Europe Unit 1 Study Guide Geo, Culture, Economy, Environ (273-277 in text, class notes/binder)

  1. How does the temperature change as you move closer to the equator? It gets hotter/warmer

How does it change as you move farther away from the equator?It gets colder

  1. Which type of landform affects the climate in the Southern part of Europe?

Mountains block cold arctic winds

3. List all the rivers we studied in Europe? Danube and Rhine

Why are they so important? For travel and trade. There are many countries in Europe that are landlocked and need the rivers

4. Where does warm air come from along the north western part of Europe?Gulf Stream

What kind of climate does it create?mild

  1. Which 2 countries does the Iberian Peninsula cover?Spain & Portugal
  1. What is the difference between a channel and a strait?

Channel def:wide waterway connecting two larger bodies of water

Strait def: narrow waterway connecting two larger bodies of water

  1. Where are the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn located?Cancer 23 ½ degrees North latitude; Capricorn 23 ½ degrees South latitude
  1. What is a trade barrier?Something that makes trade difficult/impossible. For example, hurricanes, mountains, the government, all are trade barriers

9. Which body of water borders the southern coast of Europe?Mediterranean Sea

10. List 3 physical features/characteristics that are beneficial for trade.

~ rivers

~ oceans

~ being located near water

~ having natural resources

11. How do mountains impact the culture of a region?They can keep cultures/people separated. For example Spain and France have separate languages even though they are neighbors, the Pyrenees mountains divide the two countries.

12. Using relative location, give 3 descriptions for the state of Georgia.




13. Give 3 examples of culture

a. Traditions (Christmas, Ramadan, etc) b. Languages c. Religion D. Foods

  1. True or false, Voluntary trade is when 2 countries agree to trade because they will both profit? If not, what is voluntary trade?
  1. List 3 examples of natural resources
  1. Forests b. Rubber from trees c. Coal d. Salt e. crops
  1. Define Cultural Diversity: Different cultures living in the same region/area
  2. Define Cultural Diffusion:When People move to another region and share their language, religion, foods, etc. They blend with existing customs!
  1. How many gods do Jews believe in? one

What is the vocabulary word for this belief? Monotheism

  1. What is the holy book called for Muslims?Koran/Quran
  1. True or False, All 3major religions practiced in Europe are monotheistic?
  1. What happen after the Chernobyl Disaster in the Ukraine? List 3 things

~ people exposed to high levels of radiation

~ people died from cancer

~ crops and water supplies were contaminated with radio active particles

  1. How is farming sometimes harmful to Europe’s environment? If you over-farm and strip the land of its minerals, then there aren’t enough minerals in the ground to nourish the crops. The crops don’t grow well
  1. Which European countries are affected by acid rain?Norway, Sweden
  1. Define trade barrier: something that makes trade difficult

25. List 3 trade barriers

~ government ~mountains ~(climate) bad weather such as hurricanes, tornadoes & flooding

  1. What are 3 characteristics of “REGION” from 5 themes of Geography

~similarities in land, climate, history, culture, etc.

  1. Define international trade (see trade barrier notes) Trading between countries or worldwide
  1. Define peninsula – A physical feature/country surrounded by water on three sides
  1. How does government impact trade?Governments can decide not to trade with a country because the country is not allowing it’s people certain freedoms. Also, wars impact trade
  1. Explain the London fog/smog?It is London/the U.K.’s biggest environmental issue. Factories and car emissions cause most of it. The pollutants from them make the air difficult to breathe. People living in London suffered from burning eyes and nose, lung problems, some died, children and elderly had a hard time breathing.