May 27, 2015
The May meeting of the Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 Board of School Directors was held on Wednesday, May 27, 2015 at the Colonial Intermediate Unit 20, 6 Danforth Drive, Easton, PA. President Baxter called the meeting to order at 7:43 PM at which time the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Members Present:
Susan Baxter, Saucon Valley (President)
Pamela Colton, Bangor (Vice-President)
Dr. Michael Baird, Northampton
Ethan Habrial, Pen Argyl
Cindy Nester, Wilson
Kenneth Butz, Nazareth
Eileen Featherman, East Stroudsburg
Eugene McKeon, Bethlehem
Merlyn Clarke, Stroudsburg
Members Absent:
Pam Lufty, Delaware Valley
Michelle Price, Easton
Daniel Wunder, Pleasant Valley
Annabella Lastowski, Pocono Mountain
Also Present:
Dr. Charlene M. Brennan, Executive Director
Dr. Mary Beth Bianco, Assistant Executive Director
Ms. Michelle Koch, Secretary to the Board
Mr. Anthony Pidgeon, Director of Human Resources & Research Services
Dr. Janice Cunningham, Director of Resolve Behavioral Health Services
Mr. Thomas Kalinoski, Director of Technology
Mr. Christopher Wolfel, Director of Special Education
Mr. Hans Baltzersen, Director of Business Services
Mr. John Freund, Solicitor
4. MOTION to Approve Agenda – May 27, 2015
On motion by Mr. Butz, seconded by Mr. McKeon, and unanimously passed by voice vote, the Board approved the Agenda as presented with any additions and/or corrections noted.
5. MOTION TO Approve Minutes of Meeting – April 22, 2015
On motion by Dr. Butz, seconded by Ms. Colton, and passed by voice vote the Board approved the Minutes of the April 22, 2015 meeting as presented.
6. MOTION TO Approve the Report of the Treasurer & Request for Approval of Bills – April, 2015
On motion by Ms. Featherman, seconded by Mr. McKeon, and unanimously passed by voice vote, the Report of the Treasurer for the month of April, 2015 was approved and bills ordered paid.
Mrs. Baxter announced that an Executive Session was held prior to the meeting to discuss Legal and Personnel matters. Present were: Susan Baxter, Pamela Colton, Eileen Featherman, Ken Butz, Ethan Habrial, Dr. Michael Baird, Merlyn Clarke, Eugene McKeon, Cindy Nester, Dr. Brennan, Dr. Bianco, Mr. Pidgeon, Mr. Baltzersen and Atty. Freund.
8. COMMUNICATIONS None at this time
Janine Page, representing the PSEA
10. COMMENTS BY VISITORS (Agenda Items) None at this time
a. Dr. Brennan told the Board about Kathy Emeigh’s upcoming retirement. She expressed that Kathy has been with the IU for 19 years and will be greatly missed.
b. Dr. Brennan gave a brief explanation of the five largest budgets: Special Education, Transportation, Partial Hospitalization, Emotional Support and Colonial Academy. Then Hans Baltzersen explained them in further detail, and answered questions from the Board.
2015 – 2016 Summarized Budgets for Review:
i. Special Education - $29,010,176 ATTACHMENT 11.a(i)
ii. Transportation - $6,045,000 ATTACHMENT 11.a(ii)
iii. Special Services Partial Hospitalization - $7,894,267 ATTACHMENT 11.a(iii)
iv. Resolve Emotional Support - $4,828,305 ATTACHMENT 11.a(iv)
v. Colonial Academy - $8,577,275 ATTACHMENT 11.a(v)
· The Twenty was distributed for the month of May
Mr. Habrial asked about the progress of the Bond Issue. Mr. Baltzersen explained that there were papers to be signed at the end of the meeting, and that closing is scheduled for the beginning of June.
On motion by Mr. McKeon and seconded by Ms. Featherman and unanimously passed by voice vote, the Board approved the following Action Items (on Agenda) as presented with any additions and/or corrected noted:
1. Approval – Determination of Place and Time for Board Meetings – 2015-2016
It is recommended the Board establish the fourth Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at the Intermediate Unit office as their regular meeting date and time for 2014-2015; however, there will be no meeting in July, and the November and December meetings will be combined into a single meeting to be held on the second Wednesday of December (December 9, 2015).
Snow Dates have been established for the months of January, February and March, 2016.
2. Acknowledgement – Completion of Induction
It is recommended the Board acknowledge the following individual who has completed the CIU20 Induction Program:
Christine Scavello
Nicole Skibbee
3. Approval – Additional program
It is recommended the Board approve an additional program location for a Therapeutic Emotional Support Program at the Bangor Middle School for the 2015-2016 school year. The program will require one Special Education Teacher, one Associate Teacher and one Mental Health Worker.
4. Approval – Reading Specialist position at Colonial Academy, change from part-time to full-time
It is recommended the Board approve a change from part-time to full-time in the Reading Specialist position at Colonial Academy for the 2015-2016 school year.
