Minutes of meeting of Transition Town Llandeilo held on 22/07/2013 at the Shire Hall, Llandeilo at 7.30 pm

Present: Katka Dvorakova, Gerry Gold, David Thorpe, Steve Brown

Apologies: Patricia Dodd Racher,John Gaffney

Matters arising

Mark Waghorn provided information on Llandovery housing development plansfor the website.


Gerry would like us to screen ‘Even The Rain’. David to contact the Llandybie Memorial Hall and Steve to contact Llangadog Film Club about screenings.

Party in Penlan Park 15th June

The overall feeling of the meeting was that it is useful for us to be seen there, although our stall attracted relatively few visitors. Gerry suggested that a rota would have avoided so many of us being there all day long.

World According to Monsanto 17th June

This showing attracted a different kind of audience from the earlier showing, with a bigger overall turnout of 25-30. There is interest from NFU Wales in showing the film in the autumn.

Woodland Management Walk at Heol Ddu

Only David, Gareth Ellis and Mike Grogan attended. The site they inspected was interesting but is a long way away and has access difficulties. Gareth suggested that 9-12 people were needed, committing 1 day per month each, to create a functioning woodland management group.
Outcome: An article will appear in The Post, and a public meeting is being arranged for September.

Sustainable Building Event at Twyi Centre 13th July

This was very well attended. Many of the contractors there said they’d be interested in coming to a contractors’ day run by the Energy Subgroup. David made useful contacts with people from Nest, the Welsh Government’s flagship scheme to tackle fuel poverty.

George Marshall – Communicating Energy Efficiency Workshop 3rd July

This was a successful meeting. The importance of being passionate if you are to grab an audience’s attention seemed to be one of the strong messages people came away with.

Llandeilo Food Network

The idea of a foraging walk for each season hasn’t quite worked: the summer one has been postponed repeatedly. The intention now is to have the next one in September as the Autumn walk.

Val Wood-Gaiger got in touch to say that volunteers are being sought for maintenance gardening at Llandovery Hospital. Some food growing will be part of the plan.

A place is still needed for the apple tree presented to us by HBGW!

A World To Win

Gerry reported that he had attended a World To Win planning meeting for a course entitled ‘Communicating The Revolution’. One of the themes is “the origins of the eco-crisis within the profit system”. He suggested that some of the material could be used locally, if we would like.

Jane Davidson

David to contact her and let her suggest dates and topics for a talk in Llandeilo.

The next meeting of Transition Town Llandeilo will be on 13thAugust at 7.30 pm at the Angel.