Jim D. Mason, District Membership Chair

Arlie Daniels, District Governor 5770

Goal 1. I (Jim Mason) will establish a District 5770 Membership Committee of five to six members by 7-15-17 ensuring to designate at least one member of the committee as club expansion lead and one person as referral lead.

  1. Current confirmed members are:
  2. Jim Mason, Membership Committee Chair
  3. Immediate Past District Governor Bob Greenstreet as District club satellite lead and eastern district membership coordinator.
  4. Carter Waid as south central membership coordinator
  5. Basil Weatherly as western membership coordinator
  6. ______to be named as referral lead.
  7. Bob as expansion lead.

Goal 2. I will reconfirm no later than 7-15-17with the incoming District 5770 Governor Arlie Daniels that he is agreeable to also enlist each of the Assistant District Governors to be additional membership support people for our committee.

  1. Contact each of the ADG’s no later than 8-1-17 to explain our membership growth objective with each of them.
  2. Follow up with each ADG on a monthly basis including providing each of them an update on the most current membership status of their clubs.

Goal 3. I will hold an online monthly district membership committee meeting beginning in August of 2017 to discuss clubs and their progress in the District including updates on club expansion progress and referral status.

Goal 4. I or a committee member will personally visit or call each Club president at least once a quarter to update or modify their membership goals, review status, and determine need for assistance.

Goal 5. Achieve a net gain of +37in membershipfor the District at the end of the 2017-2018 year. Our process to do this is as follows:

  1. Of the 21 clubs with membership of 50 or less members our goal would be for 15 of them to be at +1 at the end of the year.
  2. Of the 11 clubs that have more than 50 members:
  3. For the 7 clubs who dropped a total of 31 members ourchallenge goal is to stop the bleeding and each club to grow by +1 at the end of the year
  4. For the four clubs who grew, stayed even or lost just a few members our challenge goal is for each club to grow by +2.
  5. Our new club goal is to charter one new club and add two satellite clubs.
  6. Our total net gain goal is to be at +37 for the year.
  7. We will ask our ADG’s to meet with each of their clubs prior to our Sept. Monthly online meeting and challenge them to meet their specific goal this year.
  8. At our District Fall conference we will provide training on how to retain established members and recruit new members. For every Club President who accepts and achieves their goal, I will personally present each goal achieving Club President with a hand-made pen turned on a lathe by me personally!

Goal 6. Achieve a net gain in female members.

  1. Clubs with up to 50 members will have a goal of gaining at least one new female member than what they had on the rolls on July 1, 2017.
  2. Clubs with over 50 members will have a goal of at least two female members than what they had on the rolls on July 1, 2017.
  3. Prior to Aug. 15th of 2017, I will use the monthly membership chart worksheet provide by the Zone to identify 15 clubs in the district who I believe are willing to accept this challenge.
  4. Prior to Sept. 15th, I will have my committee members contact each club in the District that we have identified, to get them to commit to or modify their goal.
  5. Subsequently, we will have a report on progress from team members and ADG’s on a monthly basis at our on-line meetings.

Goal 7. Achieve a net gain in district members under age 40. Members who were bornafter July 1, 1977 and join between July 1, 2017 and June 1 of 2018 count.

  1. Clubs over 51 members must add two new under 40 members to win the recognition certificate.
  2. Clubs with 50 or less members must add at least one new under 40 member to win the “Jump Start” recognition certificate for female membership.
  3. District Membership Committee Members and ADG’s will contact their clubs bySept. 15th 2017 to get them to commit to or increase their goal and then report their findings at the next on-line membership meeting and monthly thereafter.

Goal 8. Hold two Membership Matters Seminars (4 hours) in different parts of the district inviting all clubs in that part of the District prior to April 31, 2017.

a.On or before September 1, 2017,I will email an invitation to each club membership chair in the District to attend one of two Membership Matters Seminars, one to be held in October and one in March.

b.Each member of the District Membership Committee and ADG’s will call each assigned club membership chair prior to September 15th and personally invite them to attend the Membership Matters Seminarin their area.

c.On or before August 15th, I will contact my Rotary Coordinator to either be trained to conduct the Membership Matters Seminar, have one of my committee be trained, or invite them to send someone to conduct the seminar.

d.On or before September 30th, 2017, I will personally send a letter or email to each Club Membership Chair to ask them to attend and bring a member.

Goal 9. Distribute monthly to each club in the District the 12 years of Membership Historical Data Chart provided by the zone.

  1. On or before, July 31st, I will create an email address file in my mail box so that I can distribute the Monthly Membership Charts to each club president, club membership chair, the DG, DGE, DGN, and DGD, and the District Membership Committee.
  2. On or before July 31st, I will create an email address file in my mail box so I can distribute the Monthly Membership Charts to each Assistant District Governor so they can share them with the Club President and Membership Chairs to which they are assigned. We will ask them to verify that this was accomplished in our on-line monthly membership committee meetings.

Goal 10. I will analyze the 12 year Historical Data Charts for District 5770 and develop a strategy for growing membership; specifically which clubs I think can grow membership, which clubs can maintain membership, and which clubs can stop the loss of membership with a little effort.

a.On or before July 31, 2017, I will do my own analysis of each club in the district (the green clubs, the yellow clubs, and the red clubs) to determine which clubs have the greatest potential for increase based on the 12-year history, which clubs have the greatest potential for retention based on previous trends, and which clubs need assistance from the district to stop the membership bleeding.

  1. On or before August, 31, 2017, I will ask each member of the Membership Committee and ADG’s to give me their thoughts on each of these areas in regard to the Clubs to which they are assigned.
  2. Based on this feedback, we as a Membership Team will determine by Sept. 15th how best to use our time and resources to get back to being a growth District and meeting or exceeding our membership goals and respond accordingly within the District.

Goal 11. Working with Membership Committee Expansion lead, we will identify one or two locations in our District to start a new Rotary Club and develop a plan to achieve the objective of a new Rotary Club.

a.On or before Oct. 1, 2017, we will identify, based on our understanding of the District, a location or locations where a new Rotary Club may be established. We will then approach the nearest Rotary Club to the proposed location and request the president (or his or her designee) to take the lead in developing a new Rotary Club in that location. On the 15th of each month we will follow-up with the host club to access their progress.

b. In the event the Club we approach does not wish to help then we will seek others to assist and or find a different location.

Goal 12. Identify two potential satellite or e-clubs

a.On or before Sept. 1, our satellite club coordinator (Bob Greenstreet) and I will determine where our best opportunities are for creating new satellite clubs.

b.Bob or I will approach candidate clubs that we think might be open to establishing a satellite club. We will offer them information and training on the process and make sure they understand the benefits and process for creating the new club. Where possible we will offer direct assistance in the effort.