5. Approval – Reclassification of classroom at Colonial Academy
It is recommended the Board approve the reclassification of an Alternative Education classroom to an Emotional Support classroom at Colonial Academy for the 2015-2016 school year, necessitating an Associate Teacher position to be added to the classroom.
6. Approval – Additional program
It is recommended the Board approve an additional program location for a Therapeutic Emotional Support Program at the J.T. Lambert Intermediate School for the 2015-2016 school year. The program will require one Special Education Teacher, one Associate Teacher and one Mental Health Worker.
7. Approval – New Class/Positions
a. Associate Teacher (1:1) effective April 23, 2015 and will continue until the student moves or no longer needs service. The Nazareth Area School District has requested the Intermediate Unit provide an Associate Teacher to meet the needs of an individual student ATTACHMENT 13.7.a
8. Adoption – Out-of-Pocket Limits
It is recommended the Board adopt the out-of-pocket limits concerning cost-sharing maximum benefits for its health plan(s) in compliance with the Affordable Care Act, as stated ATTACHMENT 13.8
9. Approval – Budgets 2015-2016
It is recommended the Board approve the following budgets for the 2015-2016 school year: ATTACHMENTS 13.9 a-y
a. / Act 89 Nonpublic School Services / $2,680,736b. / Building Improvement Fund / $100,000
c. / Colonial Academy / $8,577,275
d. / Colonial Academy Lunch Program / $183,645
e. / Computer Purchases / $160,000
f. / CPE Tracker / $106,500
g. / Cyber Services / $157,123
h. / Detention Home / $739,697
i. / Driver Education / $79,803
j. / Extended School Year / $590,025
k. / Innovative Services / $175,170
l. / Monroe County Prison / $121,862
m. / Northampton County Prison / $118,007
n. / One on One Support Services / $2,657,189
o. / Outpatient Services / $586,624
p. / Printing Services / $194,214
q. / Provider 50 CIU20 / $1,279,248
r. / PT and OT Special Equipment / $30,000
s. / Resolve Emotional Support / $4,828,305
t. / Special Education Program / $29,010,176
u. / Special Services, Partial Hospitalization / $7,894,267
v. / Technology Services / $707,170
w. / Transportation / $6,045,000
x. / Truancy Intervention / $245,570
y. / WAN / $580,000
10. Termination of Employee #045640
It is recommended the Board approve the termination and Resolution of Employee #045640 effective
May 27, 2015.
11. Approval – Event Sponsorship Agreement
It is recommended the Board approve the Event Sponsorship Agreement between the National Energy Foundation and CIU20 (in association with Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit 21). This agreement is for $750.00 and will be in effect from April 28, 2015 through November 5, 2015.
12. Approval – Appointment of a Nominating Committee
It is recommended the Board approve Mr. Butz and Ms. Colton to the Nominating Committee to
ADDENDUM – ADD – None at this time
On motion by Mr. Habrial and seconded by Ms. Featherman and unanimously passed by voice vote, (with the exception of items F.15 and F.28 receiving NO votes from Mr. Habrial) the Board approved the following Personnel Items (On Agenda) as presented with any additions and/or corrections noted.
On motion by Mr. Habrial and seconded by Mr. McKeon and unanimously passed by voice vote, the Board approved the following Personnel Items (On Addendum) as presented with any additions and/or corrections noted.
A. LEAVES OF ABSENCE None at this time
ADDENDUM ADD: None at this time
It is recommended the Board accept the following Resignations:
Name / Position / Effective Date1 / Emeigh, Kathy / Director of Curriculum / September 30, 2015
2 / Freeman, Alan / Associate Teacher / April 28, 2015
3 / Lentini, Jacqueline / Associate Teacher / May 11, 2015
4 / Merida, Jamie / Special Education Teacher / June 30, 2015
5 / Norman, Carolyn / Mental Health Treatment Specialist / June 30, 2015
6 / Pawlowski, Zachary / Associate Teacher / May 15, 2015
Name / Position / Effective Date11 / Bloom, James / Mental Health Worker / August 1, 2015
12 / Serfass, Martha / Associate Teacher / August 16, 2015
It is recommended the Board approve the following Job Status Changes:
Name / Assignment / Salary / Effective1 / Altemose, Tracy / From Van Driver/Monitor to Bus Driver/Van Driver/Monitor / $14.76/13.27/11.77 per hour / April 1, 2015
2 / Garvin, Jonathan / From Associate Teacher (1:1) to Classroom Associate Teacher (Autistic Support, Stroudsburg Intermediate School, SASD) / Remains the same / April 23, 2015
3 / Polinski, Thomas / From Associate Teacher (1:1) to Classroom Associate Teacher (Autistic Support, East Stroudsburg High School North, ESASD) / Remains the same / April 27, 2015
