Regenerate-RISE is a Company Limited by Guarantee and is a registered charity. Its values and ethos is based in the Christian faith. The objects of the charity are as follows:

  • To relieve elderly people resident in the UK who are in need in particular but not exclusively by the provision of support services and practical assistance
  • To provide or assist in the provision of facilities in the interests of social welfare for recreation or other leisure time occupation of such people with the object of improving their conditions of life
  • To help young people, especially but not exclusively though leisure time activities, so as to develop their capabilities that they may grow to full maturity as individuals and members of society

Equal Opportunities Statement Regenerate-RISE has an equal opportunities policy (see attached) and where there is a Genuine Occupational Requirement for a committed Christian to be employed in a specific post, this will be clearly outlined in the Job Description.

Adult Protection Statement Regenerate-RISE is committed to train staff in both Adult and Child Protection in order that issues arising can be dealt with swiftly and efficiently to enable us to provide the best care to our clients. Enhanced Disclosures are carried out on all staff and volunteers and no person can begin work with Regenerate-RISE until the Disclosure is in process. Regenerate-RISE reserves the right to terminate either a member of staff or a volunteer’s employment if the Disclosure reveals a conviction that could have a serious impact on the work and has not been previously disclosed on application.

Staff Support Statement Regenerate-RISE is committed to supporting all staff through training whilst at work and is also committed to ensuring that the physical, emotional and mental well-being of staff is regularly assessed. Appropriate support will be available in any given circumstances – with the agreement of the member of staff and their Line Manager. This may include compassionate leave, outside counselling/support for staff or family, extra day’s annual leave or additional supervision – as Regenerate-RISE recognises that staff working in this area have additional stresses to cope with. Regenerate-RISE also recognises that working with older people who inevitably face death, can be very distressing at times and will offer extra support in difficult circumstances. Regenerate-RISE pays staff during their lunch breaks

Work Experience Statement Regenerate-RISE is committed to providing young people who attend school, college or university with work experience placements to help them develop their career in the care field. We are also committed to working with local schools, the Youth Inclusion Project and other agencies, in providing opportunities for intergenerational interaction to enable young people to value older peoples’ contribution to society as well as helping to disperse the fear that some older people have of meeting young people in their communities.