Don’t let anything stop you from Working! You’re not Worshipping God lying around the house! God is getting nothing out of your service.