Dear Friends,

As we approach the celebration of Israel’s 60thbirthday, there are many interesting publications that (we hope) you might be interested in.

KolYisrael – Sixty Years -This is a book that documents the history of the Voice of Israel from independence until today. It includes chapters on early radio in mandatory Palestine in TelAviv, on radio in Jerusalem in the 1930’s as well as on the ‘Riots,’ Arab uprisings and radio in the shadow of world wars.

Only after nine chapters do we see the treatment of the early state period and the absorption of refugees. In the 1950’s and 60’s the radio (and the book) direct attention to sports, entertainment, music, poetry and song. Later chapters examine the period of ‘MivtzaKadesh,’ the 1956 Sinai Campaign the anxiety and victory in 1967, Arabic broadcasting, radio advertising and much more. Naturally, the book carries the reader through Lebanon(I and II) and the Gulf war, on “Peace with Egypt” and Jordan as well as incidents of terrorism.

Surprisingly, for such a comprehensive work, NativaBenYehuda, a Palmach fighter during the war of independence and author, who has been a popular radio personality for the past fifteen years, is conspicuously absent. (She appears in the index twice with no actual appearance in the book.)

Clearly, this book, while presented as a popular work with glossy photos in magazine format, with inset boxes of text and photos, is an important source of historical documentation. The book, written by IziMann, includes descriptions of famous as well as some lesser-known individuals whose historical contributions to radio, the State of Israel, Hebrew Language, Israeli culture or music are significant. I recommend this book for any library, student or scholar of the history and culture of Israel or anyone who has enjoyed the pleasures of Israeli radio.

Cat. # 66864 $ 47.00

Yossi Sarid has authored a new book entitled, ‘Accordingly We Are Here Assembled,’ (LefikakhNitkanassnu – HistoriahAlternativit’) which looks back on the early years of Israel and examines the political figures and struggles of those years with humor and insight. Some of the characters are composites of people and types of the period. This book falls into the category of “alternative history” and/or historical novel (as parts are “real” and parts are “what if…”) isbn 978-965-482-582-5

Cat. # 66671 $29.00

ShiurMoledet…,’ aka ‘HomeLand,’ is a beautiful book, which thankfully straddles several categories. YoavKutner has brought together an incredible collection of Hebrew and Israeli poetry and has added his insight on the poets, the era and the surroundings.

To describe this book as merely a Hebrew poetry collection or a popular coffee table book would be to do a serious injustice. The book is a fountain of Hebrew Israeli poetry with important photos, book covers and more. The text is explanatory and important from both a literary and historical perspective. I highly recommend this book, which is certainly one of the best of the year and maybe the decade. isbn 978-965-13-1956-3, is published by AmOved, TelAviv, 2008. Cat. # 66534 $46.00

Not to be left out, Carta has published ‘AlKolEleh,’ for Israel’s 60th, also glossy magazine style, with photos and many entries for each year. The book includes a DVD. Isbn 978-965-220-735-7 67051 $67.00

Another title for birthday celebrations is ‘Ahavat ha-Aretz / Sirat ha-Aretz ve-Nofehah,’ (Israel – A Love song) edited by TelmaEligon-Roz, on Israeli poetry and views. Although published by Kinneret, I find it just a collection of poetry and photos - although I am sure others may disagree on this one as it has songs by Aviv Gefen (Yihye Tov) and Ehud Manor but this after all just one man’s opinion. A nice gift but that’s it. 67061 $49.50

Among the DVD’s we have recently seen are Meduzot( 66280) $22.00 and ha-Sodot ( 66279) $21.00. We have been able to add some very interesting Israeli documentaries to our list such asMo’adon Beit Ha-Kvarot (Cemetery Club) – winner of best documentary awards in Shanghai and Leipzeig, 2006. 66705 $27.00 and Suvenirim (Souvenirs) – 2008. 66704 $22.00 (if you’d like to see the list of recent movies, just ask)

AchinoamNini, aka Noa has released a new music CD and so has Keren Pelesand ShlomoGronich.

These are just some examples of the flowering of Israeli publishing that we are witnessing. For these reasons, we are especially excited to be privileged to supply Israeli books to our clients and friends, at this particularly fertile period in life of Israel.

We have our complaints and concerns but we are proud of Israel as she turns 60 and hope that this year will mark a year of continuing achievement, Peace, Tolerance, Sanity and unblemished celebration.

We appreciate your interest and support and wish you and all of us, a Yom Ha-Azma’ut Samea’ah.


Jeff Spitzer

PS- With your help we hope Israel’s 6oth will be our very best year ever at Jerusalem Books ltd., Thanks !