ADDENDUM ADD: None at this time
Name / Assignment / Salary / Effective Date4 / Callanan, MaryEllen / From Level VI Cabinet Secretary to Cluster 2F Secretary / 2014-2015 Step 9, Cluster 2F (2012-2013 Salary $26,889) / May 15, 2015
It is recommended the Board approve the following Appointments:
Name / Assignment / Salary / Effective Date1 / Babaz, Jason / Mental Health Worker (ES, Palmer Elementary School, EASD) / $27,117 (Step 3 Bachelor’s Degree) / April 13, 2015
2 / Bokan, Nicole / Part-time (.8) Associate Teacher (EI, Colonial Early Learning Center) / 2014-2015 Step 1 HS/HQ (2012-2013 Salary $12,892) / April 27, 2015
3 / Corrigan, Caitlin / Mental Health Worker (PHP, Palmer Elementary School, EASD) / $25,780 (Step 1 Bachelor’s Degree) / May 4, 2015
4 / Emmel, Heather / Associate Teacher (1:1) (AS, Swiftwater Intermediate School, PMSD) / 2014-2015 Step 1 BS/BA (2012-2013 Salary $20,115) / April 27, 2015
5 / Horvath, Jennifer / Teacher (Hearing Impaired Support, Est Hills Middle School, BASD) / $65,279 (Step 14, Master’s Degree) / May 12, 2015
6 / Martin, Stephanie / Associate Teacher (AS, Governor Wolf Elementary School, BASD) / 2014-2015 Step 1 HS/HQ (2012-2013 Salary $16,115) / May 18, 2015
7 / Olivia, Rachel / Associate Teacher (AS, Shawnee Elementary School, EASD) / 2014-2015 Step 1 BS/BA (2012-2013 Salary $20,115) / May 26, 2015
8 / Omdalen, Leslie / Associate Teacher (1:1) (MDS, Northeast Middle School, BASD) / 2014-2015 Step 1 HS48/AS (2012-2013 Salary $17,615) / May 12, 2015
9 / Perreca, Brianna / Associate Teacher (EI, Head Start, Washington Elementary School, BASD) / 2014-2015 Step 1 BS/BA (2012-2013 Salary $20,115) / April 27, 2015
10 / Soto, Carlos / Associate Teacher (1:1) (PHP, Colonial Academy) / 2014-2015 Step 1 HS/HQ (2012-2013 Salary $16,115) / May 11, 2015
11 / Yaniger, Jenae / Associate Teacher (1:1) (LSS, Nazareth Middle School, NASD) / 2014-2015 Step 1 BS/BA (2012-2013 Salary $20,115) / April 20, 2015
Name / Assignment / Salary / Effective Date12 / Freeman, Katherine / Associate Teacher (1:1) (AS, Stroudsburg Intermediate Elementary, SASD) / $20,190 (Step 1 BS/BA, Cluster 7) / May 28, 2015
13 / Gaddy, Iro / Associate Teacher (1:1) (LSS, George Wolf Elementary, NASD) / 2014-2015 Step 1 HS/HQ (2012-13 Salary $16,115) / May 11, 2015
14 / Searles, Cindy / Monitor (1:1), Transportation Department / $11.77 per hour / May 22, 2015
15 / Zervos, Elena / Associate Teacher (AS, Nazareth Middle, NASD) / $20,190 (Step 1 BS/BA Cluster 7) / May 26, 2015
It is recommended the Board approve the following Supplemental Agreements with current employees:
Name / Rate / Service / Effective Dates1 / Chavez, Dario / Contractual hourly rate, not to exceed 72 hours / Management of Summer Food Service / June 30, 2015 – August 6, 2015
2 / Foust, Reik / Not to exceed $250.00 / Stipend for Special Olympic Activities / September 24, 2014 – June 30, 2015
3 / King, Nancy / Contractual hourly rate plus mileage at 57.5 cents, not to exceed 68 hours / To provide orientation and mobility services for a blind and visually impaired student in Bangor as part of his ESY services / July 1, 2015 – July 30, 2015
4 / King, Nancy / Contractual Hourly Rate, not to exceed 7 hours / Provide orientation and mobility services to Early Intervention students that are required by law to receive services throughout / July 6, 2015 – July 28, 2015
5 / Matz, Debra / Not to exceed $500.00 / Will provide a session entitled “Planning and Teaching the Process of Close Reading” at the Title I Literacy Fair / June 17, 2015
6 / Messa, Brigid / Homebound rate/maximum 10 hours per week, plus mileage at the IRS current reimbursable rate / Provide homebound instruction to a Bethlehem School District Student / May 12, 2015 – June 30, 2015
7 / Petrilak, Melissa / Not to exceed $500.00 / Will provide a session entitled “Deepening the Use of Formative-Assessment to Engage Students” at the Title I Literacy Fair / June 17, 2015
8 / Siegfried, Samantha / Not to exceed $8000.00 / Provide driver education training / July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016
9 / Tindula-Popovice, Roxanne / Contractual hourly rate, not to exceed 48 hours / Serve meals at summer programs at Colonial Academy / June 30, 2015 – August 6, 2015
10 / Titmus, Gretchen / Contractual hourly rate, not to exceed 10 hours / Provide services to Early Intervention students that are required by law to receive services throughout all parts of the year / July 6, 2015 – July 28, 2015
The following staff to receive their contractual hourly rate (unless otherwise noted), not to exceed 68 hours,